"""Contains data generator for orgnaizing various audio data preprocessing
pipeline and offering data reader interface of PaddlePaddle requirements.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import random
import tarfile
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
import paddle.v2 as paddle
from threading import local
import atexit
from data_utils.utility import read_manifest
from data_utils.utility import xmap_readers_mp
from data_utils.augmentor.augmentation import AugmentationPipeline
from data_utils.featurizer.speech_featurizer import SpeechFeaturizer
from data_utils.speech import SpeechSegment
from data_utils.normalizer import FeatureNormalizer

class DataGenerator(object):
    DataGenerator provides basic audio data preprocessing pipeline, and offers
    data reader interfaces of PaddlePaddle requirements.

    :param vocab_filepath: Vocabulary filepath for indexing tokenized
    :type vocab_filepath: basestring
    :param mean_std_filepath: File containing the pre-computed mean and stddev.
    :type mean_std_filepath: None|basestring
    :param augmentation_config: Augmentation configuration in json string.
                                Details see AugmentationPipeline.__doc__.
    :type augmentation_config: str
    :param max_duration: Audio with duration (in seconds) greater than
                         this will be discarded.
    :type max_duration: float
    :param min_duration: Audio with duration (in seconds) smaller than
                         this will be discarded.
    :type min_duration: float
    :param stride_ms: Striding size (in milliseconds) for generating frames.
    :type stride_ms: float
    :param window_ms: Window size (in milliseconds) for generating frames.
    :type window_ms: float
    :param max_freq: Used when specgram_type is 'linear', only FFT bins
                     corresponding to frequencies between [0, max_freq] are
    :types max_freq: None|float
    :param specgram_type: Specgram feature type. Options: 'linear'.
    :type specgram_type: str
    :param use_dB_normalization: Whether to normalize the audio to -20 dB
                                before extracting the features.
    :type use_dB_normalization: bool
    :param num_threads: Number of CPU threads for processing data.
    :type num_threads: int
    :param random_seed: Random seed.
    :type random_seed: int
    :param keep_transcription_text: If set to True, transcription text will
                                    be passed forward directly without
                                    converting to index sequence.
    :type keep_transcription_text: bool
    :param num_conv_layers: The number of convolution layer, used to compute
                            the sequence length.
    :type num_conv_layers: int

    def __init__(self,
                 num_threads=multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2,
        self._max_duration = max_duration
        self._min_duration = min_duration
        self._normalizer = FeatureNormalizer(mean_std_filepath)
        self._augmentation_pipeline = AugmentationPipeline(
            augmentation_config=augmentation_config, random_seed=random_seed)
        self._speech_featurizer = SpeechFeaturizer(
        self._num_threads = num_threads
        self._rng = random.Random(random_seed)
        self._keep_transcription_text = keep_transcription_text
        self._epoch = 0
        # for caching tar files info
        self._local_data = local()
        self._local_data.tar2info = {}
        self._local_data.tar2object = {}
        self._num_conv_layers = num_conv_layers

    def process_utterance(self, filename, transcript):
        """Load, augment, featurize and normalize for speech data.

        :param filename: Audio filepath
        :type filename: basestring | file
        :param transcript: Transcription text.
        :type transcript: basestring
        :return: Tuple of audio feature tensor and data of transcription part,
                 where transcription part could be token ids or text.
        :rtype: tuple of (2darray, list)
        if filename.startswith('tar:'):
            speech_segment = SpeechSegment.from_file(
                self._subfile_from_tar(filename), transcript)
            speech_segment = SpeechSegment.from_file(filename, transcript)
        specgram, transcript_part = self._speech_featurizer.featurize(
            speech_segment, self._keep_transcription_text)
        specgram = self._normalizer.apply(specgram)
        return specgram, transcript_part

    def batch_reader_creator(self,
        Batch data reader creator for audio data. Return a callable generator
        function to produce batches of data.

        Audio features within one batch will be padded with zeros to have the
        same shape, or a user-defined shape.

        :param manifest_path: Filepath of manifest for audio files.
        :type manifest_path: basestring
        :param batch_size: Number of instances in a batch.
        :type batch_size: int
        :param min_batch_size: Any batch with batch size smaller than this will
                               be discarded. (To be deprecated in the future.)
        :type min_batch_size: int
        :param padding_to:  If set -1, the maximun shape in the batch
                            will be used as the target shape for padding.
                            Otherwise, `padding_to` will be the target shape.
        :type padding_to: int
        :param flatten: If set True, audio features will be flatten to 1darray.
        :type flatten: bool
        :param sortagrad: If set True, sort the instances by audio duration
                          in the first epoch for speed up training.
        :type sortagrad: bool
        :param shuffle_method: Shuffle method. Options:
                                '' or None: no shuffle.
                                'instance_shuffle': instance-wise shuffle.
                                'batch_shuffle': similarly-sized instances are
                                                 put into batches, and then
                                                 batch-wise shuffle the batches.
                                                 For more details, please see
                                'batch_shuffle_clipped': 'batch_shuffle' with
                                                         head shift and tail
                                                         clipping. For more
                                                         details, please see
                              If sortagrad is True, shuffle is disabled
                              for the first epoch.
        :type shuffle_method: None|str
        :return: Batch reader function, producing batches of data when called.
        :rtype: callable

        def batch_reader():
            # read manifest
            manifest = read_manifest(
            # sort (by duration) or batch-wise shuffle the manifest
            if self._epoch == 0 and sortagrad:
                manifest.sort(key=lambda x: x["duration"])
                if shuffle_method == "batch_shuffle":
                    manifest = self._batch_shuffle(
                        manifest, batch_size, clipped=False)
                elif shuffle_method == "batch_shuffle_clipped":
                    manifest = self._batch_shuffle(
                        manifest, batch_size, clipped=True)
                elif shuffle_method == "instance_shuffle":
                elif shuffle_method == None:
                    raise ValueError("Unknown shuffle method %s." %
            # prepare batches
            instance_reader = self._instance_reader_creator(manifest)
            batch = []
            for instance in instance_reader():
                if len(batch) == batch_size:
                    yield self._padding_batch(batch, padding_to, flatten)
                    batch = []
            if len(batch) >= min_batch_size:
                yield self._padding_batch(batch, padding_to, flatten)
            self._epoch += 1

        return batch_reader

    def feeding(self):
        """Returns data reader's feeding dict.

        :return: Data feeding dict.
        :rtype: dict
        feeding_dict = {
            "audio_spectrogram": 0,
            "transcript_text": 1,
            "sequence_offset": 2,
            "sequence_length": 3
        for i in xrange(self._num_conv_layers):
            feeding_dict["conv%d_index_range" % i] = len(feeding_dict)
        return feeding_dict

    def vocab_size(self):
        """Return the vocabulary size.

        :return: Vocabulary size.
        :rtype: int
        return self._speech_featurizer.vocab_size

    def vocab_list(self):
        """Return the vocabulary in list.

        :return: Vocabulary in list.
        :rtype: list
        return self._speech_featurizer.vocab_list

    def _parse_tar(self, file):
        """Parse a tar file to get a tarfile object
        and a map containing tarinfoes
        result = {}
        f = tarfile.open(file)
        for tarinfo in f.getmembers():
            result[tarinfo.name] = tarinfo
        return f, result

    def _subfile_from_tar(self, file):
        """Get subfile object from tar.

        It will return a subfile object from tar file
        and cached tar file info for next reading request.
        tarpath, filename = file.split(':', 1)[1].split('#', 1)
        if 'tar2info' not in self._local_data.__dict__:
            self._local_data.tar2info = {}
        if 'tar2object' not in self._local_data.__dict__:
            self._local_data.tar2object = {}
        if tarpath not in self._local_data.tar2info:
            object, infoes = self._parse_tar(tarpath)
            self._local_data.tar2info[tarpath] = infoes
            self._local_data.tar2object[tarpath] = object
        return self._local_data.tar2object[tarpath].extractfile(

    def _instance_reader_creator(self, manifest):
        Instance reader creator. Create a callable function to produce
        instances of data.

        Instance: a tuple of ndarray of audio spectrogram and a list of
        token indices for transcript.

        def reader():
            for instance in manifest:
                yield instance

        reader, cleanup_callback = xmap_readers_mp(
            lambda instance: self.process_utterance(instance["audio_filepath"], instance["text"]),

        # register callback to main process

        return reader

    def _padding_batch(self, batch, padding_to=-1, flatten=False):
        Padding audio features with zeros to make them have the same shape (or
        a user-defined shape) within one bach.

        If ``padding_to`` is -1, the maximun shape in the batch will be used
        as the target shape for padding. Otherwise, `padding_to` will be the
        target shape (only refers to the second axis).

        If `flatten` is True, features will be flatten to 1darray.
        new_batch = []
        # get target shape
        max_length = max([audio.shape[1] for audio, text in batch])
        if padding_to != -1:
            if padding_to < max_length:
                raise ValueError("If padding_to is not -1, it should be larger "
                                 "than any instance's shape in the batch")
            max_length = padding_to
        # padding
        for audio, text in batch:
            padded_audio = np.zeros([audio.shape[0], max_length])
            padded_audio[:, :audio.shape[1]] = audio
            if flatten:
                padded_audio = padded_audio.flatten()

            # Stride size for conv0 is (3, 2)
            # Stride size for conv1 to convN is (1, 2)
            # Same as the network, hard-coded here
            padded_instance = [padded_audio, text]
            padded_conv0_h = (padded_audio.shape[0] - 1) // 2 + 1
            padded_conv0_w = (padded_audio.shape[1] - 1) // 3 + 1
            valid_w = (audio.shape[1] - 1) // 3 + 1
            padded_instance += [
                [0],  # sequence offset, always 0
                [valid_w],  # valid sequence length
                # Index ranges for channel, height and width
                # Please refer scale_sub_region layer to see details
                [1, 32, 1, padded_conv0_h, valid_w + 1, padded_conv0_w]
            pre_padded_h = padded_conv0_h
            for i in xrange(self._num_conv_layers - 1):
                padded_h = (pre_padded_h - 1) // 2 + 1
                pre_padded_h = padded_h
                padded_instance += [
                    [1, 32, 1, padded_h, valid_w + 1, padded_conv0_w]

        return new_batch

    def _batch_shuffle(self, manifest, batch_size, clipped=False):
        """Put similarly-sized instances into minibatches for better efficiency
        and make a batch-wise shuffle.

        1. Sort the audio clips by duration.
        2. Generate a random number `k`, k in [0, batch_size).
        3. Randomly shift `k` instances in order to create different batches
           for different epochs. Create minibatches.
        4. Shuffle the minibatches.

        :param manifest: Manifest contents. List of dict.
        :type manifest: list
        :param batch_size: Batch size. This size is also used for generate
                           a random number for batch shuffle.
        :type batch_size: int
        :param clipped: Whether to clip the heading (small shift) and trailing
                        (incomplete batch) instances.
        :type clipped: bool
        :return: Batch shuffled mainifest.
        :rtype: list
        manifest.sort(key=lambda x: x["duration"])
        shift_len = self._rng.randint(0, batch_size - 1)
        batch_manifest = zip(*[iter(manifest[shift_len:])] * batch_size)
        batch_manifest = [item for batch in batch_manifest for item in batch]
        if not clipped:
            res_len = len(manifest) - shift_len - len(batch_manifest)
        return batch_manifest