These videos on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram get MILLIONS of views across all platforms and require very little effort. The only original thing being done is the editing and gathering of all materials...
... but what if we can automate that process? 🤔
## Disclaimers 🚨
- This is purely for fun purposes.
- **At the moment**, this repository won't attempt to upload this content through this bot. It will give you a file that you will then have to upload manually. This is for the sake of avoiding any sort of community guideline issues.
3. Run `playwright install` and `playwright install-deps`.
4a **Automatic Install**: Run `python3` and type 'yes' to activate the setup assistant.
4b **Manual Install**: Rename `.env.template` to `.env` and replace all values with the appropriate fields. To get Reddit keys (**required**), visit [the Reddit Apps page.]( TL;DR set up an app that is a "script". Copy your keys into the `.env` file, along with whether your account uses two-factor authentication.
5. Run `python3` (unless you chose automatic install, then the installer will automatically run
If you want to see more detailed guide, please refer to the official [documentation](