#!/bin/bash # bash test_server_client.sh StartService(){ # Start service paddlespeech_server start --config_file $config_file 1>>log/server.log 2>>log/server.log.wf & echo $! > pid start_num=$(cat log/server.log.wf | grep "INFO: Uvicorn running on http://" -c) flag="normal" while [[ $start_num -lt $target_start_num && $flag == "normal" ]] do start_num=$(cat log/server.log.wf | grep "INFO: Uvicorn running on http://" -c) # start service failed if [ $(cat log/server.log.wf | grep -i "error" -c) -gt $error_time ];then echo "Service started failed." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log error_time=$(cat log/server.log.wf | grep -i "error" -c) flag="unnormal" fi done } ClientTest(){ # Client test # test asr client paddlespeech_client asr --server_ip $server_ip --port $port --input ./zh.wav ((test_times+=1)) paddlespeech_client asr --server_ip $server_ip --port $port --input ./zh.wav ((test_times+=1)) # test tts client paddlespeech_client tts --server_ip $server_ip --port $port --input "您好,欢迎使用百度飞桨语音合成服务。" --output output.wav ((test_times+=1)) paddlespeech_client tts --server_ip $server_ip --port $port --input "您好,欢迎使用百度飞桨语音合成服务。" --output output.wav ((test_times+=1)) # test cls client paddlespeech_client cls --server_ip $server_ip --port $port --input ./zh.wav ((test_times+=1)) paddlespeech_client cls --server_ip $server_ip --port $port --input ./zh.wav ((test_times+=1)) } GetTestResult() { # Determine if the test was successful response_success_time=$(cat log/server.log | grep "200 OK" -c) if (( $response_success_time == $test_times )) ; then echo "Testing successfully. The service configuration is: asr engine type: $1; tts engine type: $1; cls engine type: $1; device: $2." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log else echo "Testing failed. The service configuration is: asr engine type: $1; tts engine type: $1; cls engine type: $1; device: $2." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log fi test_times=$response_success_time } mkdir -p log rm -rf log/server.log.wf rm -rf log/server.log rm -rf log/test_result.log config_file=./conf/application.yaml server_ip=$(cat $config_file | grep "host" | awk -F " " '{print $2}') port=$(cat $config_file | grep "port" | awk '/port:/ {print $2}') echo "Sevice ip: $server_ip" | tee ./log/test_result.log echo "Sevice port: $port" | tee -a ./log/test_result.log # whether a process is listening on $port pid=`lsof -i :"$port"|grep -v "PID" | awk '{print $2}'` if [ "$pid" != "" ]; then echo "The port: $port is occupied, please change another port" exit fi # download test audios for ASR client wget -c https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/PaddleAudio/zh.wav https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/PaddleAudio/en.wav target_start_num=0 # the number of start service test_times=0 # The number of client test error_time=0 # The number of error occurrences in the startup failure server.log.wf file # start server: asr engine type: python; tts engine type: python; cls engine type: python; device: gpu echo "Start the service: asr engine type: python; tts engine type: python; cls engine type: python; device: gpu" | tee -a ./log/test_result.log ((target_start_num+=1)) StartService if [[ $start_num -eq $target_start_num && $flag == "normal" ]]; then echo "Service started successfully." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log ClientTest echo "This round of testing is over." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log GetTestResult python gpu else echo "Service failed to start, no client test." target_start_num=$start_num fi kill -9 `cat pid` rm -rf pid sleep 2s echo "**************************************************************************************" | tee -a ./log/test_result.log # start server: asr engine type: python; tts engine type: python; cls engine type: python; device: cpu python change_yaml.py --change_task device-asr_python-cpu # change asr_python device: cpu python change_yaml.py --change_task device-tts_python-cpu # change tts_python device: cpu python change_yaml.py --change_task device-cls_python-cpu # change cls_python device: cpu echo "Start the service: asr engine type: python; tts engine type: python; cls engine type: python; device: cpu" | tee -a ./log/test_result.log ((target_start_num+=1)) StartService if [[ $start_num -eq $target_start_num && $flag == "normal" ]]; then echo "Service started successfully." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log ClientTest echo "This round of testing is over." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log GetTestResult python cpu else echo "Service failed to start, no client test." target_start_num=$start_num fi kill -9 `cat pid` rm -rf pid sleep 2s echo "**************************************************************************************" | tee -a ./log/test_result.log # start server: asr engine type: inference; tts engine type: inference; cls engine type: inference; device: gpu python change_yaml.py --change_task enginetype-asr_inference # change engine_list: 'asr_python' -> 'asr_inference' python change_yaml.py --change_task enginetype-tts_inference # change engine_list: 'tts_python' -> 'tts_inference' python change_yaml.py --change_task enginetype-cls_inference # change engine_list: 'cls_python' -> 'cls_inference' echo "Start the service: asr engine type: inference; tts engine type: inference; cls engine type: inference; device: gpu" | tee -a ./log/test_result.log ((target_start_num+=1)) StartService if [[ $start_num -eq $target_start_num && $flag == "normal" ]]; then echo "Service started successfully." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log ClientTest echo "This round of testing is over." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log GetTestResult inference gpu else echo "Service failed to start, no client test." target_start_num=$start_num fi kill -9 `cat pid` rm -rf pid sleep 2s echo "**************************************************************************************" | tee -a ./log/test_result.log # start server: asr engine type: inference; tts engine type: inference; cls engine type: inference; device: cpu python change_yaml.py --change_task device-asr_inference-cpu # change asr_inference device: cpu python change_yaml.py --change_task device-tts_inference-cpu # change tts_inference device: cpu python change_yaml.py --change_task device-cls_inference-cpu # change cls_inference device: cpu echo "start the service: asr engine type: inference; tts engine type: inference; cls engine type: inference; device: cpu" | tee -a ./log/test_result.log ((target_start_num+=1)) StartService if [[ $start_num -eq $target_start_num && $flag == "normal" ]]; then echo "Service started successfully." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log ClientTest echo "This round of testing is over." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log GetTestResult inference cpu else echo "Service failed to start, no client test." target_start_num=$start_num fi kill -9 `cat pid` rm -rf pid sleep 2s echo "**************************************************************************************" | tee -a ./log/test_result.log echo "All tests completed." | tee -a ./log/test_result.log # sohw all the test results echo "***************** Here are all the test results ********************" cat ./log/test_result.log # Restoring conf is the same as demos/speech_server rm -rf ./conf cp ../../../demos/speech_server/conf/ ./ -rf