You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

193 lines
6.4 KiB

## This is a prototype of ctc beam search decoder
import copy
import random
import numpy as np
# vocab = blank + space + English characters
#vocab = ['-', ' '] + [chr(i) for i in range(97, 123)]
vocab = ['-', '_', 'a']
def ids_list2str(ids_list):
ids_str = [str(elem) for elem in ids_list]
ids_str = ' '.join(ids_str)
return ids_str
def ids_id2token(ids_list):
ids_str = ''
for ids in ids_list:
ids_str += vocab[ids]
return ids_str
def language_model(ids_list, vocabulary):
# lookup ptb vocabulary
ptb_vocab_path = "./data/ptb_vocab.txt"
sentence = ''.join([vocabulary[ids] for ids in ids_list])
words = sentence.split(' ')
last_word = words[-1]
with open(ptb_vocab_path, 'r') as ptb_vocab:
f = ptb_vocab.readline()
while f:
if f == last_word:
return 1.0
f = ptb_vocab.readline()
return 0.0
def ctc_beam_search_decoder(input_probs_matrix,
Beam search decoder for CTC-trained network, adapted from Algorithm 1
:param input_probs_matrix: probs matrix for input sequence, row major
:type input_probs_matrix: 2D matrix.
:param beam_size: width for beam search
:type beam_size: int
:max_time_steps: maximum steps' number for input sequence,
:type max_time_steps: int
:lang_model: language model for scoring
:type lang_model: function
:param alpha: parameter associated with language model.
:type alpha: float
:param beta: parameter associated with word count
:type beta: float
:param blank_id: id of blank, default 0.
:type blank_id: int
:param space_id: id of space, default 1.
:type space_id: int
:param num_result_per_sample: the number of output decoding results
per given sample, <=beam_size.
:type num_result_per_sample: int
# function to convert ids in string to list
def ids_str2list(ids_str):
ids_str = ids_str.split(' ')
ids_list = [int(elem) for elem in ids_str]
return ids_list
# counting words in a character list
def word_count(ids_list):
cnt = 0
for elem in ids_list:
if elem == space_id:
cnt += 1
return cnt
if num_results_per_sample is None:
num_results_per_sample = beam_size
assert num_results_per_sample <= beam_size
if max_time_steps is None:
max_time_steps = len(input_probs_matrix)
max_time_steps = min(max_time_steps, len(input_probs_matrix))
assert max_time_steps > 0
vocab_dim = len(input_probs_matrix[0])
assert blank_id < vocab_dim
assert space_id < vocab_dim
## initialize
start_id = -1
# the set containing selected prefixes
prefix_set_prev = {str(start_id): 1.0}
probs_b, probs_nb = {str(start_id): 1.0}, {str(start_id): 0.0}
## extend prefix in loop
for time_step in range(max_time_steps):
# the set containing candidate prefixes
prefix_set_next = {}
probs_b_cur, probs_nb_cur = {}, {}
for l in prefix_set_prev:
prob = input_probs_matrix[time_step]
# convert ids in string to list
ids_list = ids_str2list(l)
end_id = ids_list[-1]
if not prefix_set_next.has_key(l):
probs_b_cur[l], probs_nb_cur[l] = 0.0, 0.0
# extend prefix by travering vocabulary
for c in range(0, vocab_dim):
if c == blank_id:
probs_b_cur[l] += prob[c] * (probs_b[l] + probs_nb[l])
l_plus = l + ' ' + str(c)
if not prefix_set_next.has_key(l_plus):
probs_b_cur[l_plus], probs_nb_cur[l_plus] = 0.0, 0.0
if c == end_id:
probs_nb_cur[l_plus] += prob[c] * probs_b[l]
probs_nb_cur[l] += prob[c] * probs_nb[l]
elif c == space_id:
lm = 1.0 if lang_model is None \
else np.power(lang_model(ids_list, vocabulary), alpha)
probs_nb_cur[l_plus] += lm * prob[c] * (
probs_b[l] + probs_nb[l])
probs_nb_cur[l_plus] += prob[c] * (
probs_b[l] + probs_nb[l])
# add l_plus into prefix_set_next
prefix_set_next[l_plus] = probs_nb_cur[
l_plus] + probs_b_cur[l_plus]
# add l into prefix_set_next
prefix_set_next[l] = probs_b_cur[l] + probs_nb_cur[l]
# update probs
probs_b, probs_nb = copy.deepcopy(probs_b_cur), copy.deepcopy(
## store top beam_size prefixes
prefix_set_prev = sorted(
prefix_set_next.iteritems(), key=lambda asd: asd[1], reverse=True)
if beam_size < len(prefix_set_prev):
prefix_set_prev = prefix_set_prev[:beam_size]
prefix_set_prev = dict(prefix_set_prev)
beam_result = []
for (seq, prob) in prefix_set_prev.items():
if prob > 0.0:
ids_list = ids_str2list(seq)[1:]
result = ''.join([vocabulary[ids] for ids in ids_list])
log_prob = np.log(prob)
beam_result.append([log_prob, result])
## output top beam_size decoding results
beam_result = sorted(beam_result, key=lambda asd: asd[0], reverse=True)
if num_results_per_sample < beam_size:
beam_result = beam_result[:num_results_per_sample]
return beam_result
def simple_test():
input_probs_matrix = [[0.1, 0.3, 0.6], [0.2, 0.1, 0.7], [0.5, 0.2, 0.3]]
beam_result = ctc_beam_search_decoder(
space_id=1, )
print "\nbeam search output:"
for result in beam_result:
print("%6f\t%s" % (result[0], ids_id2token(result[1])))
if __name__ == '__main__':