# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Test decoders.""" import unittest from paddlespeech.s2t.decoders import decoders_deprecated as decoder class TestDecoders(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.vocab_list = ["\'", ' ', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] self.beam_size = 20 self.probs_seq1 = [[ 0.06390443, 0.21124858, 0.27323887, 0.06870235, 0.0361254, 0.18184413, 0.16493624 ], [ 0.03309247, 0.22866108, 0.24390638, 0.09699597, 0.31895462, 0.0094893, 0.06890021 ], [ 0.218104, 0.19992557, 0.18245131, 0.08503348, 0.14903535, 0.08424043, 0.08120984 ], [ 0.12094152, 0.19162472, 0.01473646, 0.28045061, 0.24246305, 0.05206269, 0.09772094 ], [ 0.1333387, 0.00550838, 0.00301669, 0.21745861, 0.20803985, 0.41317442, 0.01946335 ], [ 0.16468227, 0.1980699, 0.1906545, 0.18963251, 0.19860937, 0.04377724, 0.01457421 ]] self.probs_seq2 = [[ 0.08034842, 0.22671944, 0.05799633, 0.36814645, 0.11307441, 0.04468023, 0.10903471 ], [ 0.09742457, 0.12959763, 0.09435383, 0.21889204, 0.15113123, 0.10219457, 0.20640612 ], [ 0.45033529, 0.09091417, 0.15333208, 0.07939558, 0.08649316, 0.12298585, 0.01654384 ], [ 0.02512238, 0.22079203, 0.19664364, 0.11906379, 0.07816055, 0.22538587, 0.13483174 ], [ 0.17928453, 0.06065261, 0.41153005, 0.1172041, 0.11880313, 0.07113197, 0.04139363 ], [ 0.15882358, 0.1235788, 0.23376776, 0.20510435, 0.00279306, 0.05294827, 0.22298418 ]] self.greedy_result = ["ac'bdc", "b'da"] self.beam_search_result = ['acdc', "b'a"] def test_greedy_decoder_1(self): bst_result = decoder.ctc_greedy_decoder(self.probs_seq1, self.vocab_list) self.assertEqual(bst_result, self.greedy_result[0]) def test_greedy_decoder_2(self): bst_result = decoder.ctc_greedy_decoder(self.probs_seq2, self.vocab_list) self.assertEqual(bst_result, self.greedy_result[1]) def test_beam_search_decoder_1(self): beam_result = decoder.ctc_beam_search_decoder( probs_seq=self.probs_seq1, beam_size=self.beam_size, vocabulary=self.vocab_list) self.assertEqual(beam_result[0][1], self.beam_search_result[0]) def test_beam_search_decoder_2(self): beam_result = decoder.ctc_beam_search_decoder( probs_seq=self.probs_seq2, beam_size=self.beam_size, vocabulary=self.vocab_list) self.assertEqual(beam_result[0][1], self.beam_search_result[1]) def test_beam_search_decoder_batch(self): beam_results = decoder.ctc_beam_search_decoder_batch( probs_split=[self.probs_seq1, self.probs_seq2], beam_size=self.beam_size, vocabulary=self.vocab_list, num_processes=24) self.assertEqual(beam_results[0][0][1], self.beam_search_result[0]) self.assertEqual(beam_results[1][0][1], self.beam_search_result[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()