Simplified TypeScript code by using constructor parameter properties to replace most fields.

Project Nayuki 7 years ago
parent e7854eb797
commit 8db3cfef81

@ -131,21 +131,10 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
/*-- Fields --*/
// This QR Code symbol's version number, which is always between 1 and 40 (inclusive).
public readonly version: int;
// The width and height of this QR Code symbol, measured in modules.
// Always equal to version * 4 + 17, in the range 21 to 177.
public readonly size: int;
// The error correction level used in this QR Code symbol.
public readonly errorCorrectionLevel: QrCode.Ecc;
// The mask pattern used in this QR Code symbol, in the range 0 to 7 (i.e. unsigned 3-bit integer).
// Note that even if the constructor was called with automatic masking requested
// (mask = -1), the resulting object will still have a mask value between 0 and 7.
public readonly mask: int;
// The modules of this QR Code symbol (false = white, true = black).
private readonly modules: Array<Array<boolean>> = [];
@ -153,15 +142,28 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
private readonly isFunction: Array<Array<boolean>> = [];
public constructor(datacodewords: Array<byte>, mask: int, version: int, errCorLvl: QrCode.Ecc) {
/*-- Constructor and fields --*/
public constructor(
datacodewords: Array<byte>,
// The mask pattern used in this QR Code symbol, in the range 0 to 7 (i.e. unsigned 3-bit integer).
// Note that even if the constructor was called with automatic masking requested
// (mask = -1), the resulting object will still have a mask value between 0 and 7.
public readonly mask: int,
// This QR Code symbol's version number, which is always between 1 and 40 (inclusive).
public readonly version: int,
// The error correction level used in this QR Code symbol.
public readonly errorCorrectionLevel: QrCode.Ecc) {
// Check arguments and handle simple scalar fields
if (mask < -1 || mask > 7)
throw "Mask value out of range";
if (version < QrCode.MIN_VERSION || version > QrCode.MAX_VERSION)
throw "Version value out of range";
this.version = version;
this.size = version * 4 + 17;
this.errorCorrectionLevel = errCorLvl;
// Initialize both grids to be size*size arrays of Boolean false
let row: Array<boolean> = [];
@ -733,25 +735,20 @@ namespace qrcodegen {
/*-- Fields --*/
// The mode indicator for this segment.
public readonly mode: QrSegment.Mode;
// The length of this segment's unencoded data, measured in characters. Always zero or positive.
public readonly numChars: int;
private readonly bitData: Array<bit>;
/*-- Constructor --*/
/*-- Constructor and fields --*/
// Creates a new QR Code segment with the given parameters and data.
public constructor(mode: QrSegment.Mode, numChars: int, bitData: Array<bit>) {
public constructor(
// The mode indicator for this segment.
public readonly mode: QrSegment.Mode,
// The length of this segment's unencoded data, measured in characters. Always zero or positive.
public readonly numChars: int,
private readonly bitData: Array<bit>) {
if (numChars < 0)
throw "Invalid argument";
this.mode = mode;
this.numChars = numChars;
this.bitData = bitData.slice(); // Make defensive copy
@ -939,21 +936,13 @@ namespace qrcodegen.QrCode {
public static readonly HIGH = new Ecc(3, 2);
/*-- Fields --*/
/*-- Constructor and fields --*/
// In the range 0 to 3 (unsigned 2-bit integer).
public readonly ordinal: int;
// (Package-private) In the range 0 to 3 (unsigned 2-bit integer).
public readonly formatBits: int;
/*-- Constructor --*/
private constructor(ord: int, fb: int) {
this.ordinal = ord;
this.formatBits = fb;
private constructor(
// In the range 0 to 3 (unsigned 2-bit integer).
public readonly ordinal: int,
// (Package-private) In the range 0 to 3 (unsigned 2-bit integer).
public readonly formatBits: int) {}
@ -981,21 +970,13 @@ namespace qrcodegen.QrSegment {
public static readonly ECI = new Mode(0x7, [ 0, 0, 0]);
/*-- Fields --*/
/*-- Constructor and fields --*/
// The mode indicator bits, which is a uint4 value (range 0 to 15).
public readonly modeBits: int;
// Three values for different version ranges.
private readonly numBitsCharCount: [int,int,int];
/*-- Constructor --*/
private constructor(mode: int, ccbits: [int,int,int]) {
this.modeBits = mode;
this.numBitsCharCount = ccbits;
private constructor(
// The mode indicator bits, which is a uint4 value (range 0 to 15).
public readonly modeBits: int,
// Three values for different version ranges.
private readonly numBitsCharCount: [int,int,int]) {}
/*-- Method --*/
