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// Copyright 2022 Horizon Robotics. All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// modified from
#include "nnet/u2_nnet.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h"
using paddle::platform::RecordEvent;
using paddle::platform::TracerEventType;
#endif // end WITH_PROFILING
namespace ppspeech {
void U2Nnet::LoadModel(const std::string& model_path_w_prefix) {
#ifdef WITH_GPU
dev_ = phi::GPUPlace();
dev_ = phi::CPUPlace();
paddle::jit::Layer model = paddle::jit::Load(model_path_w_prefix, dev_);
model_ = std::make_shared<paddle::jit::Layer>(std::move(model));
subsampling_rate_ = model_->Attribute<int>("subsampling_rate");
right_context_ = model_->Attribute<int>("right_context");
sos_ = model_->Attribute<int>("sos_symbol");
eos_ = model_->Attribute<int>("eos_symbol");
is_bidecoder_ = model_->Attribute<int>("is_bidirectional_decoder");
forward_encoder_chunk_ = model_->Function("forward_encoder_chunk");
forward_attention_decoder_ = model_->Function("forward_attention_decoder");
ctc_activation_ = model_->Function("ctc_activation");
LOG(INFO) << "Paddle Model Info: ";
LOG(INFO) << "\tsubsampling_rate " << subsampling_rate_;
LOG(INFO) << "\tright context " << right_context_;
LOG(INFO) << "\tsos " << sos_;
LOG(INFO) << "\teos " << eos_;
LOG(INFO) << "\tis bidecoder " << is_bidecoder_ << std::endl;
void U2Nnet::Warmup() {
RecordEvent event("warmup", TracerEventType::UserDefined, 1);
RecordEvent event(
"warmup-encoder-ctc", TracerEventType::UserDefined, 1);
int feat_dim = 80;
int frame_num = 16 * 4 + 3; // chunk_size * downsample_rate +
// (receptive_field - downsample_rate)
paddle::Tensor feats = paddle::full(
{1, frame_num, feat_dim}, 0.12f, paddle::DataType::FLOAT32);
paddle::Tensor offset = paddle::zeros({1}, paddle::DataType::INT32);
paddle::Tensor att_cache =
paddle::zeros({0, 0, 0, 0}, paddle::DataType::FLOAT32);
paddle::Tensor cnn_cache =
paddle::zeros({0, 0, 0, 0}, paddle::DataType::FLOAT32);
std::vector<paddle::Tensor> inputs = {
feats, offset, /*required_cache_size, */ att_cache, cnn_cache};
std::vector<paddle::Tensor> outputs = forward_encoder_chunk_(inputs);
auto chunk_out = outputs[0];
inputs = std::move(std::vector<paddle::Tensor>({chunk_out}));
outputs = ctc_activation_(inputs);
RecordEvent event("warmup-decoder", TracerEventType::UserDefined, 1);
auto hyps =
paddle::full({10, 8}, 10, paddle::DataType::INT64, phi::CPUPlace());
auto hyps_lens =
paddle::full({10}, 8, paddle::DataType::INT64, phi::CPUPlace());
auto encoder_out = paddle::ones(
{1, 20, 512}, paddle::DataType::FLOAT32, phi::CPUPlace());
std::vector<paddle::Tensor> inputs{
hyps, hyps_lens, encoder_out};
std::vector<paddle::Tensor> outputs =
U2Nnet::U2Nnet(const ModelOptions& opts) : opts_(opts) {
// shallow copy
U2Nnet::U2Nnet(const U2Nnet& other) {
// copy meta
chunk_size_ = other.chunk_size_;
num_left_chunks_ = other.num_left_chunks_;
offset_ = other.offset_;
// copy model ptr
model_ = other.model_->Clone();
ctc_activation_ = model_->Function("ctc_activation");
subsampling_rate_ = model_->Attribute<int>("subsampling_rate");
right_context_ = model_->Attribute<int>("right_context");
sos_ = model_->Attribute<int>("sos_symbol");
eos_ = model_->Attribute<int>("eos_symbol");
is_bidecoder_ = model_->Attribute<int>("is_bidirectional_decoder");
forward_encoder_chunk_ = model_->Function("forward_encoder_chunk");
forward_attention_decoder_ = model_->Function("forward_attention_decoder");
ctc_activation_ = model_->Function("ctc_activation");
LOG(INFO) << "Paddle Model Info: ";
LOG(INFO) << "\tsubsampling_rate " << subsampling_rate_;
LOG(INFO) << "\tright context " << right_context_;
LOG(INFO) << "\tsos " << sos_;
LOG(INFO) << "\teos " << eos_;
LOG(INFO) << "\tis bidecoder " << is_bidecoder_ << std::endl;
// ignore inner states
std::shared_ptr<NnetBase> U2Nnet::Clone() const {
auto asr_model = std::make_shared<U2Nnet>(*this);
// reset inner state for new decoding
return asr_model;
void U2Nnet::Reset() {
offset_ = 0;
att_cache_ =
std::move(paddle::zeros({0, 0, 0, 0}, paddle::DataType::FLOAT32));
cnn_cache_ =
std::move(paddle::zeros({0, 0, 0, 0}, paddle::DataType::FLOAT32));
VLOG(3) << "u2nnet reset";
// Debug API
void U2Nnet::FeedEncoderOuts(const paddle::Tensor& encoder_out) {
// encoder_out (T,D)
void U2Nnet::FeedForward(const std::vector<BaseFloat>& features,
const int32& feature_dim,
NnetOut* out) {
kaldi::Timer timer;
std::vector<kaldi::BaseFloat> ctc_probs;
features, feature_dim, &out->logprobs, &out->vocab_dim);
VLOG(1) << "FeedForward cost: " << timer.Elapsed() << " sec. "
<< features.size() / feature_dim << " frames.";
void U2Nnet::ForwardEncoderChunkImpl(
const std::vector<kaldi::BaseFloat>& chunk_feats,
const int32& feat_dim,
std::vector<kaldi::BaseFloat>* out_prob,
int32* vocab_dim) {
RecordEvent event(
"ForwardEncoderChunkImpl", TracerEventType::UserDefined, 1);
// 1. splice cached_feature, and chunk_feats
// First dimension is B, which is 1.
// int num_frames = cached_feats_.size() + chunk_feats.size();
int num_frames = chunk_feats.size() / feat_dim;
VLOG(3) << "num_frames: " << num_frames;
VLOG(3) << "feat_dim: " << feat_dim;
// feats (B=1,T,D)
paddle::Tensor feats =
paddle::zeros({1, num_frames, feat_dim}, paddle::DataType::FLOAT32);
float* feats_ptr = feats.mutable_data<float>();
// not cache feature in nnet
CHECK_EQ(cached_feats_.size(), 0);
CHECK_EQ((std::is_same<float, kaldi::BaseFloat>::value), true);
chunk_feats.size() * sizeof(kaldi::BaseFloat));
VLOG(3) << "feats shape: " << feats.shape()[0] << ", " << feats.shape()[1]
<< ", " << feats.shape()[2];
#ifdef PPS_DEBUG
std::stringstream path("feat", std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
path << offset_;
std::ofstream feat_fobj(path.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);
// feat_fobj << feats.shape()[0] << " " << feats.shape()[1] << " "
// << feats.shape()[2] << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < feats.numel(); i++) {
feat_fobj << std::setprecision(18) << feats_ptr[i] << " ";
if ((i + 1) % feat_dim == 0) {
feat_fobj << "\n";
feat_fobj << "\n";
// Endocer chunk forward
#ifdef WITH_GPU
feats = feats.copy_to(paddle::GPUPlace(), /*blocking*/ false);
att_cache_ = att_cache_.copy_to(paddle::GPUPlace()), /*blocking*/ false;
cnn_cache_ = cnn_cache_.copy_to(Paddle::GPUPlace(), /*blocking*/ false);
int required_cache_size = num_left_chunks_ * chunk_size_; // -1 * 16
// must be scalar, but paddle do not have scalar.
paddle::Tensor offset = paddle::full({1}, offset_, paddle::DataType::INT32);
// freeze `required_cache_size` in graph, so not specific it in function
// call.
std::vector<paddle::Tensor> inputs = {
feats, offset, /*required_cache_size, */ att_cache_, cnn_cache_};
CHECK_EQ(inputs.size(), 4);
std::vector<paddle::Tensor> outputs = forward_encoder_chunk_(inputs);
CHECK_EQ(outputs.size(), 3);
#ifdef WITH_GPU
paddle::Tensor chunk_out = outputs[0].copy_to(paddle::CPUPlace());
att_cache_ = outputs[1].copy_to(paddle::CPUPlace());
cnn_cache_ = outputs[2].copy_to(paddle::CPUPlace());
paddle::Tensor chunk_out = outputs[0];
att_cache_ = outputs[1];
cnn_cache_ = outputs[2];
#ifdef PPS_DEBUG
std::stringstream path("encoder_logits",
std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
auto i = offset_ - chunk_out.shape()[1];
path << std::max(i, 0L);
std::ofstream logits_fobj(path.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);
logits_fobj << chunk_out.shape()[0] << " " << chunk_out.shape()[1]
<< " " << chunk_out.shape()[2] << "\n";
const float* chunk_out_ptr =<float>();
logits_fobj << chunk_out_ptr << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < chunk_out.numel(); i++) {
logits_fobj << chunk_out_ptr[i] << " ";
logits_fobj << "\n";
#endif // end TEST_DEBUG
// current offset in decoder frame
// not used in nnet
offset_ += chunk_out.shape()[1];
VLOG(2) << "encoder out chunk size: " << chunk_out.shape()[1]
<< " total: " << offset_;
// collects encoder outs.
VLOG(2) << "encoder_outs_ size: " << encoder_outs_.size();
#ifdef PPS_DEBUG
std::stringstream path("encoder_logits_list",
std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
path << offset_ - encoder_outs_[0].shape()[1];
std::ofstream logits_out_fobj(path.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);
logits_out_fobj << encoder_outs_[0].shape()[0] << " "
<< encoder_outs_[0].shape()[1] << " "
<< encoder_outs_[0].shape()[2] << "\n";
const float* encoder_outs_ptr = encoder_outs_[0].data<float>();
logits_out_fobj << encoder_outs_ptr << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < encoder_outs_[0].numel(); i++) {
logits_out_fobj << encoder_outs_ptr[i] << " ";
logits_out_fobj << "\n";
#endif // end TEST_DEBUG
#ifdef WITH_GPU
#error "Not implementation."
// compute ctc_activation == log_softmax
CHECK_EQ(inputs.size(), 1);
outputs = ctc_activation_(inputs);
CHECK_EQ(outputs.size(), 1);
paddle::Tensor ctc_log_probs = outputs[0];
#ifdef PPS_DEBUG
std::stringstream path("encoder_logprob",
std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
path << offset_ - chunk_out.shape()[1];
std::ofstream logprob_fobj(path.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);
logprob_fobj << ctc_log_probs.shape()[0] << " "
<< ctc_log_probs.shape()[1] << " "
<< ctc_log_probs.shape()[2] << "\n";
const float* logprob_ptr =<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < ctc_log_probs.numel(); i++) {
logprob_fobj << logprob_ptr[i] << " ";
if ((i + 1) % ctc_log_probs.shape()[2] == 0) {
logprob_fobj << "\n";
logprob_fobj << "\n";
#endif // end TEST_DEBUG
#endif // end WITH_GPU
// Copy to output, (B=1,T,D)
std::vector<int64_t> ctc_log_probs_shape = ctc_log_probs.shape();
CHECK_EQ(ctc_log_probs_shape.size(), 3);
int B = ctc_log_probs_shape[0];
int T = ctc_log_probs_shape[1];
int D = ctc_log_probs_shape[2];
*vocab_dim = D;
float* ctc_log_probs_ptr =<float>();
out_prob->resize(T * D);
out_prob->data(), ctc_log_probs_ptr, T * D * sizeof(kaldi::BaseFloat));
#ifdef PPS_DEBUG
std::stringstream path("encoder_logits_list_ctc",
std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
path << offset_ - encoder_outs_[0].shape()[1];
std::ofstream logits_out_fobj(path.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);
logits_out_fobj << encoder_outs_[0].shape()[0] << " "
<< encoder_outs_[0].shape()[1] << " "
<< encoder_outs_[0].shape()[2] << "\n";
const float* encoder_outs_ptr = encoder_outs_[0].data<float>();
logits_out_fobj << encoder_outs_ptr << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < encoder_outs_[0].numel(); i++) {
logits_out_fobj << encoder_outs_ptr[i] << " ";
logits_out_fobj << "\n";
#endif // end TEST_DEBUG
float U2Nnet::ComputePathScore(const paddle::Tensor& prob,
const std::vector<int>& hyp,
int eos) {
// sum `hyp` path scores in `prob`
// prob (1, Umax, V)
// hyp (U,)
float score = 0.0f;
std::vector<int64_t> dims = prob.shape();
CHECK_EQ(dims.size(), 3);
VLOG(2) << "prob shape: " << dims[0] << ", " << dims[1] << ", " << dims[2];
CHECK_EQ(dims[0], 1);
int vocab_dim = static_cast<int>(dims[2]);
const float* prob_ptr =<float>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < hyp.size(); ++i) {
const float* row = prob_ptr + i * vocab_dim;
score += row[hyp[i]];
const float* row = prob_ptr + hyp.size() * vocab_dim;
score += row[eos];
return score;
void U2Nnet::AttentionRescoring(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& hyps,
float reverse_weight,
std::vector<float>* rescoring_score) {
RecordEvent event("AttentionRescoring", TracerEventType::UserDefined, 1);
CHECK(rescoring_score != nullptr);
int num_hyps = hyps.size();
rescoring_score->resize(num_hyps, 0.0f);
if (num_hyps == 0) return;
VLOG(2) << "num hyps: " << num_hyps;
if (encoder_outs_.size() == 0) {
// no encoder outs
std::cerr << "encoder_outs_.size() is zero. Please check it."
<< std::endl;
// prepare input
paddle::Tensor hyps_lens =
paddle::zeros({num_hyps}, paddle::DataType::INT64);
int64_t* hyps_len_ptr = hyps_lens.mutable_data<int64_t>();
int max_hyps_len = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_hyps; ++i) {
int len = hyps[i].size() + 1; // eos
max_hyps_len = std::max(max_hyps_len, len);
hyps_len_ptr[i] = static_cast<int64_t>(len);
VLOG(2) << "max_hyps_len: " << max_hyps_len;
paddle::Tensor hyps_tensor =
paddle::full({num_hyps, max_hyps_len}, eos_, paddle::DataType::INT64);
int64_t* hyps_ptr = hyps_tensor.mutable_data<int64_t>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_hyps; ++i) {
const std::vector<int>& hyp = hyps[i];
int64_t* row = hyps_ptr + max_hyps_len * i;
row[0] = sos_;
for (size_t j = 0; j < hyp.size(); ++j) {
row[j + 1] = hyp[j];
#ifdef PPS_DEBUG
std::stringstream path("encoder_logits_concat",
std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
for (int j = 0; j < encoder_outs_.size(); j++) {
path << j;
std::ofstream logits_out_fobj(path.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);
logits_out_fobj << encoder_outs_[j].shape()[0] << " "
<< encoder_outs_[j].shape()[1] << " "
<< encoder_outs_[j].shape()[2] << "\n";
const float* encoder_outs_ptr = encoder_outs_[j].data<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < encoder_outs_[j].numel(); i++) {
logits_out_fobj << encoder_outs_ptr[i] << " ";
logits_out_fobj << "\n";
#endif // end TEST_DEBUG
// forward attention decoder by hyps and correspoinding encoder_outs_
paddle::Tensor encoder_out = paddle::concat(encoder_outs_, 1);
VLOG(2) << "encoder_outs_ size: " << encoder_outs_.size();
#ifdef PPS_DEBUG
std::stringstream path("encoder_out0",
std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
std::ofstream encoder_out_fobj(path.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);
encoder_out_fobj << encoder_outs_[0].shape()[0] << " "
<< encoder_outs_[0].shape()[1] << " "
<< encoder_outs_[0].shape()[2] << "\n";
const float* enc_logprob_ptr = encoder_outs_[0].data<float>();
size_t size = encoder_outs_[0].numel();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
encoder_out_fobj << enc_logprob_ptr[i] << "\n";
#endif // end TEST_DEBUG
#ifdef PPS_DEBUG
std::stringstream path("encoder_out",
std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
std::ofstream encoder_out_fobj(path.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);
encoder_out_fobj << encoder_out.shape()[0] << " "
<< encoder_out.shape()[1] << " "
<< encoder_out.shape()[2] << "\n";
const float* enc_logprob_ptr =<float>();
size_t size = encoder_out.numel();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
encoder_out_fobj << enc_logprob_ptr[i] << "\n";
#endif // end TEST_DEBUG
std::vector<paddle::Tensor> inputs{
hyps_tensor, hyps_lens, encoder_out};
std::vector<paddle::Tensor> outputs = forward_attention_decoder_(inputs);
CHECK_EQ(outputs.size(), 2);
// (B, Umax, V)
paddle::Tensor probs = outputs[0];
std::vector<int64_t> probs_shape = probs.shape();
CHECK_EQ(probs_shape.size(), 3);
CHECK_EQ(probs_shape[0], num_hyps);
CHECK_EQ(probs_shape[1], max_hyps_len);
#ifdef PPS_DEBUG
std::stringstream path("decoder_logprob",
std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
std::ofstream dec_logprob_fobj(path.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);
dec_logprob_fobj << probs.shape()[0] << " " << probs.shape()[1] << " "
<< probs.shape()[2] << "\n";
const float* dec_logprob_ptr =<float>();
size_t size = probs.numel();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
dec_logprob_fobj << dec_logprob_ptr[i] << "\n";
#endif // end TEST_DEBUG
#ifdef PPS_DEBUG
std::stringstream path("hyps_lens",
std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
std::ofstream hyps_len_fobj(path.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);
const int64_t* hyps_lens_ptr =<int64_t>();
size_t size = hyps_lens.numel();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
hyps_len_fobj << hyps_lens_ptr[i] << "\n";
#endif // end TEST_DEBUG
#ifdef PPS_DEBUG
std::stringstream path("hyps_tensor",
std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
std::ofstream hyps_tensor_fobj(path.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);
const int64_t* hyps_tensor_ptr =<int64_t>();
size_t size = hyps_tensor.numel();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
hyps_tensor_fobj << hyps_tensor_ptr[i] << "\n";
#endif // end TEST_DEBUG
paddle::Tensor r_probs = outputs[1];
std::vector<int64_t> r_probs_shape = r_probs.shape();
if (is_bidecoder_ && reverse_weight > 0) {
CHECK_EQ(r_probs_shape.size(), 3);
CHECK_EQ(r_probs_shape[0], num_hyps);
CHECK_EQ(r_probs_shape[1], max_hyps_len);
} else {
// dump r_probs
CHECK_EQ(r_probs_shape.size(), 1);
//CHECK_EQ(r_probs_shape[0], 1) << r_probs_shape[0];
// compute rescoring score
using IntArray = paddle::experimental::IntArray;
std::vector<paddle::Tensor> probs_v =
paddle::experimental::split_with_num(probs, num_hyps, 0);
VLOG(2) << "split prob: " << probs_v.size() << " "
<< probs_v[0].shape().size() << " 0: " << probs_v[0].shape()[0]
<< ", " << probs_v[0].shape()[1] << ", " << probs_v[0].shape()[2];
//CHECK(static_cast<int>(probs_v.size()) == num_hyps)
// << ": is " << probs_v.size() << " expect: " << num_hyps;
std::vector<paddle::Tensor> r_probs_v;
if (is_bidecoder_ && reverse_weight > 0) {
r_probs_v = paddle::experimental::split_with_num(r_probs, num_hyps, 0);
//CHECK(static_cast<int>(r_probs_v.size()) == num_hyps)
// << "r_probs_v size: is " << r_probs_v.size()
// << " expect: " << num_hyps;
for (int i = 0; i < num_hyps; ++i) {
const std::vector<int>& hyp = hyps[i];
// left-to-right decoder score
float score = 0.0f;
score = ComputePathScore(probs_v[i], hyp, eos_);
// right-to-left decoder score
float r_score = 0.0f;
if (is_bidecoder_ && reverse_weight > 0) {
std::vector<int> r_hyp(hyp.size());
std::reverse_copy(hyp.begin(), hyp.end(), r_hyp.begin());
r_score = ComputePathScore(r_probs_v[i], r_hyp, eos_);
// combinded left-to-right and right-to-lfet score
(*rescoring_score)[i] =
score * (1 - reverse_weight) + r_score * reverse_weight;
VLOG(3) << "hyp " << i << " " << hyp.size() << " score: " << score
<< " r_score: " << r_score
<< " reverse_weight: " << reverse_weight
<< " final score: " << (*rescoring_score)[i];
void U2Nnet::EncoderOuts(
std::vector<std::vector<kaldi::BaseFloat>>* encoder_out) const {
// list of (B=1,T,D)
int size = encoder_outs_.size();
VLOG(3) << "encoder_outs_ size: " << size;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
const paddle::Tensor& item = encoder_outs_[i];
const std::vector<int64_t> shape = item.shape();
CHECK_EQ(shape.size(), 3);
const int& B = shape[0];
const int& T = shape[1];
const int& D = shape[2];
//CHECK(B == 1) << "Only support batch one.";
VLOG(3) << "encoder out " << i << " shape: (" << B << "," << T << ","
<< D << ")";
const float* this_tensor_ptr =<float>();
for (int j = 0; j < T; j++) {
const float* cur = this_tensor_ptr + j * D;
std::vector<kaldi::BaseFloat> out(D);
std::memcpy(, cur, D * sizeof(kaldi::BaseFloat));
} // namespace ppspeech