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import re
from typing import Optional
from typing import Text
from pypinyin.contrib._tone_rule import right_mark_index
from import RE_TONE3
from import converter
from pypinyin.utils import _replace_tone2_style_dict_to_default
_re_number = re.compile(r'\d')
def _v_to_u(pinyin: Text, replace: bool=False) -> Text:
"""replace v to u
pinyin (Text): pinyin
replace (bool, optional): True, v to u; False, v as it is. Defaults to False.
Text: new pinyin
if not replace:
return pinyin
return pinyin.replace('v', 'ü')
def _fix_v_u(origin_py: Text, new_py: Text, v_to_u: bool) -> Text:
""" fix v u
origin_py (Text): origin pinyin
new_py (Text): new pinyin
v_to_u (bool): True, replace v to u; False, v as it is.
if not v_to_u:
if 'ü' in new_py and 'ü' not in origin_py:
return new_py.replace('ü', 'v')
return _v_to_u(new_py, replace=True)
def _get_number_from_pinyin(pinyin: Text) -> Optional[int]:
"""get tone number
pinyin (Text): [description]
Optional[int]: int or None
numbers = _re_number.findall(pinyin)
if numbers:
number = numbers[0]
number = None
return number
def _improve_tone3(tone3: Text, neutral_tone_with_5: bool=False) -> Text:
"""neutral tone with 5 number if need.
tone3 (Text): [description]
neutral_tone_with_5 (bool, optional): True, neutral tone with 5 number. Defaults to False.
Text: [description]
number = _get_number_from_pinyin(tone3)
if number is None and neutral_tone_with_5:
tone3 = '{}5'.format(tone3)
return tone3
def tone_to_tone3(tone: Text,
v_to_u: bool=False,
neutral_tone_with_5: bool=False) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音
:param tone: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格的拼音
:param v_to_u: 是否使用 ``ü`` 代替原来的 ``v``
:param neutral_tone_with_5: 是否使用 ``5`` 标识轻声
:return: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import tone_to_tone3
>>> tone_to_tone3('zhōng')
>>> tone_to_tone3('shang', neutral_tone_with_5=True)
>>> tone_to_tone3('lüè', v_to_u=True)
tone3 = converter.to_tone3(tone)
s = _improve_tone3(tone3, neutral_tone_with_5=neutral_tone_with_5)
return _v_to_u(s, v_to_u)
def tone_to_tone2(tone: Text,
v_to_u: bool=False,
neutral_tone_with_5: bool=False) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音
:param tone: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格的拼音
:param v_to_u: 是否使用 ``ü`` 代替原来的 ``v``
:param neutral_tone_with_5: 是否使用 ``5`` 标识轻声
:return: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import tone_to_tone2
>>> tone_to_tone2('zhōng')
>>> tone_to_tone2('shang', neutral_tone_with_5=True)
>>> tone_to_tone2('lüè', v_to_u=True)
tone3 = tone_to_tone3(
tone, v_to_u=v_to_u, neutral_tone_with_5=neutral_tone_with_5)
s = tone3_to_tone2(tone3)
return _v_to_u(s, v_to_u)
def tone_to_normal(tone: Text, v_to_u: bool=False) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL` 风格的拼音
:param tone: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格的拼音
:param v_to_u: 是否使用 ``ü`` 代替原来的 ``v``
:return: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL` 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import tone_to_normal
>>> tone_to_normal('zhōng')
>>> tone_to_normal('lüè', v_to_u=True)
s = tone_to_tone2(tone, v_to_u=v_to_u)
s = _re_number.sub('', s)
return _v_to_u(s, v_to_u)
def tone2_to_normal(tone2: Text, v_to_u: bool=False) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL` 风格的拼音
:param tone2: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音
:param v_to_u: 是否使用 ``ü`` 代替原来的 ``v``
:return: Style.NORMAL 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import tone2_to_normal
>>> tone2_to_normal('zho1ng')
>>> tone2_to_normal('lüe4', v_to_u=True)
s = _re_number.sub('', tone2)
return _v_to_u(s, v_to_u)
def tone2_to_tone(tone2: Text) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格的拼音
:param tone2: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音
:return: Style.TONE 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import tone2_to_tone
>>> tone2_to_tone('zho1ng')
return _replace_tone2_style_dict_to_default(tone2)
def tone2_to_tone3(tone2: Text) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音
:param tone2: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音
:return: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import tone2_to_tone3
>>> tone2_to_tone3('zho1ng')
tone3 = RE_TONE3.sub(r'\1\3\2', tone2)
return tone3
def tone3_to_normal(tone3: Text, v_to_u: bool=False) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL` 风格的拼音
:param tone3: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音
:param v_to_u: 是否使用 ``ü`` 代替原来的 ``v``
:return: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL` 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import tone3_to_normal
>>> tone3_to_normal('zhong1')
>>> tone3_to_normal('lüe4', v_to_u=True)
s = _re_number.sub('', tone3)
return _v_to_u(s, v_to_u)
def tone3_to_tone(tone3: Text) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格的拼音
:param tone3: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音
:return: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import tone3_to_tone
>>> tone3_to_tone('zhong1')
tone2 = tone3_to_tone2(tone3)
return tone2_to_tone(tone2)
def tone3_to_tone2(tone3: Text) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音
:param tone3: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音
:return: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import tone3_to_tone2
>>> tone3_to_tone2('zhong1')
no_number_tone3 = tone3_to_normal(tone3)
mark_index = right_mark_index(no_number_tone3)
if mark_index is None:
mark_index = len(no_number_tone3) - 1
before = no_number_tone3[:mark_index + 1]
after = no_number_tone3[mark_index + 1:]
number = _get_number_from_pinyin(tone3)
if number is None:
return tone3
return '{}{}{}'.format(before, number, after)
def to_normal(pinyin: Text, v_to_u: bool=False) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE`、
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 或
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL` 风格的拼音
:param pinyin: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE`、
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 或
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音
:param v_to_u: 是否使用 ``ü`` 代替原来的 ``v``. True, v to u; False, v as it is.
:return: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL` 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import to_normal
>>> to_normal('zhōng')
>>> to_normal('zho1ng')
>>> to_normal('zhong1')
>>> to_normal('lüè', v_to_u=True)
s = tone_to_tone2(pinyin, v_to_u=True)
s = tone2_to_normal(s)
return _fix_v_u(pinyin, s, v_to_u)
def to_tone(pinyin: Text) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 或
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格的拼音
:param pinyin: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 或
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音
:return: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import to_tone
>>> to_tone('zho1ng')
>>> to_tone('zhong1')
if not
return pinyin
s = tone_to_tone2(pinyin)
s = tone2_to_tone(s)
return s
def to_tone2(pinyin: Text, v_to_u: bool=False,
neutral_tone_with_5: bool=False) -> Text:
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 或
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音
:param pinyin: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 或
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音
:param v_to_u: 是否使用 ``ü`` 代替原来的 ``v``
:param neutral_tone_with_5: 是否使用 ``5`` 标识轻声
:return: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import to_tone2
>>> to_tone2('zhōng')
>>> to_tone2('zhong1')
>>> to_tone2('shang', neutral_tone_with_5=True)
>>> to_tone2('lüè', v_to_u=True)
s = tone_to_tone3(
pinyin, v_to_u=True, neutral_tone_with_5=neutral_tone_with_5)
s = tone3_to_tone2(s)
return _fix_v_u(pinyin, s, v_to_u)
def to_tone3(pinyin: Text, v_to_u: bool=False, neutral_tone_with_5: bool=False):
"""将 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 或
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音转换为
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3` 风格的拼音
:param pinyin: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE` 或
:py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音
:param v_to_u: 是否使用 ``ü`` 代替原来的 ``v``
:param neutral_tone_with_5: 是否使用 ``5`` 标识轻声
:return: :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2` 风格的拼音
>>> from pypinyin.contrib.tone_convert import to_tone3
>>> to_tone3('zhōng')
>>> to_tone3('zho1ng')
>>> to_tone3('shang', neutral_tone_with_5=True)
>>> to_tone3('lüè', v_to_u=True)
s = tone_to_tone2(
pinyin, v_to_u=True, neutral_tone_with_5=neutral_tone_with_5)
s = tone2_to_tone3(s)
return _fix_v_u(pinyin, s, v_to_u)