@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ console = Console()
storymode = False
def download_screenshots_of_reddit_posts ( reddit_object , screenshot_num ) :
""" Downloads screenshots of reddit posts as they are seen on the web.
def download_screenshots_of_reddit_posts ( reddit_object : dict [ str ] , screenshot_num : int ) :
""" Downloads screenshots of reddit posts as seen on the web. Downloads to assets/temp/png
Args :
reddit_object : The Reddit Object you received in askreddit . py
screenshot_num : The number of screenshots you want to download .
reddit_object ( dict [ str ] ) : Reddit object received from subreddit . py
screenshot_num ( int ) : Number of screenshots to downlaod
print_step ( " Downloading screenshots of reddit posts... " )
# ! Make sure the reddit screenshots folder exists