import os
import random
import re
import requests
import sox
from moviepy.audio.AudioClip import concatenate_audioclips, CompositeAudioClip
from moviepy.audio.io.AudioFileClip import AudioFileClip
voices = ['Brian', 'Emma', 'Russell', 'Joey', 'Matthew', 'Joanna', 'Kimberly', 'Amy', 'Geraint', 'Nicole', 'Justin', 'Ivy', 'Kendra', 'Salli', 'Raveena']
# valid voices https://lazypy.ro/tts/
class POLLY:
def __init__(self):
self.url = 'https://streamlabs.com/polly/speak'
def tts(
req_text: str = "Amazon Text To Speech",
filename: str = "title.mp3",
if random_speaker:
voice = self.randomvoice()
if not os.getenv('VOICE'):
return ValueError('Please set the environment variable VOICE to a valid voice. options are: {}'.format(voices))
voice = str(os.getenv("VOICE")).capitalize()
body = {'voice': voice, 'text': req_text, 'service': 'polly'}
response = requests.post(self.url, data=body)
voice_data = requests.get(response.json()['speak_url'])
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
except KeyError:
if response.json()['error'] == 'Text length is too long!':
chunks = [
m.group().strip() for m in re.finditer(r" *((.{0,530})(\.|.$))", req_text)
audio_clips = []
cbn = sox.Combiner()
chunkId = 0
for chunk in chunks:
body = {'voice': voice, 'text': chunk, 'service': 'polly'}
resp = requests.post(self.url, data=body)
voice_data = requests.get(resp.json()['speak_url'])
with open(filename.replace(".mp3", f"-{chunkId}.mp3"), "wb") as out:
audio_clips.append(filename.replace(".mp3", f"-{chunkId}.mp3"))
chunkId = chunkId + 1
if len(audio_clips) > 1:
cbn.convert(samplerate=44100, n_channels=2)
cbn.build(audio_clips, filename, "concatenate")
os.rename(audio_clips[0], filename)
except (sox.core.SoxError,
FileNotFoundError): # https://github.com/JasonLovesDoggo/RedditVideoMakerBot/issues/67#issuecomment-1150466339
for clip in audio_clips:
i = audio_clips.index(clip) # get the index of the clip
audio_clips = (
audio_clips[:i] + [AudioFileClip(clip)] + audio_clips[i + 1:]
) # replace the clip with an AudioFileClip
audio_concat = concatenate_audioclips(audio_clips)
audio_composite = CompositeAudioClip([audio_concat])
audio_composite.write_audiofile(filename, 44100, 2, 2000, None)
def make_readable(self, text):
Amazon Polly fails to read some symbols properly such as '& (and)'.
So we normalize input text before passing it to the service
text = text.replace('&', 'and')
return text
def randomvoice(self):
return random.choice(voices)