@ -228,6 +228,28 @@ class QrCode:
If the given coordinates are out of bounds, then False (light) is returned."""
return (0 <= x < self._size) and (0 <= y < self._size) and self._modules[y][x]
def get_ascii(self, white_pixel_char: str = "██", black_pixel_char: str = " ") -> str:
"""Returns a string containing the visual representation of the QrCode as an ASCII
character encoded string. The ASCII characters to be used can be defined as
white_pixel_char and black_pixel_char."""
ascii_string = ""
for y in range(self._size):
for x in range(self._size):
if self.get_module(x,y):
ascii_string += white_pixel_char
ascii_string += black_pixel_char
ascii_string += "\n"
return ascii_string[:-1]
# ---- Dunder methods ----
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Returns a string containing the visual representation of the QrCode as an ASCII
character encoded string."""
return self.get_ascii()
# ---- Private helper methods for constructor: Drawing function modules ----