([简体中文](./README_cn.md)|English) # Customized Auto Speech Recognition ## introduction In some cases, we need to recognize the specific rare words with high accuracy. eg: address recognition in navigation apps. customized ASR can slove those issues. this demo is customized for expense account, which need to recognize rare address. * G with slot: 打车到 "address_slot"。 ![](https://ai-studio-static-online.cdn.bcebos.com/28d9ef132a7f47a895a65ae9e5c4f55b8f472c9f3dd24be8a2e66e0b88b173a4) * this is address slot wfst, you can add the address which want to recognize. ![](https://ai-studio-static-online.cdn.bcebos.com/47c89100ef8c465bac733605ffc53d76abefba33d62f4d818d351f8cea3c8fe2) * after replace operation, G = fstreplace(G_with_slot, address_slot), we will get the customized graph. ![](https://ai-studio-static-online.cdn.bcebos.com/60a3095293044f10b73039ab10c7950d139a6717580a44a3ba878c6e74de402b) ## Usage ### 1. Installation install paddle:2.2.2 docker. ``` sudo docker pull registry.baidubce.com/paddlepaddle/paddle:2.2.2 sudo docker run --privileged --net=host --ipc=host -it --rm -v $PWD:/paddle --name=paddle_demo_docker registry.baidubce.com/paddlepaddle/paddle:2.2.2 /bin/bash ``` ### 2. demo * run websocket_server.sh. This script will download resources and libs, and launch the service. ``` cd /paddle bash websocket_server.sh ``` this script run in two steps: 1. download the resources.tar.gz, those direcotries will be found in resource directory. model: acustic model graph: the decoder graph (TLG.fst) lib: some libs bin: binary data: audio and wav.scp 2. websocket_server_main launch the service. some params: port: the service port graph_path: the decoder graph path model_path: acustic model path please refer other params in those files: PaddleSpeech/speechx/speechx/decoder/param.h PaddleSpeech/speechx/examples/ds2_ol/websocket/websocket_server_main.cc * In other terminal, run script websocket_client.sh, the client will send data and get the results. ``` bash websocket_client.sh ``` websocket_client_main will launch the client, the wav_scp is the wav set, port is the server service port. * result: In the log of client, you will see the message below: ``` 0513 10:58:13.827821 41768 recognizer_test_main.cc:56] wav len (sample): 70208 I0513 10:58:13.884493 41768 feature_cache.h:52] set finished I0513 10:58:24.247171 41768 paddle_nnet.h:76] Tensor neml: 10240 I0513 10:58:24.247249 41768 paddle_nnet.h:76] Tensor neml: 10240 LOG ([5.5.544~2-f21d7]:main():decoder/recognizer_test_main.cc:90) the result of case_10 is 五月十二日二十二点三十六分加班打车回家四十一元 ```