# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import numpy as np from paddle.io import DataLoader from deepspeech.io.collator import SpeechCollator from deepspeech.io.dataset import ManifestDataset from deepspeech.io.sampler import SortagradBatchSampler from deepspeech.io.sampler import SortagradDistributedBatchSampler def create_dataloader(manifest_path, unit_type, vocab_filepath, mean_std_filepath, spm_model_prefix, augmentation_config='{}', max_input_len=float('inf'), min_input_len=0.0, max_output_len=float('inf'), min_output_len=0.0, max_output_input_ratio=float('inf'), min_output_input_ratio=0.0, stride_ms=10.0, window_ms=20.0, max_freq=None, specgram_type='linear', feat_dim=None, delta_delta=False, use_dB_normalization=True, random_seed=0, keep_transcription_text=False, is_training=False, batch_size=1, num_workers=0, sortagrad=False, shuffle_method=None, dist=False): dataset = ManifestDataset( manifest_path=manifest_path, unit_type=unit_type, vocab_filepath=vocab_filepath, mean_std_filepath=mean_std_filepath, spm_model_prefix=spm_model_prefix, augmentation_config=augmentation_config, max_input_len=max_input_len, min_input_len=min_input_len, max_output_len=max_output_len, min_output_len=min_output_len, max_output_input_ratio=max_output_input_ratio, min_output_input_ratio=min_output_input_ratio, stride_ms=stride_ms, window_ms=window_ms, max_freq=max_freq, specgram_type=specgram_type, feat_dim=feat_dim, delta_delta=delta_delta, use_dB_normalization=use_dB_normalization, random_seed=random_seed, keep_transcription_text=keep_transcription_text) if dist: batch_sampler = SortagradDistributedBatchSampler( dataset, batch_size, num_replicas=None, rank=None, shuffle=is_training, drop_last=is_training, sortagrad=is_training, shuffle_method=shuffle_method) else: batch_sampler = SortagradBatchSampler( dataset, shuffle=is_training, batch_size=batch_size, drop_last=is_training, sortagrad=is_training, shuffle_method=shuffle_method) def padding_batch(batch, padding_to=-1, flatten=False, keep_transcription_text=True): """ Padding audio features with zeros to make them have the same shape (or a user-defined shape) within one bach. If ``padding_to`` is -1, the maximun shape in the batch will be used as the target shape for padding. Otherwise, `padding_to` will be the target shape (only refers to the second axis). If `flatten` is True, features will be flatten to 1darray. """ new_batch = [] # get target shape max_length = max([audio.shape[1] for audio, text in batch]) if padding_to != -1: if padding_to < max_length: raise ValueError("If padding_to is not -1, it should be larger " "than any instance's shape in the batch") max_length = padding_to max_text_length = max([len(text) for audio, text in batch]) # padding padded_audios = [] audio_lens = [] texts, text_lens = [], [] for audio, text in batch: padded_audio = np.zeros([audio.shape[0], max_length]) padded_audio[:, :audio.shape[1]] = audio if flatten: padded_audio = padded_audio.flatten() padded_audios.append(padded_audio) audio_lens.append(audio.shape[1]) padded_text = np.zeros([max_text_length]) if keep_transcription_text: padded_text[:len(text)] = [ord(t) for t in text] # string else: padded_text[:len(text)] = text # ids texts.append(padded_text) text_lens.append(len(text)) padded_audios = np.array(padded_audios).astype('float32') audio_lens = np.array(audio_lens).astype('int64') texts = np.array(texts).astype('int32') text_lens = np.array(text_lens).astype('int64') return padded_audios, audio_lens, texts, text_lens # collate_fn=functools.partial(padding_batch, keep_transcription_text=keep_transcription_text), collate_fn = SpeechCollator(keep_transcription_text=keep_transcription_text) loader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, collate_fn=collate_fn, num_workers=num_workers) return loader