import re
import base64
import os
import random
import requests
from moviepy.editor import AudioFileClip, concatenate_audioclips, CompositeAudioClip
# https://twitter.com/scanlime/status/1512598559769702406
nonhuman = [ # DISNEY VOICES
'en_us_ghostface', # Ghost Face
'en_us_chewbacca', # Chewbacca
'en_us_c3po', # C3PO
'en_us_stitch', # Stitch
'en_us_stormtrooper', # Stormtrooper
'en_us_rocket', # Rocket
human = ['en_au_001', # English AU - Female
'en_au_002', # English AU - Male
'en_uk_001', # English UK - Male 1
'en_uk_003', # English UK - Male 2
'en_us_001', # English US - Female (Int. 1)
'en_us_002', # English US - Female (Int. 2)
'en_us_006', # English US - Male 1
'en_us_007', # English US - Male 2
'en_us_009', # English US - Male 3
voices = nonhuman + human
noneng = [
'fr_001', # French - Male 1
'fr_002', # French - Male 2
'de_001', # German - Female
'de_002', # German - Male
'es_002', # Spanish - Male
'es_mx_002', # Spanish MX - Male
'br_001', # Portuguese BR - Female 1
'br_003', # Portuguese BR - Female 2
'br_004', # Portuguese BR - Female 3
'br_005', # Portuguese BR - Male
'id_001', # Indonesian - Female
'jp_001', # Japanese - Female 1
'jp_003', # Japanese - Female 2
'jp_005', # Japanese - Female 3
'jp_006', # Japanese - Male
'kr_002', # Korean - Male 1
'kr_003', # Korean - Female
'kr_004', # Korean - Male 2
# good_voices = {'good': ['en_us_002', 'en_us_006'],
# 'ok': ['en_au_002', 'en_uk_001']} # less en_us_stormtrooper more less en_us_rocket en_us_ghostface
class TTTTSWrapper: # TikTok Text-to-Speech Wrapper
def __init__(self):
self.URI_BASE = 'https://api16-normal-useast5.us.tiktokv.com/media/api/text/speech/invoke/?text_speaker='
def tts(self, req_text: str = "TikTok Text To Speech", filename: str = 'title.mp3', random_speaker: bool = False):
req_text = req_text.replace("+", "plus").replace(" ", "+").replace("&", "and")
voice = self.randomvoice() if random_speaker else (os.getenv('VOICE') or random.choice(human))
chunks = [m.group().strip() for m in re.finditer(r' *((.{0,200})(\.|.$))', req_text)]
audio_clips = []
chunkId = 0
for chunk in chunks:
r = requests.post(f"{self.URI_BASE}{voice}&req_text={chunk}&speaker_map_type=0")
vstr = [r.json()["data"]["v_str"]][0]
b64d = base64.b64decode(vstr)
with open(f"{filename}-{chunkId}", "wb") as out:
chunkId = chunkId + 1
audio_concat = concatenate_audioclips(audio_clips)
audio_composite = CompositeAudioClip([audio_concat])
audio_composite.write_audiofile(filename, 44100, 2, 2000, None)
def randomvoice():
ok_or_good = random.randrange(1, 10)
if ok_or_good == 1: # 1/10 chance of ok voice
return random.choice(voices)
return random.choice(human) # 9/10 chance of good voice