PROJECT = zhon .PHONY: docs clean lint test test-all coverage dist release help: @echo "clean - remove all build artifacts" @echo "lint - check style with flake8" @echo "test - run tests quickly with the current Python" @echo "test-all - run tests in all environments" @echo "coverage - check code coverage" @echo "docs - generate Sphinx HTML documentation" @echo "dist - make the source and binary distributions" @echo "release - package and upload a release" clean: rm -rf build dist egg *.egg-info htmlcov find . -name '*.py[co]' -exec rm -f {} + $(MAKE) -C docs clean lint: flake8 $(PROJECT) tests test: python test test-all: tox coverage: coverage run --source $(PROJECT) test coverage report --fail-under=100 docs: $(MAKE) -C docs clean $(MAKE) -C docs html open docs/_build/html/index.html dist: clean python sdist bdist_wheel release: clean dist twine upload -s dist/*