@ -48,10 +48,6 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
* segment headers and final padding, excluding error correction codewords),
* supply the appropriate version number, and call the QrCode() constructor.
* (Note that all ways require supplying the desired error correction level.)
* This constructor creates a new QR Code with the given version number, error correction level, binary data array,
* and mask number. mask = -1 is for automatic choice, or 0 to 7 for fixed choice. This is a cumbersome low-level constructor
* that should not be invoked directly by the user. To go one level up, see the QrCode.encodeSegments() function.
export class QrCode {
@ -157,6 +153,9 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
/*-- Constructor (low level) and fields --*/
// Creates a new QR Code with the given version number, error correction level, binary data array,
// and mask number. mask = -1 is for automatic choice, or 0 to 7 for fixed choice. This is a cumbersome low-level constructor
// that should not be invoked directly by the user. To go one level up, see the QrCode.encodeSegments() function.
public constructor(
// The version number of this QR Code, which is between 1 and 40 (inclusive).
// This determines the size of this barcode.