#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2017 Johns Hopkins University (Shinji Watanabe) # Apache 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) echo "$0 $*" >&2 # Print the command line for logging . ./path.sh nj=1 cmd=run.pl nlsyms="" lang="" feat="" # feat.scp oov="<unk>" bpecode="" allow_one_column=false verbose=0 trans_type=char filetype="" preprocess_conf="" category="" out="" # If omitted, write in stdout text="" multilingual=false help_message=$(cat << EOF Usage: $0 <data-dir> <dict> e.g. $0 data/train data/lang_1char/train_units.txt Options: --nj <nj> # number of parallel jobs --cmd (utils/run.pl|utils/queue.pl <queue opts>) # how to run jobs. --feat <feat-scp> # feat.scp or feat1.scp,feat2.scp,... --oov <oov-word> # Default: <unk> --out <outputfile> # If omitted, write in stdout --filetype <mat|hdf5|sound.hdf5> # Specify the format of feats file --preprocess-conf <json> # Apply preprocess to feats when creating shape.scp --verbose <num> # Default: 0 EOF ) . utils/parse_options.sh if [ $# != 2 ]; then echo "${help_message}" 1>&2 exit 1; fi set -euo pipefail dir=$1 dic=$2 tmpdir=$(mktemp -d ${dir}/tmp-XXXXX) trap 'rm -rf ${tmpdir}' EXIT if [ -z ${text} ]; then text=${dir}/text fi # 1. Create scp files for inputs # These are not necessary for decoding mode, and make it as an option input= if [ -n "${feat}" ]; then _feat_scps=$(echo "${feat}" | tr ',' ' ' ) read -r -a feat_scps <<< $_feat_scps num_feats=${#feat_scps[@]} for (( i=1; i<=num_feats; i++ )); do feat=${feat_scps[$((i-1))]} mkdir -p ${tmpdir}/input_${i} input+="input_${i} " cat ${feat} > ${tmpdir}/input_${i}/feat.scp # Dump in the "legacy" style JSON format if [ -n "${filetype}" ]; then awk -v filetype=${filetype} '{print $1 " " filetype}' ${feat} \ > ${tmpdir}/input_${i}/filetype.scp fi feat_to_shape.sh --cmd "${cmd}" --nj ${nj} \ --filetype "${filetype}" \ --preprocess-conf "${preprocess_conf}" \ --verbose ${verbose} ${feat} ${tmpdir}/input_${i}/shape.scp done fi # 2. Create scp files for outputs mkdir -p ${tmpdir}/output if [ -n "${bpecode}" ]; then if [ ${multilingual} = true ]; then # remove a space before the language ID paste -d " " <(awk '{print $1}' ${text}) <(cut -f 2- -d" " ${text} \ | spm_encode --model=${bpecode} --output_format=piece | cut -f 2- -d" ") \ > ${tmpdir}/output/token.scp else paste -d " " <(awk '{print $1}' ${text}) <(cut -f 2- -d" " ${text} \ | spm_encode --model=${bpecode} --output_format=piece) \ > ${tmpdir}/output/token.scp fi elif [ -n "${nlsyms}" ]; then text2token.py -s 1 -n 1 -l ${nlsyms} ${text} --trans_type ${trans_type} > ${tmpdir}/output/token.scp else text2token.py -s 1 -n 1 ${text} --trans_type ${trans_type} > ${tmpdir}/output/token.scp fi < ${tmpdir}/output/token.scp utils/sym2int.pl --map-oov ${oov} -f 2- ${dic} > ${tmpdir}/output/tokenid.scp # +2 comes from CTC blank and EOS vocsize=$(tail -n 1 ${dic} | awk '{print $2}') odim=$(echo "$vocsize + 2" | bc) < ${tmpdir}/output/tokenid.scp awk -v odim=${odim} '{print $1 " " NF-1 "," odim}' > ${tmpdir}/output/shape.scp cat ${text} > ${tmpdir}/output/text.scp # 3. Create scp files for the others mkdir -p ${tmpdir}/other if [ ${multilingual} == true ]; then awk '{ n = split($1,S,"[-]"); lang=S[n]; print $1 " " lang }' ${text} > ${tmpdir}/other/lang.scp elif [ -n "${lang}" ]; then awk -v lang=${lang} '{print $1 " " lang}' ${text} > ${tmpdir}/other/lang.scp fi if [ -n "${category}" ]; then awk -v category=${category} '{print $1 " " category}' ${dir}/text \ > ${tmpdir}/other/category.scp fi cat ${dir}/utt2spk > ${tmpdir}/other/utt2spk.scp # 4. Merge scp files into a JSON file opts="" if [ -n "${feat}" ]; then intypes="${input} output other" else intypes="output other" fi for intype in ${intypes}; do if [ -z "$(find "${tmpdir}/${intype}" -name "*.scp")" ]; then continue fi if [ ${intype} != other ]; then opts+="--${intype%_*}-scps " else opts+="--scps " fi for x in "${tmpdir}/${intype}"/*.scp; do k=$(basename ${x} .scp) if [ ${k} = shape ]; then opts+="shape:${x}:shape " else opts+="${k}:${x} " fi done done if ${allow_one_column}; then opts+="--allow-one-column true " else opts+="--allow-one-column false " fi if [ -n "${out}" ]; then opts+="-O ${out}" fi merge_scp2json.py --verbose ${verbose} ${opts} rm -fr ${tmpdir}