# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import shutil from pathlib import Path import librosa import numpy as np import pypinyin from praatio import textgrid from paddlespeech.t2s.exps.ernie_sat.utils import get_dict from paddlespeech.t2s.exps.ernie_sat.utils import get_tmp_name DICT_EN = 'tools/aligner/cmudict-0.7b' DICT_ZH = 'tools/aligner/simple.lexicon' MODEL_DIR_EN = 'tools/aligner/vctk_model.zip' MODEL_DIR_ZH = 'tools/aligner/aishell3_model.zip' MFA_PATH = 'tools/montreal-forced-aligner/bin' os.environ['PATH'] = MFA_PATH + '/:' + os.environ['PATH'] def _get_max_idx(dic): return sorted([int(key.split('_')[0]) for key in dic.keys()])[-1] def _readtg(tg_path: str, lang: str='en', fs: int=24000, n_shift: int=300): alignment = textgrid.openTextgrid(tg_path, includeEmptyIntervals=True) phones = [] ends = [] words = [] for interval in alignment.tierDict['words'].entryList: word = interval.label if word: words.append(word) for interval in alignment.tierDict['phones'].entryList: phone = interval.label phones.append(phone) ends.append(interval.end) frame_pos = librosa.time_to_frames(ends, sr=fs, hop_length=n_shift) durations = np.diff(frame_pos, prepend=0) assert len(durations) == len(phones) # merge '' and sp in the end if phones[-1] == '' and len(phones) > 1 and phones[-2] == 'sp': phones = phones[:-1] durations[-2] += durations[-1] durations = durations[:-1] # replace '' and 'sil' with 'sp' phones = ['sp' if (phn == '' or phn == 'sil') else phn for phn in phones] if lang == 'en': DICT = DICT_EN elif lang == 'zh': DICT = DICT_ZH word2phns_dict = get_dict(DICT) phn2word_dict = [] for word in words: if lang == 'en': word = word.upper() phn2word_dict.append([word2phns_dict[word].split(), word]) non_sp_idx = 0 word_idx = 0 i = 0 word2phns = {} while i < len(phones): phn = phones[i] if phn == 'sp': word2phns[str(word_idx) + '_sp'] = ['sp'] i += 1 else: phns, word = phn2word_dict[non_sp_idx] word2phns[str(word_idx) + '_' + word] = phns non_sp_idx += 1 i += len(phns) word_idx += 1 sum_phn = sum(len(word2phns[k]) for k in word2phns) assert sum_phn == len(phones) results = '' for (p, d) in zip(phones, durations): results += p + ' ' + str(d) + ' ' return results.strip(), word2phns def alignment(wav_path: str, text: str, fs: int=24000, lang='en', n_shift: int=300): wav_name = os.path.basename(wav_path) utt = wav_name.split('.')[0] # prepare data for MFA tmp_name = get_tmp_name(text=text) tmpbase = './tmp_dir/' + tmp_name tmpbase = Path(tmpbase) tmpbase.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) print("tmp_name in alignment:", tmp_name) shutil.copyfile(wav_path, tmpbase / wav_name) txt_name = utt + '.txt' txt_path = tmpbase / txt_name with open(txt_path, 'w') as wf: wf.write(text + '\n') # MFA if lang == 'en': DICT = DICT_EN MODEL_DIR = MODEL_DIR_EN elif lang == 'zh': DICT = DICT_ZH MODEL_DIR = MODEL_DIR_ZH else: print('please input right lang!!') CMD = 'mfa_align' + ' ' + str( tmpbase) + ' ' + DICT + ' ' + MODEL_DIR + ' ' + str(tmpbase) os.system(CMD) tg_path = str(tmpbase) + '/' + tmp_name + '/' + utt + '.TextGrid' phn_dur, word2phns = _readtg(tg_path, lang=lang) phn_dur = phn_dur.split() phns = phn_dur[::2] durs = phn_dur[1::2] durs = [int(d) for d in durs] assert len(phns) == len(durs) return phns, durs, word2phns def words2phns(text: str, lang='en'): ''' Args: text (str): input text. eg: for that reason cover is impossible to be given. lang (str): 'en' or 'zh' Returns: List[str]: phones of input text. eg: ['F', 'AO1', 'R', 'DH', 'AE1', 'T', 'R', 'IY1', 'Z', 'AH0', 'N', 'K', 'AH1', 'V', 'ER0', 'IH1', 'Z', 'IH2', 'M', 'P', 'AA1', 'S', 'AH0', 'B', 'AH0', 'L', 'T', 'UW1', 'B', 'IY1', 'G', 'IH1', 'V', 'AH0', 'N'] Dict(str, str): key - idx_word value - phones eg: {'0_FOR': ['F', 'AO1', 'R'], '1_THAT': ['DH', 'AE1', 'T'], '2_REASON': ['R', 'IY1', 'Z', 'AH0', 'N'],'3_COVER': ['K', 'AH1', 'V', 'ER0'], '4_IS': ['IH1', 'Z'], '5_IMPOSSIBLE': ['IH2', 'M', 'P', 'AA1', 'S', 'AH0', 'B', 'AH0', 'L'], '6_TO': ['T', 'UW1'], '7_BE': ['B', 'IY1'], '8_GIVEN': ['G', 'IH1', 'V', 'AH0', 'N']} ''' text = text.strip() words = [] for pun in [ ',', '.', ':', ';', '!', '?', '"', '(', ')', '--', '---', u',', u'。', u':', u';', u'!', u'?', u'(', u')' ]: text = text.replace(pun, ' ') for wrd in text.split(): if (wrd[-1] == '-'): wrd = wrd[:-1] if (wrd[0] == "'"): wrd = wrd[1:] if wrd: words.append(wrd) if lang == 'en': dictfile = DICT_EN elif lang == 'zh': dictfile = DICT_ZH else: print('please input right lang!!') word2phns_dict = get_dict(dictfile) ds = word2phns_dict.keys() phns = [] wrd2phns = {} for index, wrd in enumerate(words): if lang == 'en': wrd = wrd.upper() if (wrd not in ds): wrd2phns[str(index) + '_' + wrd] = 'spn' phns.extend(['spn']) else: wrd2phns[str(index) + '_' + wrd] = word2phns_dict[wrd].split() phns.extend(word2phns_dict[wrd].split()) return phns, wrd2phns def get_phns_spans(wav_path: str, old_str: str='', new_str: str='', source_lang: str='en', target_lang: str='en', fs: int=24000, n_shift: int=300): is_append = (old_str == new_str[:len(old_str)]) old_phns, mfa_start, mfa_end = [], [], [] # source lang = source_lang phn, dur, w2p = alignment( wav_path=wav_path, text=old_str, lang=lang, fs=fs, n_shift=n_shift) new_d_cumsum = np.pad(np.array(dur).cumsum(0), (1, 0), 'constant').tolist() mfa_start = new_d_cumsum[:-1] mfa_end = new_d_cumsum[1:] old_phns = phn # target if is_append and (source_lang != target_lang): cross_lingual_clone = True else: cross_lingual_clone = False if cross_lingual_clone: str_origin = new_str[:len(old_str)] str_append = new_str[len(old_str):] if target_lang == 'zh': phns_origin, origin_w2p = words2phns(str_origin, lang='en') phns_append, append_w2p_tmp = words2phns(str_append, lang='zh') elif target_lang == 'en': # 原始句子 phns_origin, origin_w2p = words2phns(str_origin, lang='zh') # clone 句子 phns_append, append_w2p_tmp = words2phns(str_append, lang='en') else: assert target_lang == 'zh' or target_lang == 'en', \ 'cloning is not support for this language, please check it.' new_phns = phns_origin + phns_append append_w2p = {} length = len(origin_w2p) for key, value in append_w2p_tmp.items(): idx, wrd = key.split('_') append_w2p[str(int(idx) + length) + '_' + wrd] = value new_w2p = origin_w2p.copy() new_w2p.update(append_w2p) else: if source_lang == target_lang: new_phns, new_w2p = words2phns(new_str, lang=source_lang) else: assert source_lang == target_lang, \ 'source language is not same with target language...' span_to_repl = [0, len(old_phns) - 1] span_to_add = [0, len(new_phns) - 1] left_idx = 0 new_phns_left = [] sp_count = 0 # find the left different index # 因为可能 align 时候的 words2phns 和直接 words2phns, 前者会有 sp? for key in w2p.keys(): idx, wrd = key.split('_') if wrd == 'sp': sp_count += 1 new_phns_left.append('sp') else: idx = str(int(idx) - sp_count) if idx + '_' + wrd in new_w2p: # 是 new_str phn 序列的 index left_idx += len(new_w2p[idx + '_' + wrd]) # old phn 序列 new_phns_left.extend(w2p[key]) else: span_to_repl[0] = len(new_phns_left) span_to_add[0] = len(new_phns_left) break # reverse w2p and new_w2p right_idx = 0 new_phns_right = [] sp_count = 0 w2p_max_idx = _get_max_idx(w2p) new_w2p_max_idx = _get_max_idx(new_w2p) new_phns_mid = [] if is_append: new_phns_right = [] new_phns_mid = new_phns[left_idx:] span_to_repl[0] = len(new_phns_left) span_to_add[0] = len(new_phns_left) span_to_add[1] = len(new_phns_left) + len(new_phns_mid) span_to_repl[1] = len(old_phns) - len(new_phns_right) # speech edit else: for key in list(w2p.keys())[::-1]: idx, wrd = key.split('_') if wrd == 'sp': sp_count += 1 new_phns_right = ['sp'] + new_phns_right else: idx = str(new_w2p_max_idx - (w2p_max_idx - int(idx) - sp_count)) if idx + '_' + wrd in new_w2p: right_idx -= len(new_w2p[idx + '_' + wrd]) new_phns_right = w2p[key] + new_phns_right else: span_to_repl[1] = len(old_phns) - len(new_phns_right) new_phns_mid = new_phns[left_idx:right_idx] span_to_add[1] = len(new_phns_left) + len(new_phns_mid) if len(new_phns_mid) == 0: span_to_add[1] = min(span_to_add[1] + 1, len(new_phns)) span_to_add[0] = max(0, span_to_add[0] - 1) span_to_repl[0] = max(0, span_to_repl[0] - 1) span_to_repl[1] = min(span_to_repl[1] + 1, len(old_phns)) break new_phns = new_phns_left + new_phns_mid + new_phns_right ''' For that reason cover should not be given. For that reason cover is impossible to be given. span_to_repl: [17, 23] "should not" span_to_add: [17, 30] "is impossible to" ''' outs = {} outs['mfa_start'] = mfa_start outs['mfa_end'] = mfa_end outs['old_phns'] = old_phns outs['new_phns'] = new_phns outs['span_to_repl'] = span_to_repl outs['span_to_add'] = span_to_add return outs if __name__ == '__main__': text = "For that reason cover should not be given." phn, dur, word2phns = alignment("source/p243_313.wav", text, lang='en') print(phn, dur) print(word2phns) print("---------------------------------") # 这里可以用我们的中文前端得到 pinyin 序列 text_zh = "卡尔普陪外孙玩滑梯。" text_zh = pypinyin.lazy_pinyin( text_zh, neutral_tone_with_five=True, style=pypinyin.Style.TONE3, tone_sandhi=True) text_zh = " ".join(text_zh) phn, dur, word2phns = alignment("source/000001.wav", text_zh, lang='zh') print(phn, dur) print(word2phns) print("---------------------------------") phns, wrd2phns = words2phns(text, lang='en') print("phns:", phns) print("wrd2phns:", wrd2phns) print("---------------------------------") phns, wrd2phns = words2phns(text_zh, lang='zh') print("phns:", phns) print("wrd2phns:", wrd2phns) print("---------------------------------") outs = get_phns_spans( wav_path="source/p243_313.wav", old_str="For that reason cover should not be given.", new_str="for that reason cover is impossible to be given.") mfa_start = outs["mfa_start"] mfa_end = outs["mfa_end"] old_phns = outs["old_phns"] new_phns = outs["new_phns"] span_to_repl = outs["span_to_repl"] span_to_add = outs["span_to_add"] print("mfa_start:", mfa_start) print("mfa_end:", mfa_end) print("old_phns:", old_phns) print("new_phns:", new_phns) print("span_to_repl:", span_to_repl) print("span_to_add:", span_to_add) print("---------------------------------")