You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

68 lines
1.5 KiB

# Data #
train_manifest: data/manifest.tiny
dev_manifest: data/manifest.tiny
test_manifest: data/manifest.tiny
min_input_len: 0.0
max_input_len: 30.0
min_output_len: 0.0
max_output_len: 400.0
min_output_input_ratio: 0.05
max_output_input_ratio: 10.0
# Dataloader #
mean_std_filepath: data/mean_std.json
unit_type: char
vocab_filepath: data/lang_char/vocab.txt
augmentation_config: conf/augmentation.json
random_seed: 0
spectrum_type: linear
feat_dim: 161
delta_delta: False
stride_ms: 10.0
window_ms: 20.0
n_fft: None
max_freq: None
target_sample_rate: 16000
use_dB_normalization: True
target_dB: -20
dither: 1.0
keep_transcription_text: False
sortagrad: True
shuffle_method: batch_shuffle
num_workers: 2
batch_size: 4
# Network Architecture #
num_conv_layers: 2
num_rnn_layers: 3
rnn_layer_size: 2048
use_gru: False
share_rnn_weights: True
blank_id: 0
# Training #
n_epoch: 5
accum_grad: 1
lr: 1.0e-5
lr_decay: 0.8
weight_decay: 1.0e-6
global_grad_clip: 5.0
log_interval: 1
kbest_n: 3
latest_n: 2