You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

248 lines
9.3 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

.. _example:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pypinyin import pinyin, lazy_pinyin, Style
>>> pinyin('中心')
[['zhōng'], ['xīn']]
>>> pinyin('中心', heteronym=True) # 启用多音字模式
[['zhōng', 'zhòng'], ['xīn']]
>>> pinyin('中心', style=Style.FIRST_LETTER) # 设置拼音风格
[['z'], ['x']]
>>> pinyin('中心', style=Style.TONE2, heteronym=True)
[['zho1ng', 'zho4ng'], ['xi1n']]
>>> lazy_pinyin('中心') # 不考虑多音字的情况
['zhong', 'xin']
* 默认情况下拼音结果不会标明哪个韵母是轻声,轻声的韵母没有声调或数字标识(可以通过参数 ``neutral_tone_with_five=True`` 开启使用 ``5`` 标识轻声 )。
* 默认情况下无声调相关拼音风格下的结果会使用 ``v`` 表示 ``ü`` (可以通过参数 ``v_to_u=True`` 开启使用 ``ü`` 代替 ``v`` )。
* 默认情况下会原样输出没有拼音的字符(自定义处理没有拼音的字符的方法见 `文档 <>`__ )。
.. _handle_no_pinyin:
当程序遇到不包含拼音的字符(串)时,会根据 ``errors`` 参数的值做相应的处理:
* ``default`` (默认行为): 不做任何处理,原样返回::
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo'], ['☆☆']]
* ``ignore`` : 忽略该字符 ::
pinyin('你好☆☆', errors='ignore')
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo']]
* ``replace`` : 替换为去掉 ``\u`` 的 unicode 编码::
pinyin('你好☆☆', errors='replace')
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo'], ['26062606']]
* callable 对象 : 提供一个回调函数,接受无拼音字符(串)作为参数,
支持的返回值类型: ``unicode````list````None``::
pinyin('你好☆☆', errors=lambda x: 'star')
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo'], ['star']]
pinyin('你好☆☆', errors=lambda x: None)
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo']]
返回值类型为 ``list`` 时,会自动 expend list ::
pinyin('你好☆☆', errors=lambda x: ['star' for _ in x])
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo'], ['star'], ['star']]
# 指定多音字
pinyin('你好☆☆', heteronym=True, errors=lambda x: [['star', '☆'] for _ in x])
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo'], ['star', '☆'], ['star', '☆']]
.. _custom_dict:
.. code-block:: python
>> from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin, load_phrases_dict, Style, load_single_dict
>> hans = '桔子'
>> lazy_pinyin(hans, style=Style.TONE2)
['jie2', 'zi3']
>> load_phrases_dict({'桔子': [[''], ['']]}) # 增加 "桔子" 词组
>> lazy_pinyin(hans, style=Style.TONE2)
['ju2', 'zi3']
>> hans = '还没'
>> lazy_pinyin(hans, style=Style.TONE2)
['hua2n', 'me2i']
>> load_single_dict({ord(''): 'hái,huán'}) # 调整 "还" 字的拼音顺序
>>> lazy_pinyin('还没', style=Style.TONE2)
['ha2i', 'me2i']
.. _custom_style:
可以通过 :py:func:`` 来实现自定义拼音风格的需求:
.. code-block:: python
In [1]: from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin
In [2]: from import register
In [3]: @register('kiss')
...: def kiss(pinyin, **kwargs):
...: return '😘 {0}'.format(pinyin)
In [4]: lazy_pinyin('么么', style='kiss')
Out[4]: ['😘 me', '😘 me']
.. _strict:
``strict`` 参数的影响
``strict`` 参数用于控制处理声母和韵母时是否严格遵循 `《汉语拼音方案》`_ 标准:
.. code-block:: python
In [1]: from pypinyin import Style, lazy_pinyin
In [2]: lazy_pinyin('', style=Style.TONE)
Out[2]: ['']
In [3]: lazy_pinyin('', style=Style.INITIALS)
Out[3]: ['']
In [4]: lazy_pinyin('', style=Style.INITIALS, strict=False)
Out[4]: ['w']
In [5]: lazy_pinyin('', style=Style.TONE)
Out[5]: ['']
In [6]: lazy_pinyin('', style=Style.FINALS_TONE)
Out[6]: ['ǖ']
In [7]: lazy_pinyin('', style=Style.FINALS_TONE, strict=False)
Out[7]: ['ū']
``strict=True`` 时根据 `《汉语拼音方案》`_ 的如下规则处理声母、在韵母相关风格下还原正确的韵母
* 21 个声母: ``b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s`` **y, w 不是声母**
* i行的韵母前面没有声母的时候写成yi(衣)ya(呀)ye(耶)yao(腰)you(忧)yan(烟)
yin(因)yang(央)ying(英)yong(雍)。(**y 不是声母**
* u行的韵母前面没有声母的时候写成wu(乌)wa(蛙)wo(窝)wai(歪)wei(威)wan(弯)
wen(温)wang(汪)weng(翁)。(**w 不是声母**
* ü行的韵母前面没有声母的时候写成yu(迂)yue(约)yuan(冤)yun(晕);ü上两点省略。
**韵母相关风格下还原正确的韵母 ü**
* ü行的韵跟声母jqx拼的时候写成ju(居)qu(区)xu(虚),ü上两点也省略;
但是跟声母nl拼的时候仍然写成nü(女)lü(吕)。(**韵母相关风格下还原正确的韵母 ü**
* iouueiuen前面加声母的时候写成iuuiun。例如niu(牛)gui(归)lun(论)。
**韵母相关风格下还原正确的韵母 iouueiuen**
``strict=False`` 时就是不遵守上面的规则来处理声母和韵母,
比如:``y``, ``w`` 会被当做声母yu(迂) 的韵母就是一般认为的 ``u`` 等。
具体差异可以查看 `tests/ <>`_ 中的对比结果测试用例
.. _cli:
程序内置了一个命令行工具 ``pypinyin`` :
.. code-block:: console
$ pypinyin 音乐
yīn yuè
$ pypinyin -h
.. code-block:: console
$ pypinyin -h
usage: pypinyin [-h] [-V] [-f {pinyin,slug}]
[-p SEPARATOR] [-e {default,ignore,replace}] [-m]
convert chinese to pinyin.
positional arguments:
hans chinese string
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-f {pinyin,slug}, --func {pinyin,slug}
function name (default: "pinyin")
pinyin style (default: "zh4ao")
slug separator (default: "-")
-e {default,ignore,replace}, --errors {default,ignore,replace}
how to handle none-pinyin string (default: "default")
-m, --heteronym enable heteronym
``-s``, ``--style`` 参数可以选值的含义如下:
================== =========================================
-s 或 --style 的值 对应的拼音风格
================== =========================================
zhao :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL`
zh4ao :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE`
zha4o :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2`
zhao4 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3`
zh :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.INITIALS`
z :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FIRST_LETTER`
ao :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS`
4ao :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE`
a4o :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE2`
ao4 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE3`
NORMAL :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL`
TONE :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE`
TONE2 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2`
TONE3 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3`
INITIALS :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.INITIALS`
FIRST_LETTER :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FIRST_LETTER`
FINALS :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS`
FINALS_TONE :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE`
FINALS_TONE2 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE2`
FINALS_TONE3 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE3`
BOPOMOFO :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.BOPOMOFO`
BOPOMOFO_FIRST :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.BOPOMOFO_FIRST`
CYRILLIC :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.CYRILLIC`
CYRILLIC_FIRST :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.CYRILLIC_FIRST`
================== =========================================
.. _《汉语拼音方案》: