You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2023 Chen Qianhe Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2023 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
#include "fastdeploy/fastdeploy_model.h"
#include "fastdeploy/runtime.h"
#include "vad/frontend/wav.h"
namespace ppspeech {
struct VadNnetConf {
// wav
int sr;
int frame_ms;
float threshold;
float beam;
int min_silence_duration_ms;
int speech_pad_left_ms;
int speech_pad_right_ms;
// model
std::string model_file_path;
std::string param_file_path;
std::string dict_file_path;
int num_cpu_thread; // 1 thred
std::string backend; // ort,lite, etc.
class Vad : public fastdeploy::FastDeployModel {
enum class State { ILLEGAL = 0, SIL, START, SPEECH, END };
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vad::State& s);
Vad(const std::string& model_file,
const fastdeploy::RuntimeOption& custom_option =
virtual ~Vad() {}
void Init();
void Reset();
void SetConfig(const int& sr,
const int& frame_ms,
const float& threshold,
const float& beam,
const int& min_silence_duration_ms,
const int& speech_pad_left_ms,
const int& speech_pad_right_ms);
void SetConfig(const VadNnetConf conf);
bool ForwardChunk(std::vector<float>& chunk);
const State& Postprocess();
int GetResult(char* result, int max_len,
float removeThreshold = 0.0,
float expandHeadThreshold = 0.0,
float expandTailThreshold = 0,
float mergeThreshold = 0.0) const;
const std::vector<State> GetStates() const { return states_; }
int SampleRate() const { return sample_rate_; }
int FrameMs() const { return frame_ms_; }
int64_t WindowSizeSamples() const { return window_size_samples_; }
float Threshold() const { return threshold_; }
int MinSilenceDurationMs() const {
return min_silence_samples_ / sample_rate_;
int SpeechPadLeftMs() const {
return speech_pad_left_samples_ / sample_rate_;
int SpeechPadRightMs() const {
return speech_pad_right_samples_ / sample_rate_;
int MinSilenceSamples() const { return min_silence_samples_; }
int SpeechPadLeftSamples() const { return speech_pad_left_samples_; }
int SpeechPadRightSamples() const { return speech_pad_right_samples_; }
std::string ModelName() const override;
bool Initialize();
std::string ConvertTime(float time_s) const;
std::mutex init_lock_;
bool initialized_{false};
// input and output
std::vector<fastdeploy::FDTensor> inputTensors_;
std::vector<fastdeploy::FDTensor> outputTensors_;
// model states
bool triggerd_ = false;
unsigned int speech_start_ = 0;
unsigned int speech_end_ = 0;
unsigned int temp_end_ = 0;
unsigned int current_sample_ = 0;
unsigned int current_chunk_size_ = 0;
// MAX 4294967295 samples / 8sample per ms / 1000 / 60 = 8947 minutes
float outputProb_;
std::vector<float> speechStart_;
mutable std::vector<float> speechEnd_;
std::vector<State> states_;
/* ========================================================================
int sample_rate_ = 16000;
int frame_ms_ = 32; // 32, 64, 96 for 16k
float threshold_ = 0.5f;
float beam_ = 0.15f;
int64_t window_size_samples_; // support 256 512 768 for 8k; 512 1024 1536
// for 16k.
int sr_per_ms_; // support 8 or 16
int min_silence_samples_; // sr_per_ms_ * frame_ms_
int speech_pad_left_samples_{0}; // usually 250ms
int speech_pad_right_samples_{0}; // usually 0
/* ========================================================================
std::vector<int64_t> sr_;
const size_t size_hc_ = 2 * 1 * 64; // It's FIXED.
std::vector<float> h_;
std::vector<float> c_;
std::vector<int64_t> input_node_dims_;
const std::vector<int64_t> sr_node_dims_ = {1};
const std::vector<int64_t> hc_node_dims_ = {2, 1, 64};
} // namespace ppspeech