# [THCHS30](http://www.openslr.org/18/) This is the *data part* of the `THCHS30 2015` acoustic data & scripts dataset. The dataset is described in more detail in the paper ``THCHS-30 : A Free Chinese Speech Corpus`` by Dong Wang, Xuewei Zhang. A paper (if it can be called a paper) 13 years ago regarding the database: Dong Wang, Dalei Wu, Xiaoyan Zhu, ``TCMSD: A new Chinese Continuous Speech Database``, International Conference on Chinese Computing (ICCC'01), 2001, Singapore. The layout of this data pack is the following: ``data`` ``*.wav`` audio data ``*.wav.trn`` transcriptions ``{train,dev,test}`` contain symlinks into the ``data`` directory for both audio and transcription files. Contents of these directories define the train/dev/test split of the data. ``{lm_word}`` ``word.3gram.lm`` trigram LM based on word ``lexicon.txt`` lexicon based on word ``{lm_phone}`` ``phone.3gram.lm`` trigram LM based on phone ``lexicon.txt`` lexicon based on phone ``README.TXT`` this file Data statistics =============== Statistics for the data are as follows: =========== ========== ========== =========== **dataset** **audio** **#sents** **#words** =========== ========== ========== =========== train 25 10,000 198,252 dev 2:14 893 17,743 test 6:15 2,495 49,085 =========== ========== ========== ===========