set +x

# use pre-commit 2.17
if ! [[ $(pre-commit --version) == *"2.17.0"* ]]; then
    pip install pre-commit==2.17.0 1>nul

# Install clang-format before git commit to avoid repeat installation due to
# pre-commit multi-thread running.
readonly VERSION="13.0.0"
version=$(clang-format -version)
if ! [[ $(python -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1$2}') -ge 36 ]]; then
    echo "clang-format installation by pip need python version great equal 3.6,
          please change the default python to higher version."
    exit 1

diff_files=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR ${BRANCH})
num_diff_files=$(echo "$diff_files" | wc -l)
echo -e "diff files between pr and ${BRANCH}:\n${diff_files}"

echo "Checking code style by pre-commit ..."
pre-commit run --files ${diff_files};check_error=$?

if test ! -z "$(git diff)"; then
    echo -e '\n************************************************************************************'
    echo -e "These files have been formatted by code format hook. You should use pre-commit to \
format them before git push."
    echo -e '************************************************************************************\n'
    git diff 2>&1

echo -e '\n************************************************************************************'
if [ ${check_error} != 0 ];then
    echo "Your PR code style check failed."
    echo "Please install pre-commit locally and set up git hook scripts:"
    echo ""
    echo "    pip install pre-commit==2.17.0"
    echo "    pre-commit install"
    echo ""
    if [[ $num_diff_files -le 100 ]];then
        echo "Then, run pre-commit to check codestyle issues in your PR:"
        echo ""
        echo "    pre-commit run --files" $(echo ${diff_files} | tr "\n" " ")
        echo ""
    echo "For more information, please refer to our codestyle check guide:"
    echo ""
    echo "Your PR code style check passed."
echo -e '************************************************************************************\n'

exit ${check_error}