# G2P
For g2p, we use BZNSYP's phone label as the ground truth and we delete silence tokens in labels and predicted phones.

You should Download BZNSYP from its [Official Website](https://test.data-baker.com/data/index/source) and extract it. Assume the path to the dataset is `~/datasets/BZNSYP`.

We use `WER` as an evaluation criterion.

# Start
Run the command below to get the results of the test.
The `avg WER` of g2p is: 0.026014352515701198
     |        | # Snt    # Wrd  | Corr    Sub    Del    Ins    Err  S.Err |
     | Sum/Avg|  9996   299181  | 97.3    2.7    0.0    0.0    2.7   52.2 |