from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import paddle
from paddle import Tensor
from paddle import nn
from paddle.nn import functional as F
import soundfile as sf
from .common import get_window
from .common import dft_matrix
def read(wavpath:str, sr:int = None, start=0, stop=None, dtype='int16', always_2d=True)->Tuple[int, np.ndarray]:
"""load wav file.
wavpath (str): wav path.
sr (int, optional): expect sample rate. Defaults to None.
dtype (str, optional): wav data bits. Defaults to 'int16'.
Tuple[int, np.ndarray]: sr (int), wav (int16) [T, C].
wav, r_sr = sf.read(wavpath, start=start, stop=stop, dtype=dtype, always_2d=always_2d)
if sr:
assert sr == r_sr
return r_sr, wav
def write(wavpath:str, wav:np.ndarray, sr:int, dtype='PCM_16'):
"""write wav file.
wavpath (str): file path to save.
wav (np.ndarray): wav data.
sr (int): data samplerate.
dtype (str, optional): wav bit format. Defaults to 'PCM_16'.
sf.write(wavpath, wav, sr, subtype=dtype)
def frames(x: Tensor,
num_samples: Tensor,
sr: int,
win_length: float,
stride_length: float,
clip: bool = False) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Extract frames from audio.
x : Tensor
Shape (B, T), batched waveform.
num_samples : Tensor
Shape (B, ), number of samples of each waveform.
sr: int
Sampling Rate.
win_length : float
Window length in ms.
stride_length : float
Stride length in ms.
clip : bool, optional
Whether to clip audio that does not fit into the last frame, by
default True
frames : Tensor
Shape (B, T', win_length).
num_frames : Tensor
Shape (B, ) number of valid frames
assert stride_length <= win_length
stride_length = int(stride_length * sr)
win_length = int(win_length * sr)
num_frames = (num_samples - win_length) // stride_length
padding = (0, 0)
if not clip:
num_frames += 1
need_samples = num_frames * stride_length + win_length
padding = (0, need_samples - num_samples - 1)
weight = paddle.eye(win_length).unsqueeze(1) #[win_length, 1, win_length]
frames = F.conv1d(x.unsqueeze(-1),
stride=(stride_length, ),
return frames, num_frames
def dither(signal:Tensor, dither_value=1.0)->Tensor:
"""dither frames for log compute.
signal (Tensor): [B, T, D]
dither_value (float, optional): [scalar]. Defaults to 1.0.
Tensor: [B, T, D]
D = paddle.shape(signal)[-1]
signal += paddle.normal(shape=[1, 1, D]) * dither_value
return signal
def remove_dc_offset(signal:Tensor)->Tensor:
"""remove dc.
signal (Tensor): [B, T, D]
Tensor: [B, T, D]
signal -= paddle.mean(signal, axis=-1, keepdim=True)
return signal
def preemphasis(signal:Tensor, coeff=0.97)->Tensor:
"""perform preemphasis on the input signal.
signal (Tensor): [B, T, D], The signal to filter.
coeff (float, optional): [scalar].The preemphasis coefficient. 0 is no filter, Defaults to 0.97.
Tensor: [B, T, D]
return paddle.concat([
(1-coeff)*signal[:, :, 0:1],
signal[:, :, 1:] - coeff * signal[:, :, :-1]
], axis=-1)
class STFT(nn.Layer):
"""A module for computing stft transformation in a differentiable way.
n_fft : int
Number of samples in a frame.
sr: int
Number of Samplilng rate.
stride_length : float
Number of samples shifted between adjacent frames.
win_length : float
Length of the window.
clip: bool
Whether to clip audio is necesaary.
def __init__(self,
n_fft: int,
sr: int,
win_length: float,
stride_length: float,
window_type: str = 'povey',
clip: bool = False):
self.sr = sr
self.win_length = win_length
self.stride_length = stride_length
self.dither = dither
self.preemph_coeff = preemph_coeff
self.remove_dc_offset = remove_dc_offset
self.window_type = window_type
self.clip = clip
self.n_fft = n_fft
self.n_bin = 1 + n_fft // 2
w_real, w_imag, kernel_size = dft_matrix(
self.n_fft, int(self.win_length * self.sr), self.n_bin
# calculate window
window = get_window(window_type, kernel_size)
# (2 * n_bins, kernel_size)
w = np.concatenate([w_real, w_imag], axis=0)
w = w * window
# (kernel_size, 2 * n_bins)
w = np.transpose(w)
weight = paddle.cast(paddle.to_tensor(w), paddle.get_default_dtype())
self.register_buffer("weight", weight)
def forward(self, x: Tensor, num_samples: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Compute the stft transform.
x : Tensor [shape=(B, T)]
The input waveform.
num_samples : Tensor [shape=(B,)]
Number of samples of each waveform.
C : Tensor
Shape(B, T', n_bins, 2) Spectrogram.
num_frames: Tensor
Shape (B,) number of samples of each spectrogram
batch_size = paddle.shape(num_samples)
F, nframe = frames(x, num_samples, self.sr, self.win_length, self.stride_length, clip=self.clip)
if self.dither:
F = dither(F, self.dither)
if self.remove_dc_offset:
F = remove_dc_offset(F)
if self.preemph_coeff:
F = preemphasis(F)
C = paddle.matmul(F, self.weight) # [B, T, K] [K, 2 * n_bins]
C = paddle.reshape(C, [batch_size, -1, 2, self.n_bin])
C = C.transpose([0, 1, 3, 2])
return C, nframe
def powspec(C:Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Compute the power spectrum |X_k|^2.
C (Tensor): [B, T, C, 2]
Tensor: [B, T, C]
real, imag = paddle.chunk(C, 2, axis=-1)
return paddle.square(real.squeeze(-1)) + paddle.square(imag.squeeze(-1))
def magspec(C: Tensor, eps=1e-10) -> Tensor:
"""Compute the magnitude spectrum |X_k|.
C (Tensor): [B, T, C, 2]
eps (float): epsilon.
Tensor: [B, T, C]
pspec = powspec(C)
return paddle.sqrt(pspec + eps)
def logspec(C: Tensor, eps=1e-10) -> Tensor:
"""Compute log-spectrum 20log10∣X_k∣.
C (Tensor): [description]
eps ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to 1e-10.
Tensor: [description]
spec = magspec(C)
return 20 * paddle.log10(spec + eps)