# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typing import Collection from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Tuple import numpy as np import paddle from paddlespeech.t2s.datasets.batch import batch_sequences from paddlespeech.t2s.datasets.get_feats import LogMelFBank from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.nets_utils import get_seg_pos from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.nets_utils import make_non_pad_mask from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.nets_utils import pad_list from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.nets_utils import phones_masking from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.nets_utils import phones_text_masking # 因为要传参数,所以需要额外构建 def build_erniesat_collate_fn(mlm_prob: float=0.8, mean_phn_span: int=8, seg_emb: bool=False, text_masking: bool=False): return ErnieSATCollateFn( mlm_prob=mlm_prob, mean_phn_span=mean_phn_span, seg_emb=seg_emb, text_masking=text_masking) class ErnieSATCollateFn: """Functor class of common_collate_fn()""" def __init__(self, mlm_prob: float=0.8, mean_phn_span: int=8, seg_emb: bool=False, text_masking: bool=False): self.mlm_prob = mlm_prob self.mean_phn_span = mean_phn_span self.seg_emb = seg_emb self.text_masking = text_masking def __call__(self, exmaples): return erniesat_batch_fn( exmaples, mlm_prob=self.mlm_prob, mean_phn_span=self.mean_phn_span, seg_emb=self.seg_emb, text_masking=self.text_masking) def erniesat_batch_fn(examples, mlm_prob: float=0.8, mean_phn_span: int=8, seg_emb: bool=False, text_masking: bool=False): # fields = ["text", "text_lengths", "speech", "speech_lengths", "align_start", "align_end"] text = [np.array(item["text"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] speech = [np.array(item["speech"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] text_lengths = [ np.array(item["text_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] speech_lengths = [ np.array(item["speech_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] align_start = [ np.array(item["align_start"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] align_end = [ np.array(item["align_end"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] align_start_lengths = [ np.array(len(item["align_start"]), dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] # add_pad text = batch_sequences(text) speech = batch_sequences(speech) align_start = batch_sequences(align_start) align_end = batch_sequences(align_end) # convert each batch to paddle.Tensor text = paddle.to_tensor(text) speech = paddle.to_tensor(speech) text_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(text_lengths) speech_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(speech_lengths) align_start_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(align_start_lengths) speech_pad = speech text_pad = text text_mask = make_non_pad_mask( text_lengths, text_pad, length_dim=1).unsqueeze(-2) speech_mask = make_non_pad_mask( speech_lengths, speech_pad[:, :, 0], length_dim=1).unsqueeze(-2) # for training span_bdy = None # for inference if 'span_bdy' in examples[0].keys(): span_bdy = [ np.array(item["span_bdy"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] span_bdy = paddle.to_tensor(span_bdy) # dual_mask 的是混合中英时候同时 mask 语音和文本 # ernie sat 在实现跨语言的时候都 mask 了 if text_masking: masked_pos, text_masked_pos = phones_text_masking( xs_pad=speech_pad, src_mask=speech_mask, text_pad=text_pad, text_mask=text_mask, align_start=align_start, align_end=align_end, align_start_lens=align_start_lengths, mlm_prob=mlm_prob, mean_phn_span=mean_phn_span, span_bdy=span_bdy) # 训练纯中文和纯英文的 -> a3t 没有对 phoneme 做 mask, 只对语音 mask 了 # a3t 和 ernie sat 的区别主要在于做 mask 的时候 else: masked_pos = phones_masking( xs_pad=speech_pad, src_mask=speech_mask, align_start=align_start, align_end=align_end, align_start_lens=align_start_lengths, mlm_prob=mlm_prob, mean_phn_span=mean_phn_span, span_bdy=span_bdy) text_masked_pos = paddle.zeros(paddle.shape(text_pad)) speech_seg_pos, text_seg_pos = get_seg_pos( speech_pad=speech_pad, text_pad=text_pad, align_start=align_start, align_end=align_end, align_start_lens=align_start_lengths, seg_emb=seg_emb) batch = { "text": text, "speech": speech, # need to generate "masked_pos": masked_pos, "speech_mask": speech_mask, "text_mask": text_mask, "speech_seg_pos": speech_seg_pos, "text_seg_pos": text_seg_pos, "text_masked_pos": text_masked_pos } return batch def tacotron2_single_spk_batch_fn(examples): # fields = ["text", "text_lengths", "speech", "speech_lengths"] text = [np.array(item["text"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] speech = [np.array(item["speech"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] text_lengths = [ np.array(item["text_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] speech_lengths = [ np.array(item["speech_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] text = batch_sequences(text) speech = batch_sequences(speech) # convert each batch to paddle.Tensor text = paddle.to_tensor(text) speech = paddle.to_tensor(speech) text_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(text_lengths) speech_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(speech_lengths) batch = { "text": text, "text_lengths": text_lengths, "speech": speech, "speech_lengths": speech_lengths, } return batch def tacotron2_multi_spk_batch_fn(examples): # fields = ["text", "text_lengths", "speech", "speech_lengths"] text = [np.array(item["text"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] speech = [np.array(item["speech"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] text_lengths = [ np.array(item["text_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] speech_lengths = [ np.array(item["speech_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] text = batch_sequences(text) speech = batch_sequences(speech) # convert each batch to paddle.Tensor text = paddle.to_tensor(text) speech = paddle.to_tensor(speech) text_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(text_lengths) speech_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(speech_lengths) batch = { "text": text, "text_lengths": text_lengths, "speech": speech, "speech_lengths": speech_lengths, } # spk_emb has a higher priority than spk_id if "spk_emb" in examples[0]: spk_emb = [ np.array(item["spk_emb"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples ] spk_emb = batch_sequences(spk_emb) spk_emb = paddle.to_tensor(spk_emb) batch["spk_emb"] = spk_emb elif "spk_id" in examples[0]: spk_id = [np.array(item["spk_id"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] spk_id = paddle.to_tensor(spk_id) batch["spk_id"] = spk_id return batch def speedyspeech_single_spk_batch_fn(examples): # fields = ["phones", "tones", "num_phones", "num_frames", "feats", "durations"] phones = [np.array(item["phones"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] tones = [np.array(item["tones"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] feats = [np.array(item["feats"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] durations = [ np.array(item["durations"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] num_phones = [ np.array(item["num_phones"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] num_frames = [ np.array(item["num_frames"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] phones = batch_sequences(phones) tones = batch_sequences(tones) feats = batch_sequences(feats) durations = batch_sequences(durations) # convert each batch to paddle.Tensor phones = paddle.to_tensor(phones) tones = paddle.to_tensor(tones) feats = paddle.to_tensor(feats) durations = paddle.to_tensor(durations) num_phones = paddle.to_tensor(num_phones) num_frames = paddle.to_tensor(num_frames) batch = { "phones": phones, "tones": tones, "num_phones": num_phones, "num_frames": num_frames, "feats": feats, "durations": durations, } return batch def speedyspeech_multi_spk_batch_fn(examples): # fields = ["phones", "tones", "num_phones", "num_frames", "feats", "durations", "spk_id"] phones = [np.array(item["phones"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] tones = [np.array(item["tones"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] feats = [np.array(item["feats"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] durations = [ np.array(item["durations"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] num_phones = [ np.array(item["num_phones"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] num_frames = [ np.array(item["num_frames"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] phones = batch_sequences(phones) tones = batch_sequences(tones) feats = batch_sequences(feats) durations = batch_sequences(durations) # convert each batch to paddle.Tensor phones = paddle.to_tensor(phones) tones = paddle.to_tensor(tones) feats = paddle.to_tensor(feats) durations = paddle.to_tensor(durations) num_phones = paddle.to_tensor(num_phones) num_frames = paddle.to_tensor(num_frames) batch = { "phones": phones, "tones": tones, "num_phones": num_phones, "num_frames": num_frames, "feats": feats, "durations": durations, } if "spk_id" in examples[0]: spk_id = [np.array(item["spk_id"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] spk_id = paddle.to_tensor(spk_id) batch["spk_id"] = spk_id return batch def fastspeech2_single_spk_batch_fn(examples): # fields = ["text", "text_lengths", "speech", "speech_lengths", "durations", "pitch", "energy"] text = [np.array(item["text"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] speech = [np.array(item["speech"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] pitch = [np.array(item["pitch"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] energy = [np.array(item["energy"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] durations = [ np.array(item["durations"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] text_lengths = [ np.array(item["text_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] speech_lengths = [ np.array(item["speech_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] text = batch_sequences(text) pitch = batch_sequences(pitch) speech = batch_sequences(speech) durations = batch_sequences(durations) energy = batch_sequences(energy) # convert each batch to paddle.Tensor text = paddle.to_tensor(text) pitch = paddle.to_tensor(pitch) speech = paddle.to_tensor(speech) durations = paddle.to_tensor(durations) energy = paddle.to_tensor(energy) text_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(text_lengths) speech_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(speech_lengths) batch = { "text": text, "text_lengths": text_lengths, "durations": durations, "speech": speech, "speech_lengths": speech_lengths, "pitch": pitch, "energy": energy } return batch def fastspeech2_multi_spk_batch_fn(examples): # fields = ["text", "text_lengths", "speech", "speech_lengths", "durations", "pitch", "energy", "spk_id"/"spk_emb"] text = [np.array(item["text"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] speech = [np.array(item["speech"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] pitch = [np.array(item["pitch"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] energy = [np.array(item["energy"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] durations = [ np.array(item["durations"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] text_lengths = [ np.array(item["text_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] speech_lengths = [ np.array(item["speech_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] text = batch_sequences(text) pitch = batch_sequences(pitch) speech = batch_sequences(speech) durations = batch_sequences(durations) energy = batch_sequences(energy) # convert each batch to paddle.Tensor text = paddle.to_tensor(text) pitch = paddle.to_tensor(pitch) speech = paddle.to_tensor(speech) durations = paddle.to_tensor(durations) energy = paddle.to_tensor(energy) text_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(text_lengths) speech_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(speech_lengths) batch = { "text": text, "text_lengths": text_lengths, "durations": durations, "speech": speech, "speech_lengths": speech_lengths, "pitch": pitch, "energy": energy } # spk_emb has a higher priority than spk_id if "spk_emb" in examples[0]: spk_emb = [ np.array(item["spk_emb"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples ] spk_emb = batch_sequences(spk_emb) spk_emb = paddle.to_tensor(spk_emb) batch["spk_emb"] = spk_emb elif "spk_id" in examples[0]: spk_id = [np.array(item["spk_id"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] spk_id = paddle.to_tensor(spk_id) batch["spk_id"] = spk_id return batch def transformer_single_spk_batch_fn(examples): # fields = ["text", "text_lengths", "speech", "speech_lengths"] text = [np.array(item["text"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] speech = [np.array(item["speech"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] text_lengths = [ np.array(item["text_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] speech_lengths = [ np.array(item["speech_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] text = batch_sequences(text) speech = batch_sequences(speech) # convert each batch to paddle.Tensor text = paddle.to_tensor(text) speech = paddle.to_tensor(speech) text_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(text_lengths) speech_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(speech_lengths) batch = { "text": text, "text_lengths": text_lengths, "speech": speech, "speech_lengths": speech_lengths, } return batch def vits_single_spk_batch_fn(examples): """ Returns: Dict[str, Any]: - text (Tensor): Text index tensor (B, T_text). - text_lengths (Tensor): Text length tensor (B,). - feats (Tensor): Feature tensor (B, T_feats, aux_channels). - feats_lengths (Tensor): Feature length tensor (B,). - speech (Tensor): Speech waveform tensor (B, T_wav). """ # fields = ["text", "text_lengths", "feats", "feats_lengths", "speech"] text = [np.array(item["text"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples] feats = [np.array(item["feats"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] speech = [np.array(item["wave"], dtype=np.float32) for item in examples] text_lengths = [ np.array(item["text_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] feats_lengths = [ np.array(item["feats_lengths"], dtype=np.int64) for item in examples ] text = batch_sequences(text) feats = batch_sequences(feats) speech = batch_sequences(speech) # convert each batch to paddle.Tensor text = paddle.to_tensor(text) feats = paddle.to_tensor(feats) text_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(text_lengths) feats_lengths = paddle.to_tensor(feats_lengths) batch = { "text": text, "text_lengths": text_lengths, "feats": feats, "feats_lengths": feats_lengths, "speech": speech } return batch # for ERNIE SAT class MLMCollateFn: """Functor class of common_collate_fn()""" def __init__( self, feats_extract, mlm_prob: float=0.8, mean_phn_span: int=8, seg_emb: bool=False, text_masking: bool=False, attention_window: int=0, not_sequence: Collection[str]=(), ): self.mlm_prob = mlm_prob self.mean_phn_span = mean_phn_span self.feats_extract = feats_extract self.not_sequence = set(not_sequence) self.attention_window = attention_window self.seg_emb = seg_emb self.text_masking = text_masking def __call__(self, data: Collection[Tuple[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]] ) -> Tuple[List[str], Dict[str, paddle.Tensor]]: return mlm_collate_fn( data, feats_extract=self.feats_extract, mlm_prob=self.mlm_prob, mean_phn_span=self.mean_phn_span, seg_emb=self.seg_emb, text_masking=self.text_masking, not_sequence=self.not_sequence) def mlm_collate_fn( data: Collection[Tuple[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]], feats_extract=None, mlm_prob: float=0.8, mean_phn_span: int=8, seg_emb: bool=False, text_masking: bool=False, pad_value: int=0, not_sequence: Collection[str]=(), ) -> Tuple[List[str], Dict[str, paddle.Tensor]]: uttids = [u for u, _ in data] data = [d for _, d in data] assert all(set(data[0]) == set(d) for d in data), "dict-keys mismatching" assert all(not k.endswith("_lens") for k in data[0]), f"*_lens is reserved: {list(data[0])}" output = {} for key in data[0]: array_list = [d[key] for d in data] # Assume the first axis is length: # tensor_list: Batch x (Length, ...) tensor_list = [paddle.to_tensor(a) for a in array_list] # tensor: (Batch, Length, ...) tensor = pad_list(tensor_list, pad_value) output[key] = tensor # lens: (Batch,) if key not in not_sequence: lens = paddle.to_tensor( [d[key].shape[0] for d in data], dtype=paddle.int64) output[key + "_lens"] = lens feats = feats_extract.get_log_mel_fbank(np.array(output["speech"][0])) feats = paddle.to_tensor(feats) print("feats.shape:", feats.shape) feats_lens = paddle.shape(feats)[0] feats = paddle.unsqueeze(feats, 0) text = output["text"] text_lens = output["text_lens"] align_start = output["align_start"] align_start_lens = output["align_start_lens"] align_end = output["align_end"] max_tlen = max(text_lens) max_slen = max(feats_lens) speech_pad = feats[:, :max_slen] text_pad = text text_mask = make_non_pad_mask( text_lens, text_pad, length_dim=1).unsqueeze(-2) speech_mask = make_non_pad_mask( feats_lens, speech_pad[:, :, 0], length_dim=1).unsqueeze(-2) span_bdy = None if 'span_bdy' in output.keys(): span_bdy = output['span_bdy'] # dual_mask 的是混合中英时候同时 mask 语音和文本 # ernie sat 在实现跨语言的时候都 mask 了 if text_masking: masked_pos, text_masked_pos = phones_text_masking( xs_pad=speech_pad, src_mask=speech_mask, text_pad=text_pad, text_mask=text_mask, align_start=align_start, align_end=align_end, align_start_lens=align_start_lens, mlm_prob=mlm_prob, mean_phn_span=mean_phn_span, span_bdy=span_bdy) # 训练纯中文和纯英文的 -> a3t 没有对 phoneme 做 mask, 只对语音 mask 了 # a3t 和 ernie sat 的区别主要在于做 mask 的时候 else: masked_pos = phones_masking( xs_pad=speech_pad, src_mask=speech_mask, align_start=align_start, align_end=align_end, align_start_lens=align_start_lens, mlm_prob=mlm_prob, mean_phn_span=mean_phn_span, span_bdy=span_bdy) text_masked_pos = paddle.zeros(paddle.shape(text_pad)) output_dict = {} speech_seg_pos, text_seg_pos = get_seg_pos( speech_pad=speech_pad, text_pad=text_pad, align_start=align_start, align_end=align_end, align_start_lens=align_start_lens, seg_emb=seg_emb) output_dict['speech'] = speech_pad output_dict['text'] = text_pad output_dict['masked_pos'] = masked_pos output_dict['text_masked_pos'] = text_masked_pos output_dict['speech_mask'] = speech_mask output_dict['text_mask'] = text_mask output_dict['speech_seg_pos'] = speech_seg_pos output_dict['text_seg_pos'] = text_seg_pos output = (uttids, output_dict) return output def build_mlm_collate_fn( sr: int=24000, n_fft: int=2048, hop_length: int=300, win_length: int=None, n_mels: int=80, fmin: int=80, fmax: int=7600, mlm_prob: float=0.8, mean_phn_span: int=8, seg_emb: bool=False, epoch: int=-1, ): feats_extract_class = LogMelFBank feats_extract = feats_extract_class( sr=sr, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length, n_mels=n_mels, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax) if epoch == -1: mlm_prob_factor = 1 else: mlm_prob_factor = 0.8 return MLMCollateFn( feats_extract=feats_extract, mlm_prob=mlm_prob * mlm_prob_factor, mean_phn_span=mean_phn_span, seg_emb=seg_emb)