Changes ======= v0.1.0 (2013-05-05) ------------------- * Initial release v0.1.1 (2013-05-05) ------------------- * Adds zhon.cedict package to v0.2.0 (2013-05-07) ------------------- * Allows for mapping between simplified and traditional. * Adds logging to build_string(). * Adds constants for numbered Pinyin and accented Pinyin. v0.2.1 (2013-05-07) ------------------- * Fixes typo in README.rst. v.1.0.0 (2014-01-25) -------------------- * Complete rewrite that refactors code, renames constants, and improves Pinyin support. v.1.1.0 (2014-01-28) -------------------- * Adds ``zhon.pinyin.punctuation`` constant. * Adds ``zhon.pinyin.accented_syllable``, ``zhon.pinyin.accented_word``, and ``zhon.pinyin.accented_sentence`` constants. * Adds ``zhon.pinyin.numbered_syllable``, ``zhon.pinyin.numbered_word``, and ``zhon.pinyin.numbered_sentence`` constants. * Fixes some README.rst typos. * Clarifies information regarding Traditional and Simplified character constants in README.rst. * Adds constant short names to README.rst. v.1.1.1 (2014-01-29) -------------------- * Adds documentation. * Adds ``zhon.cedict.all`` constant. * Removes duplicate code ranges from ``zhon.hanzi.characters``. * Makes ``zhon.hanzi.non_stops`` a string containing all non-stops instead of a string containing code ranges. * Removes duplicate letters in ``zhon.pinyin.consonants``. * Refactors Pinyin vowels/consonant code. * Removes the Latin alpha from ``zhon.pinyin.vowels``. Fixes #16. * Adds ``cjk_ideographs`` alias for ``zhon.hanzi.characters``. * Fixes various typos. * Removes numbers from Pinyin word constants. Fixes #15. * Adds lowercase and uppercase constants to ``zhon.pinyin``. * Fixes a bug with ``zhon.pinyin.sentence``. * Adds ``sent`` alias for ``zhon.pinyin.sentence``. v.1.1.2 (2014-01-31) -------------------- * Fixes bug with ``zhon.cedict.all``. v.1.1.3 (2014-02-12) -------------------- * Adds Ideographic number zero to ``zhon.hanzi.characters``. Fixes #17. * Fixes r-suffix bug. Fixes #18. v.1.1.4 (2015-01-25) -------------------- * Removes duplicate module declarations in documentation. * Moves tests inside zhon package. * Adds travis config file. * Adds Python 3.4 tests to travis and tox. * Fixes flake8 warnings. * Adds distutil fallback import statment to * Adds missing hanzi punctuation. Fixes #19. v.1.1.5 (2016-05-23) -------------------- * Add missing Zhuyin characters. Fixes #23.