# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""补充 8105 中汉字的拼音数据"""
from collections import namedtuple
import re
import sys
from pyquery import PyQuery
import requests
re_pinyin = re.compile(r'拼音:(?P<pinyin>\S+) ')
re_code = re.compile(r'统一码\w?:(?P<code>\S+) ')
re_alternate = re.compile(r'异体字:\s+?(?P<alternate>\S+)')
HanziInfo = namedtuple('HanziInfo', 'pinyin code alternate')
def fetch_html(url, params):
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
return response.content
def fetch_info(hanzi):
url = 'http://www.guoxuedashi.com/zidian/so.php'
params = {
'sokeyzi': hanzi,
'kz': 1,
'submit': '',
html = fetch_html(url, params)
pq = PyQuery(html)
pq = PyQuery(pq('table.zui td')[1])
text = pq('tr').text()
text_alternate = pq(html)('.info_txt2')('em').text()
pinyin = ''
pinyin_match = re_pinyin.search(text)
if pinyin_match is not None:
pinyin = pinyin_match.group('pinyin')
code = re_code.search(text).group('code')
alternate = ''
alternate_match = re_alternate.search(text_alternate)
if alternate_match is not None:
alternate = alternate_match.group('alternate')
return HanziInfo(pinyin, code, alternate)
def parse_hanzi(hanzi):
info = fetch_info(hanzi)
if (not info.pinyin) and info.alternate:
alternate = fetch_info(info.alternate)
alternate = ''
return HanziInfo(info.pinyin, info.code, alternate)
def main(lines):
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('# U+') and '<-' in line:
# # U+xxx ... -> U+xxx
code = line.split(':')[0].strip('# ')
# U+xxx -> xxx
code = code[2:]
info = parse_hanzi(code)
pinyin = info.pinyin
extra = ''
if (not pinyin) and info.alternate:
alternate = info.alternate
pinyin = alternate.pinyin
extra = ' => U+{0}'.format(alternate.code)
if ',' in pinyin:
first_pinyin, extra_pinyin = pinyin.split(',', 1)
pinyin = first_pinyin
extra += ' ?-> ' + extra_pinyin
if pinyin:
line = line.strip()
# # U+xxx -> U+xxx
line = line[2:]
line = line.replace('<-', pinyin)
if extra:
line += extra
yield line.strip()
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = sys.argv[1:]
input_file = args[0]
with open(input_file) as fp:
for line in main(fp):