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// matrix/kaldi-vector.h
// Copyright 2009-2012 Ondrej Glembek; Microsoft Corporation; Lukas Burget;
// Saarland University (Author: Arnab Ghoshal);
// Ariya Rastrow; Petr Schwarz; Yanmin Qian;
// Karel Vesely; Go Vivace Inc.; Arnab Ghoshal
// Wei Shi;
// 2015 Guoguo Chen
// 2017 Daniel Galvez
// 2019 Yiwen Shao
// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "matrix/matrix-common.h"
namespace kaldi {
/// \addtogroup matrix_group
/// @{
/// Provides a vector abstraction class.
/// This class provides a way to work with vectors in kaldi.
/// It encapsulates basic operations and memory optimizations.
template <typename Real>
class VectorBase {
/// Set vector to all zeros.
void SetZero();
/// Returns true if matrix is all zeros.
bool IsZero(Real cutoff = 1.0e-06) const; // replace magic number
/// Set all members of a vector to a specified value.
void Set(Real f);
/// Returns the dimension of the vector.
inline MatrixIndexT Dim() const { return dim_; }
/// Returns the size in memory of the vector, in bytes.
inline MatrixIndexT SizeInBytes() const { return (dim_ * sizeof(Real)); }
/// Returns a pointer to the start of the vector's data.
inline Real *Data() { return data_; }
/// Returns a pointer to the start of the vector's data (const).
inline const Real *Data() const { return data_; }
/// Indexing operator (const).
inline Real operator()(MatrixIndexT i) const {
KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(i) <
return *(data_ + i);
/// Indexing operator (non-const).
inline Real &operator()(MatrixIndexT i) {
KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(i) <
return *(data_ + i);
/** @brief Returns a sub-vector of a vector (a range of elements).
* @param o [in] Origin, 0 < o < Dim()
* @param l [in] Length 0 < l < Dim()-o
* @return A SubVector object that aliases the data of the Vector object.
* See @c SubVector class for details */
SubVector<Real> Range(const MatrixIndexT o, const MatrixIndexT l) {
return SubVector<Real>(*this, o, l);
/** @brief Returns a const sub-vector of a vector (a range of elements).
* @param o [in] Origin, 0 < o < Dim()
* @param l [in] Length 0 < l < Dim()-o
* @return A SubVector object that aliases the data of the Vector object.
* See @c SubVector class for details */
const SubVector<Real> Range(const MatrixIndexT o,
const MatrixIndexT l) const {
return SubVector<Real>(*this, o, l);
/// Copy data from another vector (must match own size).
void CopyFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v);
/// Copy data from another vector of different type (double vs. float)
template <typename OtherReal>
void CopyFromVec(const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
/// Performs a row stack of the matrix M
void CopyRowsFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &M);
template <typename OtherReal>
void CopyRowsFromMat(const MatrixBase<OtherReal> &M);
/// Performs a column stack of the matrix M
void CopyColsFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &M);
/// Extracts a row of the matrix M. Could also do this with
/// this->Copy(M[row]).
void CopyRowFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &M, MatrixIndexT row);
/// Extracts a row of the matrix M with type conversion.
template <typename OtherReal>
void CopyRowFromMat(const MatrixBase<OtherReal> &M, MatrixIndexT row);
/// Extracts a column of the matrix M.
template <typename OtherReal>
void CopyColFromMat(const MatrixBase<OtherReal> &M, MatrixIndexT col);
/// Reads from C++ stream (option to add to existing contents).
/// Throws exception on failure
void Read(std::istream &in, bool binary);
/// Writes to C++ stream (option to write in binary).
void Write(std::ostream &Out, bool binary) const;
friend class VectorBase<double>;
friend class VectorBase<float>;
/// Destructor; does not deallocate memory, this is handled by child
/// classes.
/// This destructor is protected so this object can only be
/// deleted via a child.
~VectorBase() {}
/// Empty initializer, corresponds to vector of zero size.
explicit VectorBase() : data_(NULL), dim_(0) {
/// data memory area
Real *data_;
/// dimension of vector
MatrixIndexT dim_;
}; // class VectorBase
/** @brief A class representing a vector.
* This class provides a way to work with vectors in kaldi.
* It encapsulates basic operations and memory optimizations. */
template <typename Real>
class Vector : public VectorBase<Real> {
/// Constructor that takes no arguments. Initializes to empty.
Vector() : VectorBase<Real>() {}
/// Constructor with specific size. Sets to all-zero by default
/// if set_zero == false, memory contents are undefined.
explicit Vector(const MatrixIndexT s,
MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero)
: VectorBase<Real>() {
Resize(s, resize_type);
/// Copy constructor from CUDA vector
/// This is defined in ../cudamatrix/cu-vector.h
// template<typename OtherReal>
// explicit Vector(const CuVectorBase<OtherReal> &cu);
/// Copy constructor. The need for this is controversial.
Vector(const Vector<Real> &v)
: VectorBase<Real>() { // (cannot be explicit)
Resize(v.Dim(), kUndefined);
/// Copy-constructor from base-class, needed to copy from SubVector.
explicit Vector(const VectorBase<Real> &v) : VectorBase<Real>() {
Resize(v.Dim(), kUndefined);
/// Type conversion constructor.
template <typename OtherReal>
explicit Vector(const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v) : VectorBase<Real>() {
Resize(v.Dim(), kUndefined);
// Took this out since it is unsafe : Arnab
// /// Constructor from a pointer and a size; copies the data to a location
// /// it owns.
// Vector(const Real* Data, const MatrixIndexT s): VectorBase<Real>() {
// Resize(s);
// CopyFromPtr(Data, s);
// }
/// Swaps the contents of *this and *other. Shallow swap.
void Swap(Vector<Real> *other);
/// Destructor. Deallocates memory.
~Vector() { Destroy(); }
/// Read function using C++ streams. Can also add to existing contents
/// of matrix.
void Read(std::istream &in, bool binary);
/// Set vector to a specified size (can be zero).
/// The value of the new data depends on resize_type:
/// -if kSetZero, the new data will be zero
/// -if kUndefined, the new data will be undefined
/// -if kCopyData, the new data will be the same as the old data in any
/// shared positions, and zero elsewhere.
/// This function takes time proportional to the number of data elements.
void Resize(MatrixIndexT length, MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero);
/// Remove one element and shifts later elements down.
void RemoveElement(MatrixIndexT i);
/// Assignment operator.
Vector<Real> &operator=(const Vector<Real> &other) {
Resize(other.Dim(), kUndefined);
return *this;
/// Assignment operator that takes VectorBase.
Vector<Real> &operator=(const VectorBase<Real> &other) {
Resize(other.Dim(), kUndefined);
return *this;
/// Init assumes the current contents of the class are invalid (i.e. junk or
/// has already been freed), and it sets the vector to newly allocated
/// memory
/// with the specified dimension. dim == 0 is acceptable. The memory
/// contents
/// pointed to by data_ will be undefined.
void Init(const MatrixIndexT dim);
/// Destroy function, called internally.
void Destroy();
/// Represents a non-allocating general vector which can be defined
/// as a sub-vector of higher-level vector [or as the row of a matrix].
template <typename Real>
class SubVector : public VectorBase<Real> {
/// Constructor from a Vector or SubVector.
/// SubVectors are not const-safe and it's very hard to make them
/// so for now we just give up. This function contains const_cast.
SubVector(const VectorBase<Real> &t,
const MatrixIndexT origin,
const MatrixIndexT length)
: VectorBase<Real>() {
// following assert equiv to origin>=0 && length>=0 &&
// origin+length <= rt.dim_
KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(origin) +
static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(length) <=
VectorBase<Real>::data_ = const_cast<Real *>(t.Data() + origin);
VectorBase<Real>::dim_ = length;
/// This constructor initializes the vector to point at the contents
/// of this packed matrix (SpMatrix or TpMatrix).
// SubVector(const PackedMatrix<Real> &M) {
// VectorBase<Real>::data_ = const_cast<Real*> (M.Data());
// VectorBase<Real>::dim_ = (M.NumRows()*(M.NumRows()+1))/2;
/// Copy constructor
SubVector(const SubVector &other) : VectorBase<Real>() {
// this copy constructor needed for Range() to work in base class.
VectorBase<Real>::data_ = other.data_;
VectorBase<Real>::dim_ = other.dim_;
/// Constructor from a pointer to memory and a length. Keeps a pointer
/// to the data but does not take ownership (will never delete).
/// Caution: this constructor enables you to evade const constraints.
SubVector(const Real *data, MatrixIndexT length) : VectorBase<Real>() {
VectorBase<Real>::data_ = const_cast<Real *>(data);
VectorBase<Real>::dim_ = length;
/// This operation does not preserve const-ness, so be careful.
SubVector(const MatrixBase<Real> &matrix, MatrixIndexT row) {
VectorBase<Real>::data_ = const_cast<Real *>(matrix.RowData(row));
VectorBase<Real>::dim_ = matrix.NumCols();
~SubVector() {} ///< Destructor (does nothing; no pointers are owned here).
/// Disallow assignment operator.
SubVector &operator=(const SubVector &other) {}
/// @} end of "addtogroup matrix_group"
/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_io
/// @{
/// Output to a C++ stream. Non-binary by default (use Write for
/// binary output).
template <typename Real>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const VectorBase<Real> &v);
/// Input from a C++ stream. Will automatically read text or
/// binary data from the stream.
template <typename Real>
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, VectorBase<Real> &v);
/// Input from a C++ stream. Will automatically read text or
/// binary data from the stream.
template <typename Real>
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, Vector<Real> &v);
/// @} end of \addtogroup matrix_funcs_io
/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_scalar
/// @{
// template<typename Real>
// bool ApproxEqual(const VectorBase<Real> &a,
// const VectorBase<Real> &b, Real tol = 0.01) {
// return a.ApproxEqual(b, tol);
// template<typename Real>
// inline void AssertEqual(VectorBase<Real> &a, VectorBase<Real> &b,
// float tol = 0.01) {
// KALDI_ASSERT(a.ApproxEqual(b, tol));
} // namespace kaldi
// we need to include the implementation
#include "matrix/kaldi-vector-inl.h"