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49 lines
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49 lines
2.2 KiB
if [ -f ]; then .; fi
[ ! -f $arpa_lm ] && { echo "No such file $arpa_lm"; exit 1;}
rm -rf $tgt_lang
cp -r $src_lang $tgt_lang
# Compose the language model to FST
# grep -i或--ignore-case 忽略字符大小写的差别。
# grep -v或--revert-match 反转查找。
# arpa2fst: remove the embedded symbols from the FST
# arpa2fst: make sure there are no out-of-vocabulary words in the language model
# arpa2fst: remove "illegal" sequences of the start and end-ofsentence symbols
# replace epsilons on the input side with the special disambiguation symbol #0.
# replaces <s> and </s> with <eps> (on both input and output sides), for the G.fst acceptor.
# G.fst, the disambiguation symbol #0 only appears on the input side
# do and maybe just for fallowing `fstrmepsilon`.
cat $arpa_lm | \
grep -v '<s> <s>' | \
grep -v '</s> <s>' | \
grep -v '</s> </s>' | \
grep -v -i '<unk>' | \
grep -v -i '<spoken_noise>' | \
arpa2fst --read-symbol-table=$tgt_lang/words.txt --keep-symbols=true - | fstprint | \
utils/fst/ | utils/fst/ | fstcompile --isymbols=$tgt_lang/words.txt \
--osymbols=$tgt_lang/words.txt --keep_isymbols=false --keep_osymbols=false | \
fstrmepsilon | fstarcsort --sort_type=ilabel > $tgt_lang/G.fst
echo "Checking how stochastic G is (the first of these numbers should be small):"
fstisstochastic $tgt_lang/G.fst
# Compose the token, lexicon and language-model FST into the final decoding graph
# minimization: the same as minimization algorithm that applies to weighted acceptors;
# the only change relevant here is that it avoids pushing weights,
# hence preserving stochasticity
fsttablecompose $tgt_lang/L.fst $tgt_lang/G.fst | fstdeterminizestar --use-log=true | \
fstminimizeencoded | fstarcsort --sort_type=ilabel > $tgt_lang/LG.fst || exit 1;
fsttablecompose $tgt_lang/T.fst $tgt_lang/LG.fst > $tgt_lang/TLG.fst || exit 1;
echo "Composing decoding graph TLG.fst succeeded"
#rm -r $tgt_lang/LG.fst # We don't need to keep this intermediate FST |