import requests
import os
import subprocess
def ffmpeg_install_windows ( ) :
try :
zip = " "
r = requests . get ( zip )
with open ( " " , " wb " ) as f :
f . write ( r . content )
import zipfile
with zipfile . ZipFile ( " " , " r " ) as zip_ref :
zip_ref . extractall ( )
os . remove ( " " )
os . rename ( " ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl " , " ffmpeg " )
# Move the files inside bin to the root
for file in os . listdir ( " ffmpeg/bin " ) :
os . rename ( f " ffmpeg/bin/ { file } " , f " ./ { file } " )
os . rmdir ( " ffmpeg/bin " )
for file in os . listdir ( " ffmpeg/doc " ) :
os . remove ( f " ffmpeg/doc/ { file } " )
os . rmdir ( " ffmpeg/doc " )
os . remove ( " ffmpeg/LICENSE.txt " )
os . rmdir ( " ffmpeg/ " )
print (
" FFmpeg installed successfully! Please restart your computer and then re-run the program. "
except Exception as e :
print (
" An error occurred while trying to install FFmpeg. Please try again. Otherwise, please install FFmpeg manually and try again. "
print ( e )
exit ( )
def ffmpeg_install_linux ( ) :
try :
subprocess . run (
" sudo apt install ffmpeg " ,
shell = True ,
stdout = subprocess . PIPE ,
stderr = subprocess . PIPE ,
except Exception as e :
print (
" An error occurred while trying to install FFmpeg. Please try again. Otherwise, please install FFmpeg manually and try again. "
print ( e )
exit ( )
print ( " FFmpeg installed successfully! Please re-run the program. " )
exit ( )
def ffmpeg_install_mac ( ) :
try :
subprocess . run (
" brew install ffmpeg " ,
shell = True ,
stdout = subprocess . PIPE ,
stderr = subprocess . PIPE ,
except FileNotFoundError :
print (
" Homebrew is not installed. Please install it and try again. Otherwise, please install FFmpeg manually and try again. "
exit ( )
print ( " FFmpeg installed successfully! Please re-run the program. " )
exit ( )
def ffmpeg_install ( ) :
try :
# Try to run the FFmpeg command
subprocess . run (
[ " ffmpeg " , " -version " ] , check = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . PIPE
except FileNotFoundError as e :
# Check if there's ffmpeg.exe in the current directory
if os . path . exists ( " ./ffmpeg.exe " ) :
print (
" FFmpeg is installed on this system! If you are seeing this error for the second time, restart your computer. "
print ( " FFmpeg is not installed on this system. " )
resp = input (
" We can try to automatically install it for you. Would you like to do that? (y/n): "
if resp . lower ( ) == " y " :
print ( " Installing FFmpeg... " )
if os . name == " nt " :
ffmpeg_install_windows ( )
elif os . name == " posix " :
ffmpeg_install_linux ( )
elif os . name == " mac " :
ffmpeg_install_mac ( )
else :
print ( " Your OS is not supported. Please install FFmpeg manually and try again. " )
exit ( )
else :
print ( " Please install FFmpeg manually and try again. " )
exit ( )
except Exception as e :
print (
" Welcome fellow traveler! You ' re one of the few who have made it this far. We have no idea how you got at this error, but we ' re glad you ' re here. Please report this error to the developer, and we ' ll try to fix it as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience! "
print ( e )
return None