Fix watermark and add transparent mode

Simon 2 years ago
parent 3abf962c29
commit 16dfda63dd

Binary file not shown.

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ ai_similarity_keywords = {optional = true, type="str", example= 'Elon Musk, Twit
allow_nsfw = { optional = false, type = "bool", default = false, example = false, options = [true, false, ], explanation = "Whether to allow NSFW content, True or False" }
theme = { optional = false, default = "dark", example = "light", options = ["dark", "light", ], explanation = "Sets the Reddit theme, either LIGHT or DARK" }
theme = { optional = false, default = "dark", example = "light", options = ["dark", "light", "transparent", ], explanation = "Sets the Reddit theme, either LIGHT or DARK. For story mode you can also use a transparent background." }
times_to_run = { optional = false, default = 1, example = 2, explanation = "Used if you want to run multiple times. Set to an int e.g. 4 or 29 or 1", type = "int", nmin = 1, oob_error = "It's very hard to run something less than once." }
opacity = { optional = false, default = 0.9, example = 0.8, explanation = "Sets the opacity of the comments when overlayed over the background", type = "float", nmin = 0, nmax = 1, oob_error = "The opacity HAS to be between 0 and 1", input_error = "The opacity HAS to be a decimal number between 0 and 1" }
transition = { optional = true, default = 0.2, example = 0.2, explanation = "Sets the transition time (in seconds) between the comments. Set to 0 if you want to disable it.", type = "float", nmin = 0, nmax = 2, oob_error = "The transition HAS to be between 0 and 2", input_error = "The opacity HAS to be a decimal number between 0 and 2" }

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from rich.progress import track
from TTS.engine_wrapper import process_text
def draw_multiple_line_text(image, text, font, text_color, padding, wrap=50) -> None:
def draw_multiple_line_text(image, text, font, text_color, padding, wrap=50, transparent=False) -> None:
Draw multiline text over given image
@ -14,63 +15,45 @@ def draw_multiple_line_text(image, text, font, text_color, padding, wrap=50) ->
Fontperm = font.getsize(text)
image_width, image_height = image.size
lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=wrap)
y = (image_height / 2) - (
((Fontperm[1] + (len(lines) * padding) / len(lines)) * len(lines)) / 2
y = (image_height / 2) - (((Fontperm[1] + (len(lines) * padding) / len(lines)) * len(lines)) / 2)
for line in lines:
line_width, line_height = font.getsize(line)
if transparent:
shadowcolor = "black"
for i in range(1, 5):
draw.text(((image_width - line_width) / 2 - i, y - i), line, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
draw.text(((image_width - line_width) / 2 + i, y - i), line, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
draw.text(((image_width - line_width) / 2 - i, y + i), line, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
draw.text(((image_width - line_width) / 2 + i, y + i), line, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
draw.text(((image_width - line_width) / 2, y), line, font=font, fill=text_color)
y += line_height + padding
# theme=bgcolor,reddit_obj=reddit_object,txtclr=txtcolor
def imagemaker(theme, reddit_obj: dict, txtclr, padding=5) -> None:
def imagemaker(theme, reddit_obj: dict, txtclr, padding=5, transparent=False) -> None:
Render Images for video
title = process_text(reddit_obj["thread_title"], False) #TODO if second argument cause any error
title = process_text(reddit_obj["thread_title"], False) # TODO if second argument cause any error
texts = reddit_obj["thread_post"]
id = re.sub(r"[^\w\s-]", "", reddit_obj["thread_id"])
tfont = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Bold.ttf"), 27) # for title
font = ImageFont.truetype(
os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Regular.ttf"), 20
) # for despcription|comments
size = (500, 176)
if transparent:
font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Bold.ttf"), 50)
tfont = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Bold.ttf"), 50)
tfont = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Bold.ttf"), 35) # for title
font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Regular.ttf"), 30)
size = (1920, 1080)
image ="RGBA", size, theme)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# for title
if len(title) > 40:
draw_multiple_line_text(image, title, tfont, txtclr, padding, wrap=30)
Fontperm = tfont.getsize(title)
((image.size[0] - Fontperm[0]) / 2, (image.size[1] - Fontperm[1]) / 2),
) # (image.size[1]/2)-(Fontperm[1]/2)
draw_multiple_line_text(image, title, tfont, txtclr, padding, wrap=30, transparent=transparent)"assets/temp/{id}/png/title.png")
# for comment|description
for idx, text in track(enumerate(texts), "Rendering Image"):#, total=len(texts)):
for idx, text in track(enumerate(texts), "Rendering Image"):
image ="RGBA", size, theme)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
text = process_text(text,False)
if len(text) > 50:
draw_multiple_line_text(image, text, font, txtclr, padding)
Fontperm = font.getsize(text)
((image.size[0] - Fontperm[0]) / 2, (image.size[1] - Fontperm[1]) / 2),
) # (image.size[1]/2)-(Fontperm[1]/2)
text = process_text(text, False)
draw_multiple_line_text(image, text, font, txtclr, padding, wrap=30, transparent=transparent)"assets/temp/{id}/png/img{idx}.png")

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ def make_final_video(
.filter('scale', screenshot_width, -1)
.filter('scale', 1080, -1)
background_clip = background_clip.overlay(image_clips[i],
enable=f'between(t,{current_time},{current_time + audio_clips_durations[i]})',
@ -235,7 +235,12 @@ def make_final_video(
print_substep(f"Thumbnail - Building Thumbnail in assets/temp/{reddit_id}/thumbnail.png")
text = f"Background by {background_config[2]}"
background_clip = ffmpeg.drawtext(background_clip,
x=f'(w-text_w)', y=f'(h-text_h)',
fontfile=os.path.join("fonts", "Roboto-Regular.ttf"))
print_step("Rendering the video 🎥")
from tqdm import tqdm
pbar = tqdm(total=100, desc="Progress: ", bar_format="{l_bar}{bar}", unit=" %")

@ -58,15 +58,31 @@ def get_screenshots_of_reddit_posts(reddit_object: dict, screenshot_num: int):
bgcolor = (33, 33, 36, 255)
txtcolor = (240, 240, 240)
transparent = False
elif settings.config["settings"]["theme"] == "transparent":
if storymode:
# Transparent theme
bgcolor = (0, 0, 0, 0)
txtcolor = (255, 255, 255)
transparent = True
# Switch to dark theme
cookie_file = open(
"./video_creation/data/cookie-dark-mode.json", encoding="utf-8"
bgcolor = (33, 33, 36, 255)
txtcolor = (240, 240, 240)
transparent = False
cookie_file = open(
"./video_creation/data/cookie-light-mode.json", encoding="utf-8"
bgcolor = (255, 255, 255, 255)
txtcolor = (0, 0, 0)
transparent = False
if storymode and settings.config["settings"]["storymodemethod"] == 1:
# for idx,item in enumerate(reddit_object["thread_post"]):
return imagemaker(theme=bgcolor, reddit_obj=reddit_object, txtclr=txtcolor)
return imagemaker(theme=bgcolor, reddit_obj=reddit_object, txtclr=txtcolor, transparent=transparent)
cookies = json.load(cookie_file)
