#!/usr/bin/env python import os from rich.console import Console from rich.table import Table from rich import box import re import dotenv from utils.console import handle_input console = Console() def check_env() -> bool: if not os.path.exists(".env.template"): console.print("[red]Couldn't find .env.template. Unable to check variables.") return True if not os.path.exists(".env"): console.print("[red]Couldn't find the .env file, creating one now.") with open(".env", "x") as file: file.write("") success = True with open(".env.template", "r") as template: # req_envs = [env.split("=")[0] for env in template.readlines() if "=" in env] matching = {} explanations = {} bounds = {} types = {} oob_errors = {} examples = {} req_envs = [] var_optional = False for line in template.readlines(): if line.startswith("#") is not True and "=" in line and var_optional is not True: req_envs.append(line.split("=")[0]) if "#" in line: examples[line.split("=")[0]] = "#".join(line.split("#")[1:]).strip() elif "#OPTIONAL" in line: var_optional = True elif line.startswith("#MATCH_REGEX "): matching[req_envs[-1]] = line.removeprefix("#MATCH_REGEX ")[:-1] var_optional = False elif line.startswith("#OOB_ERROR "): oob_errors[req_envs[-1]] = line.removeprefix("#OOB_ERROR ")[:-1] var_optional = False elif line.startswith("#RANGE "): bounds[req_envs[-1]] = tuple( map( lambda x: float(x) if x != "None" else None, line.removeprefix("#RANGE ")[:-1].split(":"), ) ) var_optional = False elif line.startswith("#MATCH_TYPE "): types[req_envs[-1]] = eval(line.removeprefix("#MATCH_TYPE ")[:-1].split()[0]) var_optional = False elif line.startswith("#EXPLANATION "): explanations[req_envs[-1]] = line.removeprefix("#EXPLANATION ")[:-1] var_optional = False else: var_optional = False missing = set() incorrect = set() dotenv.load_dotenv() for env in req_envs: value = os.getenv(env) if value is None: missing.add(env) continue if env in matching.keys(): re.match(matching[env], value) is None and incorrect.add(env) if env in bounds.keys() and env not in types.keys(): len(value) >= bounds[env][0] or ( len(bounds[env]) > 1 and bounds[env][1] >= len(value) ) or incorrect.add(env) continue if env in types.keys(): try: temp = types[env](value) if env in bounds.keys(): (bounds[env][0] <= temp or incorrect.add(env)) and len(bounds[env]) > 1 and ( bounds[env][1] >= temp or incorrect.add(env) ) except ValueError: incorrect.add(env) if len(missing): table = Table( title="Missing variables", highlight=True, show_lines=True, box=box.ROUNDED, border_style="#414868", header_style="#C0CAF5 bold", title_justify="left", title_style="#C0CAF5 bold", ) table.add_column("Variable", justify="left", style="#7AA2F7 bold", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Explanation", justify="left", style="#BB9AF7", no_wrap=False) table.add_column("Example", justify="center", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Min", justify="right", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Max", justify="left", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True) for env in missing: table.add_row( env, explanations[env] if env in explanations.keys() else "No explanation given", examples[env] if env in examples.keys() else "", str(bounds[env][0]) if env in bounds.keys() and bounds[env][1] is not None else "", str(bounds[env][1]) if env in bounds.keys() and len(bounds[env]) > 1 and bounds[env][1] is not None else "", ) console.print(table) success = False if len(incorrect): table = Table( title="Incorrect variables", highlight=True, show_lines=True, box=box.ROUNDED, border_style="#414868", header_style="#C0CAF5 bold", title_justify="left", title_style="#C0CAF5 bold", ) table.add_column("Variable", justify="left", style="#7AA2F7 bold", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Current value", justify="left", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=False) table.add_column("Explanation", justify="left", style="#BB9AF7", no_wrap=False) table.add_column("Example", justify="center", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Min", justify="right", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Max", justify="left", style="#F7768E", no_wrap=True) for env in incorrect: table.add_row( env, os.getenv(env), explanations[env] if env in explanations.keys() else "No explanation given", str(types[env].__name__) if env in types.keys() else "str", str(bounds[env][0]) if env in bounds.keys() else "None", str(bounds[env][1]) if env in bounds.keys() and len(bounds[env]) > 1 else "None", ) missing.add(env) console.print(table) success = False if success is True: return True console.print( "[green]Do you want to automatically overwrite incorrect variables and add the missing variables? (y/n)" ) if not input().casefold().startswith("y"): console.print("[red]Aborting: Unresolved missing variables") return False if len(incorrect): with open(".env", "r+") as env_file: lines = [] for line in env_file.readlines(): line.split("=")[0].strip() not in incorrect and lines.append(line) env_file.seek(0) env_file.write("\n".join(lines)) env_file.truncate() console.print("[green]Successfully removed incorrectly set variables from .env") with open(".env", "a") as env_file: for env in missing: env_file.write( env + "=" + ('"' if env not in types.keys() else "") + str( handle_input( "[#F7768E bold]" + env + "[#C0CAF5 bold]=", types[env] if env in types.keys() else False, matching[env] if env in matching.keys() else ".*", explanations[env] if env in explanations.keys() else "Incorrect input. Try again.", bounds[env][0] if env in bounds.keys() else None, bounds[env][1] if env in bounds.keys() and len(bounds[env]) > 1 else None, oob_errors[env] if env in oob_errors.keys() else "Input too long/short.", extra_info="[#C0CAF5 bold]⮶ " + ( explanations[env] if env in explanations.keys() else "No info available" ), ) ) + ('"' if env not in types.keys() else "") + "\n" ) return True if __name__ == "__main__": check_env()