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Hui Zhang d71d1273ed
[speechx] more doc for speechx (#2702)
2 years ago
.gitignore fix param path name; ws client 2 years ago [speechx] more doc for speechx (#2702) 2 years ago fix speech ws example, test=doc 2 years ago add streaming chunk,test=doc 2 years ago fix speech ws example, test=doc 2 years ago

Streaming DeepSpeech2 Server with WebSocket

This example is about using websocket as streaming deepspeech2 server. For deepspeech2 model training please see here.

The websocket protocal is same to PaddleSpeech Server, for detail of implementation please see here.



SpeechX bins is under echo $SPEECHX_BUILD, more info please see

Start WebSocket Server


The output is like below:

I1130 02:19:32.029882 12856] cmvn josn path: /workspace/zhanghui/PaddleSpeech/speechx/examples/ds2_ol/websocket/data/model/data/mean_std.json
I1130 02:19:32.032230 12856] nframe: 907497
I1130 02:19:32.032564 12856] cmvn stats have write into: /workspace/zhanghui/PaddleSpeech/speechx/examples/ds2_ol/websocket/data/cmvn.ark
I1130 02:19:32.032579 12856] Binary: 1
I1130 02:19:32.798342 12937 feature_pipeline.h:53] cmvn file: /workspace/zhanghui/PaddleSpeech/speechx/examples/ds2_ol/websocket/data/cmvn.ark
I1130 02:19:32.798542 12937 feature_pipeline.h:58] dither: 0
I1130 02:19:32.798583 12937 feature_pipeline.h:60] frame shift ms: 10
I1130 02:19:32.798588 12937 feature_pipeline.h:62] feature type: linear
I1130 02:19:32.798596 12937 feature_pipeline.h:80] frame length ms: 20
I1130 02:19:32.798601 12937 feature_pipeline.h:88] subsampling rate: 4
I1130 02:19:32.798606 12937 feature_pipeline.h:90] nnet receptive filed length: 7
I1130 02:19:32.798611 12937 feature_pipeline.h:92] nnet chunk size: 1
I1130 02:19:32.798615 12937 feature_pipeline.h:94] frontend fill zeros: 0
I1130 02:19:32.798630 12937 nnet_itf.h:52] subsampling rate: 4
I1130 02:19:32.798635 12937 nnet_itf.h:54] model path: /workspace/zhanghui/PaddleSpeech/speechx/examples/ds2_ol/websocket/data/model/exp/deepspeech2_online/checkpoints//avg_1.jit.pdmodel
I1130 02:19:32.798640 12937 nnet_itf.h:57] param path: /workspace/zhanghui/PaddleSpeech/speechx/examples/ds2_ol/websocket/data/model/exp/deepspeech2_online/checkpoints//avg_1.jit.pdiparams
I1130 02:19:32.798643 12937 nnet_itf.h:59] DS2 param: 
I1130 02:19:32.798647 12937 nnet_itf.h:61]   cache names: chunk_state_h_box,chunk_state_c_box
I1130 02:19:32.798652 12937 nnet_itf.h:63]   cache shape: 5-1-1024,5-1-1024
I1130 02:19:32.798656 12937 nnet_itf.h:65]   input names: audio_chunk,audio_chunk_lens,chunk_state_h_box,chunk_state_c_box
I1130 02:19:32.798660 12937 nnet_itf.h:67]   output names: softmax_0.tmp_0,tmp_5,concat_0.tmp_0,concat_1.tmp_0
I1130 02:19:32.798664 12937 ctc_tlg_decoder.h:41] fst path: /workspace/zhanghui/PaddleSpeech/speechx/examples/ds2_ol/websocket/data/wfst//TLG.fst
I1130 02:19:32.798669 12937 ctc_tlg_decoder.h:42] fst symbole table: /workspace/zhanghui/PaddleSpeech/speechx/examples/ds2_ol/websocket/data/wfst//words.txt
I1130 02:19:32.798673 12937 ctc_tlg_decoder.h:47] LatticeFasterDecoder max active: 7500
I1130 02:19:32.798677 12937 ctc_tlg_decoder.h:49] LatticeFasterDecoder beam: 15
I1130 02:19:32.798681 12937 ctc_tlg_decoder.h:50] LatticeFasterDecoder lattice_beam: 7.5
I1130 02:19:32.798708 12937] Listening at port 8082

Start WebSocket Client


This script using AISHELL-1 test data to call websocket server.

The input is specific by --wav_rspecifier=scp:$data/$aishell_wav_scp.

The scp file which look like this:

# head data/split1/1/aishell_test.scp 
BAC009S0764W0121        /workspace/PaddleSpeech/speechx/examples/u2pp_ol/wenetspeech/data/test/S0764/BAC009S0764W0121.wav
BAC009S0764W0122        /workspace/PaddleSpeech/speechx/examples/u2pp_ol/wenetspeech/data/test/S0764/BAC009S0764W0122.wav
BAC009S0764W0125        /workspace/PaddleSpeech/speechx/examples/u2pp_ol/wenetspeech/data/test/S0764/BAC009S0764W0125.wav

If you want to recognize one wav, you can make scp file like this:

key  path/to/wav/file