@ -151,21 +151,21 @@ class QrCode(object):
and mask number. mask = -1 is for automatic choice, or 0 to 7 for fixed choice. This is a cumbersome low-level constructor
that should not be invoked directly by the user. To go one level up, see the QrCode.encode_segments() function."""
# Check arguments and handle simple scalar fields
if not (-1 <= mask <= 7):
raise ValueError("Mask value out of range")
# Check scalar arguments and set fields
if not (QrCode.MIN_VERSION <= version <= QrCode.MAX_VERSION):
raise ValueError("Version value out of range")
if not (-1 <= mask <= 7):
raise ValueError("Mask value out of range")
if not isinstance(errcorlvl, QrCode.Ecc):
raise TypeError("QrCode.Ecc expected")
self._version = version
self._errcorlvl = errcorlvl
self._size = version * 4 + 17
self._errcorlvl = errcorlvl
if len(datacodewords) != QrCode._get_num_data_codewords(version, errcorlvl):
raise ValueError("Invalid array length")
# Initialize grids of modules
# Initialize both grids to be size*size arrays of Boolean false
# The modules of this QR Code symbol (False = white, True = black). Immutable after constructor finishes
self._modules = [[False] * self._size for _ in range(self._size)] # Initially all white
# Indicates function modules that are not subjected to masking. Discarded when constructor finishes