# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Contains the speech segment class.""" import numpy as np from deepspeech.frontend.audio import AudioSegment class SpeechSegment(AudioSegment): """Speech Segment with Text Args: AudioSegment (AudioSegment): Audio Segment """ def __init__(self, samples, sample_rate, transcript, tokens=None, token_ids=None): """Speech segment abstraction, a subclass of AudioSegment, with an additional transcript. Args: samples (ndarray.float32): Audio samples [num_samples x num_channels]. sample_rate (int): Audio sample rate. transcript (str): Transcript text for the speech. tokens (List[str], optinal): Transcript tokens for the speech. token_ids (List[int], optional): Transcript token ids for the speech. """ AudioSegment.__init__(self, samples, sample_rate) self._transcript = transcript # must init `tokens` with `token_ids` at the same time self._tokens = tokens self._token_ids = token_ids def __eq__(self, other): """Return whether two objects are equal. Returns: bool: True, when equal to other """ if not AudioSegment.__eq__(self, other): return False if self._transcript != other._transcript: return False if self.has_token and other.has_token: if self._tokens != other._tokens: return False if self._token_ids != other._token_ids: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): """Return whether two objects are unequal.""" return not self.__eq__(other) @classmethod def from_file(cls, filepath, transcript, tokens=None, token_ids=None, infos=None): """Create speech segment from audio file and corresponding transcript. Args: filepath (str|file): Filepath or file object to audio file. transcript (str): Transcript text for the speech. tokens (List[str], optional): text tokens. Defaults to None. token_ids (List[int], optional): text token ids. Defaults to None. infos (TarLocalData, optional): tar2obj and tar2infos. Defaults to None. Returns: SpeechSegment: Speech segment instance. """ audio = AudioSegment.from_file(filepath, infos) return cls(audio.samples, audio.sample_rate, transcript, tokens, token_ids) @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, bytes, transcript, tokens=None, token_ids=None): """Create speech segment from a byte string and corresponding Args: filepath (str|file): Filepath or file object to audio file. transcript (str): Transcript text for the speech. tokens (List[str], optional): text tokens. Defaults to None. token_ids (List[int], optional): text token ids. Defaults to None. Returns: SpeechSegment: Speech segment instance. """ audio = AudioSegment.from_bytes(bytes) return cls(audio.samples, audio.sample_rate, transcript, tokens, token_ids) @classmethod def concatenate(cls, *segments): """Concatenate an arbitrary number of speech segments together, both audio and transcript will be concatenated. :param *segments: Input speech segments to be concatenated. :type *segments: tuple of SpeechSegment :return: Speech segment instance. :rtype: SpeechSegment :raises ValueError: If the number of segments is zero, or if the sample_rate of any two segments does not match. :raises TypeError: If any segment is not SpeechSegment instance. """ if len(segments) == 0: raise ValueError("No speech segments are given to concatenate.") sample_rate = segments[0]._sample_rate transcripts = "" tokens = [] token_ids = [] for seg in segments: if sample_rate != seg._sample_rate: raise ValueError("Can't concatenate segments with " "different sample rates") if type(seg) is not cls: raise TypeError("Only speech segments of the same type " "instance can be concatenated.") transcripts += seg._transcript if self.has_token: tokens += seg._tokens token_ids += seg._token_ids samples = np.concatenate([seg.samples for seg in segments]) return cls(samples, sample_rate, transcripts, tokens, token_ids) @classmethod def slice_from_file(cls, filepath, transcript, tokens=None, token_ids=None, start=None, end=None): """Loads a small section of an speech without having to load the entire file into the memory which can be incredibly wasteful. :param filepath: Filepath or file object to audio file. :type filepath: str|file :param start: Start time in seconds. If start is negative, it wraps around from the end. If not provided, this function reads from the very beginning. :type start: float :param end: End time in seconds. If end is negative, it wraps around from the end. If not provided, the default behvaior is to read to the end of the file. :type end: float :param transcript: Transcript text for the speech. if not provided, the defaults is an empty string. :type transript: str :return: SpeechSegment instance of the specified slice of the input speech file. :rtype: SpeechSegment """ audio = AudioSegment.slice_from_file(filepath, start, end) return cls(audio.samples, audio.sample_rate, transcript, tokens, token_ids) @classmethod def make_silence(cls, duration, sample_rate): """Creates a silent speech segment of the given duration and sample rate, transcript will be an empty string. Args: duration (float): Length of silence in seconds. sample_rate (float): Sample rate. Returns: SpeechSegment: Silence of the given duration. """ audio = AudioSegment.make_silence(duration, sample_rate) return cls(audio.samples, audio.sample_rate, "") @property def has_token(self): if self._tokens and self._token_ids: return True return False @property def transcript(self): """Return the transcript text. Returns: str: Transcript text for the speech. """ return self._transcript @property def tokens(self): """Return the transcript text tokens. Returns: List[str]: text tokens. """ return self._tokens @property def token_ids(self): """Return the transcript text token ids. Returns: List[int]: text token ids. """ return self._token_ids