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353 lines
4.4 KiB

fs: 24000 # sr
n_fft: 2048 # FFT size (samples).
n_shift: 300 # Hop size (samples). 12.5ms
win_length: 1200 # Window length (samples). 50ms
# If set to null, it will be the same as fft_size.
window: "hann" # Window function.
# Only used for feats_type != raw
fmin: 80 # Minimum frequency of Mel basis.
fmax: 7600 # Maximum frequency of Mel basis.
n_mels: 80 # The number of mel basis.
mean_phn_span: 8
mlm_prob: 0.8
batch_size: 20
num_workers: 2
text_masking: true
postnet_layers: 5
postnet_filts: 5
postnet_chans: 256
encoder_type: conformer
decoder_type: conformer
enc_input_layer: sega_mlm
enc_pre_speech_layer: 0
enc_cnn_module_kernel: 7
enc_attention_dim: 384
enc_attention_heads: 2
enc_linear_units: 1536
enc_num_blocks: 4
enc_dropout_rate: 0.2
enc_positional_dropout_rate: 0.2
enc_attention_dropout_rate: 0.2
enc_normalize_before: true
enc_macaron_style: true
enc_use_cnn_module: true
enc_selfattention_layer_type: legacy_rel_selfattn
enc_activation_type: swish
enc_pos_enc_layer_type: legacy_rel_pos
enc_positionwise_layer_type: conv1d
enc_positionwise_conv_kernel_size: 3
dec_cnn_module_kernel: 31
dec_attention_dim: 384
dec_attention_heads: 2
dec_linear_units: 1536
dec_num_blocks: 4
dec_dropout_rate: 0.2
dec_positional_dropout_rate: 0.2
dec_attention_dropout_rate: 0.2
dec_macaron_style: true
dec_use_cnn_module: true
dec_selfattention_layer_type: legacy_rel_selfattn
dec_activation_type: swish
dec_pos_enc_layer_type: legacy_rel_pos
dec_positionwise_layer_type: conv1d
dec_positionwise_conv_kernel_size: 3
d_model: 384
warmup_steps: 4000
grad_clip: 1.0
max_epoch: 700
num_snapshots: 50
seed: 0
- <blank>
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- er5
- o1
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- ve3
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- iang5
- ei5
- <sos/eos>