// matrix/kaldi-matrix.cc // Copyright 2009-2011 Lukas Burget; Ondrej Glembek; Go Vivace Inc.; // Microsoft Corporation; Saarland University; // Yanmin Qian; Petr Schwarz; Jan Silovsky; // Haihua Xu // 2017 Shiyin Kang // 2019 Yiwen Shao // See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, // MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "matrix/kaldi-matrix.h" namespace kaldi { /* template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Invert(Real *log_det, Real *det_sign, bool inverse_needed) { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == num_cols_); if (num_rows_ == 0) { if (det_sign) *det_sign = 1; if (log_det) *log_det = 0.0; return; } #ifndef HAVE_ATLAS KaldiBlasInt *pivot = new KaldiBlasInt[num_rows_]; KaldiBlasInt M = num_rows_; KaldiBlasInt N = num_cols_; KaldiBlasInt LDA = stride_; KaldiBlasInt result = -1; KaldiBlasInt l_work = std::max<KaldiBlasInt>(1, N); Real *p_work; void *temp; if ((p_work = static_cast<Real*>( KALDI_MEMALIGN(16, sizeof(Real)*l_work, &temp))) == NULL) { delete[] pivot; throw std::bad_alloc(); } clapack_Xgetrf2(&M, &N, data_, &LDA, pivot, &result); const int pivot_offset = 1; #else int *pivot = new int[num_rows_]; int result; clapack_Xgetrf(num_rows_, num_cols_, data_, stride_, pivot, &result); const int pivot_offset = 0; #endif KALDI_ASSERT(result >= 0 && "Call to CLAPACK sgetrf_ or ATLAS clapack_sgetrf " "called with wrong arguments"); if (result > 0) { if (inverse_needed) { KALDI_ERR << "Cannot invert: matrix is singular"; } else { if (log_det) *log_det = -std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity(); if (det_sign) *det_sign = 0; delete[] pivot; #ifndef HAVE_ATLAS KALDI_MEMALIGN_FREE(p_work); #endif return; } } if (det_sign != NULL) { int sign = 1; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) if (pivot[i] != static_cast<int>(i) + pivot_offset) sign *= -1; *det_sign = sign; } if (log_det != NULL || det_sign != NULL) { // Compute log determinant. if (log_det != NULL) *log_det = 0.0; Real prod = 1.0; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) { prod *= (*this)(i, i); if (i == num_rows_ - 1 || std::fabs(prod) < 1.0e-10 || std::fabs(prod) > 1.0e+10) { if (log_det != NULL) *log_det += kaldi::Log(std::fabs(prod)); if (det_sign != NULL) *det_sign *= (prod > 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0); prod = 1.0; } } } #ifndef HAVE_ATLAS if (inverse_needed) clapack_Xgetri2(&M, data_, &LDA, pivot, p_work, &l_work, &result); delete[] pivot; KALDI_MEMALIGN_FREE(p_work); #else if (inverse_needed) clapack_Xgetri(num_rows_, data_, stride_, pivot, &result); delete [] pivot; #endif KALDI_ASSERT(result == 0 && "Call to CLAPACK sgetri_ or ATLAS clapack_sgetri " "called with wrong arguments"); } template<> template<> void MatrixBase<float>::AddVecVec(const float alpha, const VectorBase<float> &a, const VectorBase<float> &rb) { KALDI_ASSERT(a.Dim() == num_rows_ && rb.Dim() == num_cols_); cblas_Xger(a.Dim(), rb.Dim(), alpha, a.Data(), 1, rb.Data(), 1, data_, stride_); } template<typename Real> template<typename OtherReal> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddVecVec(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &a, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &b) { KALDI_ASSERT(a.Dim() == num_rows_ && b.Dim() == num_cols_); if (num_rows_ * num_cols_ > 100) { // It's probably worth it to allocate // temporary vectors of the right type and use BLAS. Vector<Real> temp_a(a), temp_b(b); cblas_Xger(num_rows_, num_cols_, alpha, temp_a.Data(), 1, temp_b.Data(), 1, data_, stride_); } else { const OtherReal *a_data = a.Data(), *b_data = b.Data(); Real *row_data = data_; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++, row_data += stride_) { BaseFloat alpha_ai = alpha * a_data[i]; for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols_; j++) row_data[j] += alpha_ai * b_data[j]; } } } // instantiate the template above. template void MatrixBase<float>::AddVecVec(const float alpha, const VectorBase<double> &a, const VectorBase<double> &b); template void MatrixBase<double>::AddVecVec(const double alpha, const VectorBase<float> &a, const VectorBase<float> &b); template<> template<> void MatrixBase<double>::AddVecVec(const double alpha, const VectorBase<double> &a, const VectorBase<double> &rb) { KALDI_ASSERT(a.Dim() == num_rows_ && rb.Dim() == num_cols_); if (num_rows_ == 0) return; cblas_Xger(a.Dim(), rb.Dim(), alpha, a.Data(), 1, rb.Data(), 1, data_, stride_); } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddMatMat(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real>& A, MatrixTransposeType transA, const MatrixBase<Real>& B, MatrixTransposeType transB, const Real beta) { KALDI_ASSERT((transA == kNoTrans && transB == kNoTrans && A.num_cols_ == B.num_rows_ && A.num_rows_ == num_rows_ && B.num_cols_ == num_cols_) || (transA == kTrans && transB == kNoTrans && A.num_rows_ == B.num_rows_ && A.num_cols_ == num_rows_ && B.num_cols_ == num_cols_) || (transA == kNoTrans && transB == kTrans && A.num_cols_ == B.num_cols_ && A.num_rows_ == num_rows_ && B.num_rows_ == num_cols_) || (transA == kTrans && transB == kTrans && A.num_rows_ == B.num_cols_ && A.num_cols_ == num_rows_ && B.num_rows_ == num_cols_)); KALDI_ASSERT(&A != this && &B != this); if (num_rows_ == 0) return; cblas_Xgemm(alpha, transA, A.data_, A.num_rows_, A.num_cols_, A.stride_, transB, B.data_, B.stride_, beta, data_, num_rows_, num_cols_, stride_); } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::SetMatMatDivMat(const MatrixBase<Real>& A, const MatrixBase<Real>& B, const MatrixBase<Real>& C) { KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumRows() == B.NumRows() && A.NumCols() == B.NumCols()); KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumRows() == C.NumRows() && A.NumCols() == C.NumCols()); for (int32 r = 0; r < A.NumRows(); r++) { // each frame... for (int32 c = 0; c < A.NumCols(); c++) { BaseFloat i = C(r, c), o = B(r, c), od = A(r, c), id; if (i != 0.0) { id = od * (o / i); /// o / i is either zero or "scale". } else { id = od; /// Just imagine the scale was 1.0. This is somehow true in /// expectation; anyway, this case should basically never happen so it doesn't /// really matter. } (*this)(r, c) = id; } } } */ // template<typename Real> // void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyLowerToUpper() { // KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == num_cols_); // Real *data = data_; // MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, stride = stride_; // for (int32 i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) // for (int32 j = 0; j < i; j++) // data[j * stride + i ] = data[i * stride + j]; //} // template<typename Real> // void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyUpperToLower() { // KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == num_cols_); // Real *data = data_; // MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, stride = stride_; // for (int32 i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) // for (int32 j = 0; j < i; j++) // data[i * stride + j] = data[j * stride + i]; //} /* template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::SymAddMat2(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA, Real beta) { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == num_cols_ && ((transA == kNoTrans && A.num_rows_ == num_rows_) || (transA == kTrans && A.num_cols_ == num_cols_))); KALDI_ASSERT(A.data_ != data_); if (num_rows_ == 0) return; /// When the matrix dimension(this->num_rows_) is not less than 56 /// and the transpose type transA == kTrans, the cblas_Xsyrk(...) /// function will produce NaN in the output. This is a bug in the /// ATLAS library. To overcome this, the AddMatMat function, which calls /// cblas_Xgemm(...) rather than cblas_Xsyrk(...), is used in this special /// sitation. /// Wei Shi: Note this bug is observerd for single precision matrix /// on a 64-bit machine #ifdef HAVE_ATLAS if (transA == kTrans && num_rows_ >= 56) { this->AddMatMat(alpha, A, kTrans, A, kNoTrans, beta); return; } #endif // HAVE_ATLAS MatrixIndexT A_other_dim = (transA == kNoTrans ? A.num_cols_ : A.num_rows_); // This function call is hard-coded to update the lower triangle. cblas_Xsyrk(transA, num_rows_, A_other_dim, alpha, A.Data(), A.Stride(), beta, this->data_, this->stride_); } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddMatSmat(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA, const MatrixBase<Real> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB, const Real beta) { KALDI_ASSERT((transA == kNoTrans && transB == kNoTrans && A.num_cols_ == B.num_rows_ && A.num_rows_ == num_rows_ && B.num_cols_ == num_cols_) || (transA == kTrans && transB == kNoTrans && A.num_rows_ == B.num_rows_ && A.num_cols_ == num_rows_ && B.num_cols_ == num_cols_) || (transA == kNoTrans && transB == kTrans && A.num_cols_ == B.num_cols_ && A.num_rows_ == num_rows_ && B.num_rows_ == num_cols_) || (transA == kTrans && transB == kTrans && A.num_rows_ == B.num_cols_ && A.num_cols_ == num_rows_ && B.num_rows_ == num_cols_)); KALDI_ASSERT(&A != this && &B != this); // We iterate over the columns of B. MatrixIndexT Astride = A.stride_, Bstride = B.stride_, stride = this->stride_, Arows = A.num_rows_, Acols = A.num_cols_; Real *data = this->data_, *Adata = A.data_, *Bdata = B.data_; MatrixIndexT num_cols = this->num_cols_; if (transB == kNoTrans) { // Iterate over the columns of *this and of B. for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols; c++) { // for each column of *this, do // [this column] = [alpha * A * this column of B] + [beta * this column] Xgemv_sparsevec(transA, Arows, Acols, alpha, Adata, Astride, Bdata + c, Bstride, beta, data + c, stride); } } else { // Iterate over the columns of *this and the rows of B. for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols; c++) { // for each column of *this, do // [this column] = [alpha * A * this row of B] + [beta * this column] Xgemv_sparsevec(transA, Arows, Acols, alpha, Adata, Astride, Bdata + (c * Bstride), 1, beta, data + c, stride); } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddSmatMat(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA, const MatrixBase<Real> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB, const Real beta) { KALDI_ASSERT((transA == kNoTrans && transB == kNoTrans && A.num_cols_ == B.num_rows_ && A.num_rows_ == num_rows_ && B.num_cols_ == num_cols_) || (transA == kTrans && transB == kNoTrans && A.num_rows_ == B.num_rows_ && A.num_cols_ == num_rows_ && B.num_cols_ == num_cols_) || (transA == kNoTrans && transB == kTrans && A.num_cols_ == B.num_cols_ && A.num_rows_ == num_rows_ && B.num_rows_ == num_cols_) || (transA == kTrans && transB == kTrans && A.num_rows_ == B.num_cols_ && A.num_cols_ == num_rows_ && B.num_rows_ == num_cols_)); KALDI_ASSERT(&A != this && &B != this); MatrixIndexT Astride = A.stride_, Bstride = B.stride_, stride = this->stride_, Brows = B.num_rows_, Bcols = B.num_cols_; MatrixTransposeType invTransB = (transB == kTrans ? kNoTrans : kTrans); Real *data = this->data_, *Adata = A.data_, *Bdata = B.data_; MatrixIndexT num_rows = this->num_rows_; if (transA == kNoTrans) { // Iterate over the rows of *this and of A. for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++) { // for each row of *this, do // [this row] = [alpha * (this row of A) * B^T] + [beta * this row] Xgemv_sparsevec(invTransB, Brows, Bcols, alpha, Bdata, Bstride, Adata + (r * Astride), 1, beta, data + (r * stride), 1); } } else { // Iterate over the rows of *this and the columns of A. for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++) { // for each row of *this, do // [this row] = [alpha * (this column of A) * B^T] + [beta * this row] Xgemv_sparsevec(invTransB, Brows, Bcols, alpha, Bdata, Bstride, Adata + r, Astride, beta, data + (r * stride), 1); } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddSpSp(const Real alpha, const SpMatrix<Real> &A_in, const SpMatrix<Real> &B_in, const Real beta) { MatrixIndexT sz = num_rows_; KALDI_ASSERT(sz == num_cols_ && sz == A_in.NumRows() && sz == B_in.NumRows()); Matrix<Real> A(A_in), B(B_in); // CblasLower or CblasUpper would work below as symmetric matrix is copied // fully (to save work, we used the matrix constructor from SpMatrix). // CblasLeft means A is on the left: C <-- alpha A B + beta C if (sz == 0) return; cblas_Xsymm(alpha, sz, A.data_, A.stride_, B.data_, B.stride_, beta, data_, stride_); } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddMat(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real>& A, MatrixTransposeType transA) { if (&A == this) { if (transA == kNoTrans) { Scale(alpha + 1.0); } else { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == num_cols_ && "AddMat: adding to self (transposed): not symmetric."); Real *data = data_; if (alpha == 1.0) { // common case-- handle separately. for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows_; row++) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < row; col++) { Real *lower = data + (row * stride_) + col, *upper = data + (col * stride_) + row; Real sum = *lower + *upper; *lower = *upper = sum; } *(data + (row * stride_) + row) *= 2.0; // diagonal. } } else { for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows_; row++) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < row; col++) { Real *lower = data + (row * stride_) + col, *upper = data + (col * stride_) + row; Real lower_tmp = *lower; *lower += alpha * *upper; *upper += alpha * lower_tmp; } *(data + (row * stride_) + row) *= (1.0 + alpha); // diagonal. } } } } else { int aStride = (int) A.stride_, stride = stride_; Real *adata = A.data_, *data = data_; if (transA == kNoTrans) { KALDI_ASSERT(A.num_rows_ == num_rows_ && A.num_cols_ == num_cols_); if (num_rows_ == 0) return; for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows_; row++, adata += aStride, data += stride) { cblas_Xaxpy(num_cols_, alpha, adata, 1, data, 1); } } else { KALDI_ASSERT(A.num_cols_ == num_rows_ && A.num_rows_ == num_cols_); if (num_rows_ == 0) return; for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows_; row++, adata++, data += stride) cblas_Xaxpy(num_cols_, alpha, adata, aStride, data, 1); } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddSmat(Real alpha, const SparseMatrix<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType trans) { if (trans == kNoTrans) { KALDI_ASSERT(NumRows() == A.NumRows()); KALDI_ASSERT(NumCols() == A.NumCols()); MatrixIndexT a_num_rows = A.NumRows(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < a_num_rows; ++i) { const SparseVector<Real> &row = A.Row(i); MatrixIndexT num_elems = row.NumElements(); for (MatrixIndexT id = 0; id < num_elems; ++id) { (*this)(i, row.GetElement(id).first) += alpha * row.GetElement(id).second; } } } else { KALDI_ASSERT(NumRows() == A.NumCols()); KALDI_ASSERT(NumCols() == A.NumRows()); MatrixIndexT a_num_rows = A.NumRows(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < a_num_rows; ++i) { const SparseVector<Real> &row = A.Row(i); MatrixIndexT num_elems = row.NumElements(); for (MatrixIndexT id = 0; id < num_elems; ++id) { (*this)(row.GetElement(id).first, i) += alpha * row.GetElement(id).second; } } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddSmatMat(Real alpha, const SparseMatrix<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA, const MatrixBase<Real> &B, Real beta) { if (transA == kNoTrans) { KALDI_ASSERT(NumRows() == A.NumRows()); KALDI_ASSERT(NumCols() == B.NumCols()); KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumCols() == B.NumRows()); this->Scale(beta); MatrixIndexT a_num_rows = A.NumRows(), this_num_cols = this->NumCols(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < a_num_rows; ++i) { Real *this_row_i = this->RowData(i); const SparseVector<Real> &A_row_i = A.Row(i); MatrixIndexT num_elems = A_row_i.NumElements(); for (MatrixIndexT e = 0; e < num_elems; ++e) { const std::pair<MatrixIndexT, Real> &p = A_row_i.GetElement(e); MatrixIndexT k = p.first; Real alpha_A_ik = alpha * p.second; const Real *b_row_k = B.RowData(k); cblas_Xaxpy(this_num_cols, alpha_A_ik, b_row_k, 1, this_row_i, 1); //for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < this_num_cols; ++j) // this_row_i[j] += alpha_A_ik * b_row_k[j]; } } } else { KALDI_ASSERT(NumRows() == A.NumCols()); KALDI_ASSERT(NumCols() == B.NumCols()); KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumRows() == B.NumRows()); this->Scale(beta); Matrix<Real> buf(NumRows(), NumCols(), kSetZero); MatrixIndexT a_num_rows = A.NumRows(), this_num_cols = this->NumCols(); for (int k = 0; k < a_num_rows; ++k) { const Real *b_row_k = B.RowData(k); const SparseVector<Real> &A_row_k = A.Row(k); MatrixIndexT num_elems = A_row_k.NumElements(); for (MatrixIndexT e = 0; e < num_elems; ++e) { const std::pair<MatrixIndexT, Real> &p = A_row_k.GetElement(e); MatrixIndexT i = p.first; Real alpha_A_ki = alpha * p.second; Real *this_row_i = this->RowData(i); cblas_Xaxpy(this_num_cols, alpha_A_ki, b_row_k, 1, this_row_i, 1); //for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < this_num_cols; ++j) // this_row_i[j] += alpha_A_ki * b_row_k[j]; } } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddMatSmat(Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &A, const SparseMatrix<Real> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB, Real beta) { if (transB == kNoTrans) { KALDI_ASSERT(NumRows() == A.NumRows()); KALDI_ASSERT(NumCols() == B.NumCols()); KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumCols() == B.NumRows()); this->Scale(beta); MatrixIndexT b_num_rows = B.NumRows(), this_num_rows = this->NumRows(); // Iterate over the rows of sparse matrix B and columns of A. for (MatrixIndexT k = 0; k < b_num_rows; ++k) { const SparseVector<Real> &B_row_k = B.Row(k); MatrixIndexT num_elems = B_row_k.NumElements(); const Real *a_col_k = A.Data() + k; for (MatrixIndexT e = 0; e < num_elems; ++e) { const std::pair<MatrixIndexT, Real> &p = B_row_k.GetElement(e); MatrixIndexT j = p.first; Real alpha_B_kj = alpha * p.second; Real *this_col_j = this->Data() + j; // Add to entire 'j'th column of *this at once using cblas_Xaxpy. // pass stride to write a colmun as matrices are stored in row major order. cblas_Xaxpy(this_num_rows, alpha_B_kj, a_col_k, A.stride_, this_col_j, this->stride_); //for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < this_num_rows; ++i) // this_col_j[i*this->stride_] += alpha_B_kj * a_col_k[i*A.stride_]; } } } else { KALDI_ASSERT(NumRows() == A.NumRows()); KALDI_ASSERT(NumCols() == B.NumRows()); KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumCols() == B.NumCols()); this->Scale(beta); MatrixIndexT b_num_rows = B.NumRows(), this_num_rows = this->NumRows(); // Iterate over the rows of sparse matrix B and columns of *this. for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < b_num_rows; ++j) { const SparseVector<Real> &B_row_j = B.Row(j); MatrixIndexT num_elems = B_row_j.NumElements(); Real *this_col_j = this->Data() + j; for (MatrixIndexT e = 0; e < num_elems; ++e) { const std::pair<MatrixIndexT, Real> &p = B_row_j.GetElement(e); MatrixIndexT k = p.first; Real alpha_B_jk = alpha * p.second; const Real *a_col_k = A.Data() + k; // Add to entire 'j'th column of *this at once using cblas_Xaxpy. // pass stride to write a column as matrices are stored in row major order. cblas_Xaxpy(this_num_rows, alpha_B_jk, a_col_k, A.stride_, this_col_j, this->stride_); //for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < this_num_rows; ++i) // this_col_j[i*this->stride_] += alpha_B_jk * a_col_k[i*A.stride_]; } } } } template<typename Real> template<typename OtherReal> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddSp(const Real alpha, const SpMatrix<OtherReal> &S) { KALDI_ASSERT(S.NumRows() == NumRows() && S.NumRows() == NumCols()); Real *data = data_; const OtherReal *sdata = S.Data(); MatrixIndexT num_rows = NumRows(), stride = Stride(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < i; j++, sdata++) { data[i*stride + j] += alpha * *sdata; data[j*stride + i] += alpha * *sdata; } data[i*stride + i] += alpha * *sdata++; } } // instantiate the template above. template void MatrixBase<float>::AddSp(const float alpha, const SpMatrix<float> &S); template void MatrixBase<double>::AddSp(const double alpha, const SpMatrix<double> &S); template void MatrixBase<float>::AddSp(const float alpha, const SpMatrix<double> &S); template void MatrixBase<double>::AddSp(const double alpha, const SpMatrix<float> &S); template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddDiagVecMat( const Real alpha, const VectorBase<Real> &v, const MatrixBase<Real> &M, MatrixTransposeType transM, Real beta) { if (beta != 1.0) this->Scale(beta); if (transM == kNoTrans) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, M)); } else { KALDI_ASSERT(M.NumRows() == NumCols() && M.NumCols() == NumRows()); } KALDI_ASSERT(v.Dim() == this->NumRows()); MatrixIndexT M_row_stride = M.Stride(), M_col_stride = 1, stride = stride_, num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; if (transM == kTrans) std::swap(M_row_stride, M_col_stride); Real *data = data_; const Real *Mdata = M.Data(), *vdata = v.Data(); if (num_rows_ == 0) return; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++, data += stride, Mdata += M_row_stride, vdata++) cblas_Xaxpy(num_cols, alpha * *vdata, Mdata, M_col_stride, data, 1); } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddMatDiagVec( const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M, MatrixTransposeType transM, VectorBase<Real> &v, Real beta) { if (beta != 1.0) this->Scale(beta); if (transM == kNoTrans) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, M)); } else { KALDI_ASSERT(M.NumRows() == NumCols() && M.NumCols() == NumRows()); } KALDI_ASSERT(v.Dim() == this->NumCols()); MatrixIndexT M_row_stride = M.Stride(), M_col_stride = 1, stride = stride_, num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; if (transM == kTrans) std::swap(M_row_stride, M_col_stride); Real *data = data_; const Real *Mdata = M.Data(), *vdata = v.Data(); if (num_rows_ == 0) return; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++){ for(MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols; j ++ ){ data[i*stride + j] += alpha * vdata[j] * Mdata[i*M_row_stride + j*M_col_stride]; } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddMatMatElements(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real>& A, const MatrixBase<Real>& B, const Real beta) { KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumRows() == B.NumRows() && A.NumCols() == B.NumCols()); KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumRows() == NumRows() && A.NumCols() == NumCols()); Real *data = data_; const Real *dataA = A.Data(); const Real *dataB = B.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols_; j++) { data[j] = beta*data[j] + alpha*dataA[j]*dataB[j]; } data += Stride(); dataA += A.Stride(); dataB += B.Stride(); } } #if !defined(HAVE_ATLAS) && !defined(USE_KALDI_SVD) // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::LapackGesvd(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *U_in, MatrixBase<Real> *V_in) { KALDI_ASSERT(s != NULL && U_in != this && V_in != this); Matrix<Real> tmpU, tmpV; if (U_in == NULL) tmpU.Resize(this->num_rows_, 1); // work-space if U_in empty. if (V_in == NULL) tmpV.Resize(1, this->num_cols_); // work-space if V_in empty. /// Impementation notes: /// Lapack works in column-order, therefore the dimensions of *this are /// swapped as well as the U and V matrices. KaldiBlasInt M = num_cols_; KaldiBlasInt N = num_rows_; KaldiBlasInt LDA = Stride(); KALDI_ASSERT(N>=M); // NumRows >= columns. if (U_in) { KALDI_ASSERT((int)U_in->num_rows_ == N && (int)U_in->num_cols_ == M); } if (V_in) { KALDI_ASSERT((int)V_in->num_rows_ == M && (int)V_in->num_cols_ == M); } KALDI_ASSERT((int)s->Dim() == std::min(M, N)); MatrixBase<Real> *U = (U_in ? U_in : &tmpU); MatrixBase<Real> *V = (V_in ? V_in : &tmpV); KaldiBlasInt V_stride = V->Stride(); KaldiBlasInt U_stride = U->Stride(); // Original LAPACK recipe // KaldiBlasInt l_work = std::max(std::max<long int> // (1, 3*std::min(M, N)+std::max(M, N)), 5*std::min(M, N))*2; KaldiBlasInt l_work = -1; Real work_query; KaldiBlasInt result; // query for work space char *u_job = const_cast<char*>(U_in ? "s" : "N"); // "s" == skinny, "N" == "none." char *v_job = const_cast<char*>(V_in ? "s" : "N"); // "s" == skinny, "N" == "none." clapack_Xgesvd(v_job, u_job, &M, &N, data_, &LDA, s->Data(), V->Data(), &V_stride, U->Data(), &U_stride, &work_query, &l_work, &result); KALDI_ASSERT(result >= 0 && "Call to CLAPACK dgesvd_ called with wrong arguments"); l_work = static_cast<KaldiBlasInt>(work_query); Real *p_work; void *temp; if ((p_work = static_cast<Real*>( KALDI_MEMALIGN(16, sizeof(Real)*l_work, &temp))) == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc(); // perform svd clapack_Xgesvd(v_job, u_job, &M, &N, data_, &LDA, s->Data(), V->Data(), &V_stride, U->Data(), &U_stride, p_work, &l_work, &result); KALDI_ASSERT(result >= 0 && "Call to CLAPACK dgesvd_ called with wrong arguments"); if (result != 0) { KALDI_WARN << "CLAPACK sgesvd_ : some weird convergence not satisfied"; } KALDI_MEMALIGN_FREE(p_work); } #endif */ // Copy constructor. Copies data to newly allocated memory. template <typename Real> Matrix<Real>::Matrix(const MatrixBase<Real> &M, MatrixTransposeType trans /*=kNoTrans*/) : MatrixBase<Real>() { if (trans == kNoTrans) { Resize(M.num_rows_, M.num_cols_); this->CopyFromMat(M); } else { Resize(M.num_cols_, M.num_rows_); this->CopyFromMat(M, kTrans); } } // Copy constructor. Copies data to newly allocated memory. template <typename Real> Matrix<Real>::Matrix(const Matrix<Real> &M) : MatrixBase<Real>() { Resize(M.num_rows_, M.num_cols_); this->CopyFromMat(M); } /// Copy constructor from another type. template <typename Real> template <typename OtherReal> Matrix<Real>::Matrix(const MatrixBase<OtherReal> &M, MatrixTransposeType trans) : MatrixBase<Real>() { if (trans == kNoTrans) { Resize(M.NumRows(), M.NumCols()); this->CopyFromMat(M); } else { Resize(M.NumCols(), M.NumRows()); this->CopyFromMat(M, kTrans); } } // Instantiate this constructor for float->double and double->float. template Matrix<float>::Matrix(const MatrixBase<double> &M, MatrixTransposeType trans); template Matrix<double>::Matrix(const MatrixBase<float> &M, MatrixTransposeType trans); template <typename Real> inline void Matrix<Real>::Init(const MatrixIndexT rows, const MatrixIndexT cols, const MatrixStrideType stride_type) { if (rows * cols == 0) { KALDI_ASSERT(rows == 0 && cols == 0); this->num_rows_ = 0; this->num_cols_ = 0; this->stride_ = 0; this->data_ = NULL; return; } KALDI_ASSERT(rows > 0 && cols > 0); MatrixIndexT skip, stride; size_t size; void *data; // aligned memory block void *temp; // memory block to be really freed // compute the size of skip and real cols skip = ((16 / sizeof(Real)) - cols % (16 / sizeof(Real))) % (16 / sizeof(Real)); stride = cols + skip; size = static_cast<size_t>(rows) * static_cast<size_t>(stride) * sizeof(Real); // allocate the memory and set the right dimensions and parameters if (NULL != (data = KALDI_MEMALIGN(16, size, &temp))) { MatrixBase<Real>::data_ = static_cast<Real *>(data); MatrixBase<Real>::num_rows_ = rows; MatrixBase<Real>::num_cols_ = cols; MatrixBase<Real>::stride_ = (stride_type == kDefaultStride ? stride : cols); } else { throw std::bad_alloc(); } } template <typename Real> void Matrix<Real>::Resize(const MatrixIndexT rows, const MatrixIndexT cols, MatrixResizeType resize_type, MatrixStrideType stride_type) { // the next block uses recursion to handle what we have to do if // resize_type == kCopyData. if (resize_type == kCopyData) { if (this->data_ == NULL || rows == 0) resize_type = kSetZero; // nothing to copy. else if (rows == this->num_rows_ && cols == this->num_cols_ && (stride_type == kDefaultStride || this->stride_ == this->num_cols_)) { return; } // nothing to do. else { // set tmp to a matrix of the desired size; if new matrix // is bigger in some dimension, zero it. MatrixResizeType new_resize_type = (rows > this->num_rows_ || cols > this->num_cols_) ? kSetZero : kUndefined; Matrix<Real> tmp(rows, cols, new_resize_type, stride_type); MatrixIndexT rows_min = std::min(rows, this->num_rows_), cols_min = std::min(cols, this->num_cols_); tmp.Range(0, rows_min, 0, cols_min) .CopyFromMat(this->Range(0, rows_min, 0, cols_min)); tmp.Swap(this); // and now let tmp go out of scope, deleting what was in *this. return; } } // At this point, resize_type == kSetZero or kUndefined. if (MatrixBase<Real>::data_ != NULL) { if (rows == MatrixBase<Real>::num_rows_ && cols == MatrixBase<Real>::num_cols_) { if (resize_type == kSetZero) this->SetZero(); return; } else Destroy(); } Init(rows, cols, stride_type); if (resize_type == kSetZero) MatrixBase<Real>::SetZero(); } template <typename Real> template <typename OtherReal> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<OtherReal> &M, MatrixTransposeType Trans) { if (sizeof(Real) == sizeof(OtherReal) && static_cast<const void *>(M.Data()) == static_cast<const void *>(this->Data())) { // CopyFromMat called on same data. Nothing to do (except sanity // checks). KALDI_ASSERT(Trans == kNoTrans && M.NumRows() == NumRows() && M.NumCols() == NumCols() && M.Stride() == Stride()); return; } if (Trans == kNoTrans) { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == M.NumRows() && num_cols_ == M.NumCols()); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) (*this).Row(i).CopyFromVec(M.Row(i)); } else { KALDI_ASSERT(num_cols_ == M.NumRows() && num_rows_ == M.NumCols()); int32 this_stride = stride_, other_stride = M.Stride(); Real *this_data = data_; const OtherReal *other_data = M.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols_; j++) this_data[i * this_stride + j] = other_data[j * other_stride + i]; } } // template instantiations. template void MatrixBase<float>::CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<double> &M, MatrixTransposeType Trans); template void MatrixBase<double>::CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<float> &M, MatrixTransposeType Trans); template void MatrixBase<float>::CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<float> &M, MatrixTransposeType Trans); template void MatrixBase<double>::CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<double> &M, MatrixTransposeType Trans); /* // Specialize the template for CopyFromSp for float, float. template<> template<> void MatrixBase<float>::CopyFromSp(const SpMatrix<float> & M) { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == M.NumRows() && num_cols_ == num_rows_); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, stride = stride_; const float *Mdata = M.Data(); float *row_data = data_, *col_data = data_; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { cblas_scopy(i+1, Mdata, 1, row_data, 1); // copy to the row. cblas_scopy(i, Mdata, 1, col_data, stride); // copy to the column. Mdata += i+1; row_data += stride; col_data += 1; } } // Specialize the template for CopyFromSp for double, double. template<> template<> void MatrixBase<double>::CopyFromSp(const SpMatrix<double> & M) { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == M.NumRows() && num_cols_ == num_rows_); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, stride = stride_; const double *Mdata = M.Data(); double *row_data = data_, *col_data = data_; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { cblas_dcopy(i+1, Mdata, 1, row_data, 1); // copy to the row. cblas_dcopy(i, Mdata, 1, col_data, stride); // copy to the column. Mdata += i+1; row_data += stride; col_data += 1; } } template<typename Real> template<typename OtherReal> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyFromSp(const SpMatrix<OtherReal> & M) { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == M.NumRows() && num_cols_ == num_rows_); // MORE EFFICIENT IF LOWER TRIANGULAR! Reverse code otherwise. for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < i; j++) { (*this)(j, i) = (*this)(i, j) = M(i, j); } (*this)(i, i) = M(i, i); } } // Instantiate this function template void MatrixBase<float>::CopyFromSp(const SpMatrix<double> & M); template void MatrixBase<double>::CopyFromSp(const SpMatrix<float> & M); template<typename Real> template<typename OtherReal> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyFromTp(const TpMatrix<OtherReal> & M, MatrixTransposeType Trans) { if (Trans == kNoTrans) { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == M.NumRows() && num_cols_ == num_rows_); SetZero(); Real *out_i = data_; const OtherReal *in_i = M.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++, out_i += stride_, in_i += i) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j <= i; j++) out_i[j] = in_i[j]; } } else { SetZero(); KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == M.NumRows() && num_cols_ == num_rows_); MatrixIndexT stride = stride_; Real *out_i = data_; const OtherReal *in_i = M.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++, out_i ++, in_i += i) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j <= i; j++) out_i[j*stride] = in_i[j]; } } } template void MatrixBase<float>::CopyFromTp(const TpMatrix<float> & M, MatrixTransposeType trans); template void MatrixBase<float>::CopyFromTp(const TpMatrix<double> & M, MatrixTransposeType trans); template void MatrixBase<double>::CopyFromTp(const TpMatrix<float> & M, MatrixTransposeType trans); template void MatrixBase<double>::CopyFromTp(const TpMatrix<double> & M, MatrixTransposeType trans); */ template <typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyRowsFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &rv) { if (rv.Dim() == num_rows_ * num_cols_) { if (stride_ == num_cols_) { // one big copy operation. const Real *rv_data = rv.Data(); std::memcpy(data_, rv_data, sizeof(Real) * num_rows_ * num_cols_); } else { const Real *rv_data = rv.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) { Real *row_data = RowData(r); for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols_; c++) { row_data[c] = rv_data[c]; } rv_data += num_cols_; } } } else if (rv.Dim() == num_cols_) { const Real *rv_data = rv.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) std::memcpy(RowData(r), rv_data, sizeof(Real) * num_cols_); } else { KALDI_ERR << "Wrong sized arguments"; } } template <typename Real> template <typename OtherReal> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyRowsFromVec(const VectorBase<OtherReal> &rv) { if (rv.Dim() == num_rows_ * num_cols_) { const OtherReal *rv_data = rv.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) { Real *row_data = RowData(r); for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols_; c++) { row_data[c] = static_cast<Real>(rv_data[c]); } rv_data += num_cols_; } } else if (rv.Dim() == num_cols_) { const OtherReal *rv_data = rv.Data(); Real *first_row_data = RowData(0); for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols_; c++) first_row_data[c] = rv_data[c]; for (MatrixIndexT r = 1; r < num_rows_; r++) std::memcpy(RowData(r), first_row_data, sizeof(Real) * num_cols_); } else { KALDI_ERR << "Wrong sized arguments."; } } template void MatrixBase<float>::CopyRowsFromVec(const VectorBase<double> &rv); template void MatrixBase<double>::CopyRowsFromVec(const VectorBase<float> &rv); template <typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyColsFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &rv) { if (rv.Dim() == num_rows_ * num_cols_) { const Real *v_inc_data = rv.Data(); Real *m_inc_data = data_; for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols_; c++) { for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) { m_inc_data[r * stride_] = v_inc_data[r]; } v_inc_data += num_rows_; m_inc_data++; } } else if (rv.Dim() == num_rows_) { const Real *v_inc_data = rv.Data(); Real *m_inc_data = data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) { Real value = *(v_inc_data++); for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols_; c++) m_inc_data[c] = value; m_inc_data += stride_; } } else { KALDI_ERR << "Wrong size of arguments."; } } template <typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyRowFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &rv, const MatrixIndexT row) { KALDI_ASSERT(rv.Dim() == num_cols_ && static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(row) < static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_rows_)); const Real *rv_data = rv.Data(); Real *row_data = RowData(row); std::memcpy(row_data, rv_data, num_cols_ * sizeof(Real)); } /* template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyDiagFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &rv) { KALDI_ASSERT(rv.Dim() == std::min(num_cols_, num_rows_)); const Real *rv_data = rv.Data(), *rv_end = rv_data + rv.Dim(); Real *my_data = this->Data(); for (; rv_data != rv_end; rv_data++, my_data += (this->stride_+1)) *my_data = *rv_data; }*/ template <typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyColFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &rv, const MatrixIndexT col) { KALDI_ASSERT(rv.Dim() == num_rows_ && static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(col) < static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_cols_)); const Real *rv_data = rv.Data(); Real *col_data = data_ + col; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) col_data[r * stride_] = rv_data[r]; } template <typename Real> void Matrix<Real>::RemoveRow(MatrixIndexT i) { KALDI_ASSERT( static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(i) < static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(MatrixBase<Real>::num_rows_) && "Access out of matrix"); for (MatrixIndexT j = i + 1; j < MatrixBase<Real>::num_rows_; j++) MatrixBase<Real>::Row(j - 1).CopyFromVec(MatrixBase<Real>::Row(j)); MatrixBase<Real>::num_rows_--; } template <typename Real> void Matrix<Real>::Destroy() { // we need to free the data block if it was defined if (NULL != MatrixBase<Real>::data_) KALDI_MEMALIGN_FREE(MatrixBase<Real>::data_); MatrixBase<Real>::data_ = NULL; MatrixBase<Real>::num_rows_ = MatrixBase<Real>::num_cols_ = MatrixBase<Real>::stride_ = 0; } /* template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::MulElements(const MatrixBase<Real> &a) { KALDI_ASSERT(a.NumRows() == num_rows_ && a.NumCols() == num_cols_); if (num_cols_ == stride_ && num_cols_ == a.stride_) { mul_elements(num_rows_ * num_cols_, a.data_, data_); } else { MatrixIndexT a_stride = a.stride_, stride = stride_; Real *data = data_, *a_data = a.data_; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) { mul_elements(num_cols_, a_data, data); a_data += a_stride; data += stride; } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::DivElements(const MatrixBase<Real> &a) { KALDI_ASSERT(a.NumRows() == num_rows_ && a.NumCols() == num_cols_); MatrixIndexT i; MatrixIndexT j; for (i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_cols_; j++) { (*this)(i, j) /= a(i, j); } } } template<typename Real> Real MatrixBase<Real>::Sum() const { double sum = 0.0; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols_; j++) { sum += (*this)(i, j); } } return (Real)sum; } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Max(const MatrixBase<Real> &A) { KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumRows() == NumRows() && A.NumCols() == NumCols()); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows_; row++) { Real *row_data = RowData(row); const Real *other_row_data = A.RowData(row); MatrixIndexT num_cols = num_cols_; for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) { row_data[col] = std::max(row_data[col], other_row_data[col]); } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Min(const MatrixBase<Real> &A) { KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumRows() == NumRows() && A.NumCols() == NumCols()); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows_; row++) { Real *row_data = RowData(row); const Real *other_row_data = A.RowData(row); MatrixIndexT num_cols = num_cols_; for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) { row_data[col] = std::min(row_data[col], other_row_data[col]); } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Scale(Real alpha) { if (alpha == 1.0) return; if (num_rows_ == 0) return; if (num_cols_ == stride_) { cblas_Xscal(static_cast<size_t>(num_rows_) * static_cast<size_t>(num_cols_), alpha, data_,1); } else { Real *data = data_; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; ++i, data += stride_) { cblas_Xscal(num_cols_, alpha, data,1); } } } template<typename Real> // scales each row by scale[i]. void MatrixBase<Real>::MulRowsVec(const VectorBase<Real> &scale) { KALDI_ASSERT(scale.Dim() == num_rows_); MatrixIndexT M = num_rows_, N = num_cols_; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < M; i++) { Real this_scale = scale(i); for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < N; j++) { (*this)(i, j) *= this_scale; } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::MulRowsGroupMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &src) { KALDI_ASSERT(src.NumRows() == this->NumRows() && this->NumCols() % src.NumCols() == 0); int32 group_size = this->NumCols() / src.NumCols(), num_groups = this->NumCols() / group_size, num_rows = this->NumRows(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { Real *data = this->RowData(i); for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_groups; j++, data += group_size) { Real scale = src(i, j); cblas_Xscal(group_size, scale, data, 1); } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::GroupPnormDeriv(const MatrixBase<Real> &input, const MatrixBase<Real> &output, Real power) { KALDI_ASSERT(input.NumCols() == this->NumCols() && input.NumRows() == this->NumRows()); KALDI_ASSERT(this->NumCols() % output.NumCols() == 0 && this->NumRows() == output.NumRows()); int group_size = this->NumCols() / output.NumCols(), num_rows = this->NumRows(), num_cols = this->NumCols(); if (power == 1.0) { for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { Real input_val = input(i, j); (*this)(i, j) = (input_val == 0 ? 0 : (input_val > 0 ? 1 : -1)); } } } else if (power == std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity()) { for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { Real output_val = output(i, j / group_size), input_val = input(i, j); if (output_val == 0) (*this)(i, j) = 0; else (*this)(i, j) = (std::abs(input_val) == output_val ? 1.0 : 0.0) * (input_val >= 0 ? 1 : -1); } } } else { for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { Real output_val = output(i, j / group_size), input_val = input(i, j); if (output_val == 0) (*this)(i, j) = 0; else (*this)(i, j) = pow(std::abs(input_val), power - 1) * pow(output_val, 1 - power) * (input_val >= 0 ? 1 : -1) ; } } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::GroupMaxDeriv(const MatrixBase<Real> &input, const MatrixBase<Real> &output) { KALDI_ASSERT(input.NumCols() == this->NumCols() && input.NumRows() == this->NumRows()); KALDI_ASSERT(this->NumCols() % output.NumCols() == 0 && this->NumRows() == output.NumRows()); int group_size = this->NumCols() / output.NumCols(), num_rows = this->NumRows(), num_cols = this->NumCols(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { Real input_val = input(i, j); Real output_val = output(i, j / group_size); (*this)(i, j) = (input_val == output_val ? 1 : 0); } } } template<typename Real> // scales each column by scale[i]. void MatrixBase<Real>::MulColsVec(const VectorBase<Real> &scale) { KALDI_ASSERT(scale.Dim() == num_cols_); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols_; j++) { Real this_scale = scale(j); (*this)(i, j) *= this_scale; } } } */ template <typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::SetZero() { if (num_cols_ == stride_) memset(data_, 0, sizeof(Real) * num_rows_ * num_cols_); else for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows_; row++) memset(data_ + row * stride_, 0, sizeof(Real) * num_cols_); } template <typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Set(Real value) { for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows_; row++) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols_; col++) { (*this)(row, col) = value; } } } /* template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::SetUnit() { SetZero(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < std::min(num_rows_, num_cols_); row++) (*this)(row, row) = 1.0; } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::SetRandn() { kaldi::RandomState rstate; for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows_; row++) { Real *row_data = this->RowData(row); MatrixIndexT nc = (num_cols_ % 2 == 1) ? num_cols_ - 1 : num_cols_; for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < nc; col += 2) { kaldi::RandGauss2(row_data + col, row_data + col + 1, &rstate); } if (nc != num_cols_) row_data[nc] = static_cast<Real>(kaldi::RandGauss(&rstate)); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::SetRandUniform() { kaldi::RandomState rstate; for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows_; row++) { Real *row_data = this->RowData(row); for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols_; col++, row_data++) { *row_data = static_cast<Real>(kaldi::RandUniform(&rstate)); } } } */ template <typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const { if (!os.good()) { KALDI_ERR << "Failed to write matrix to stream: stream not good"; } if (binary) { // Use separate binary and text formats, // since in binary mode we need to know if it's float or double. std::string my_token = (sizeof(Real) == 4 ? "FM" : "DM"); WriteToken(os, binary, my_token); { int32 rows = this->num_rows_; // make the size 32-bit on disk. int32 cols = this->num_cols_; KALDI_ASSERT(this->num_rows_ == (MatrixIndexT)rows); KALDI_ASSERT(this->num_cols_ == (MatrixIndexT)cols); WriteBasicType(os, binary, rows); WriteBasicType(os, binary, cols); } if (Stride() == NumCols()) os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Data()), sizeof(Real) * static_cast<size_t>(num_rows_) * static_cast<size_t>(num_cols_)); else for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(RowData(i)), sizeof(Real) * num_cols_); if (!os.good()) { KALDI_ERR << "Failed to write matrix to stream"; } } else { // text mode. if (num_cols_ == 0) { os << " [ ]\n"; } else { os << " ["; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) { os << "\n "; for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols_; j++) os << (*this)(i, j) << " "; } os << "]\n"; } } } template <typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Read(std::istream &is, bool binary) { // In order to avoid rewriting this, we just declare a Matrix and // use it to read the data, then copy. Matrix<Real> tmp; tmp.Read(is, binary); if (tmp.NumRows() != NumRows() || tmp.NumCols() != NumCols()) { KALDI_ERR << "MatrixBase<Real>::Read, size mismatch " << NumRows() << " x " << NumCols() << " versus " << tmp.NumRows() << " x " << tmp.NumCols(); } CopyFromMat(tmp); } template <typename Real> void Matrix<Real>::Read(std::istream &is, bool binary) { // now assume add == false. MatrixIndexT pos_at_start = is.tellg(); std::ostringstream specific_error; if (binary) { // Read in binary mode. int peekval = Peek(is, binary); if (peekval == 'C') { // This code enables us to read CompressedMatrix as a regular // matrix. // CompressedMatrix compressed_mat; // compressed_mat.Read(is, binary); // at this point, add == false. // this->Resize(compressed_mat.NumRows(), compressed_mat.NumCols()); // compressed_mat.CopyToMat(this); return; } const char *my_token = (sizeof(Real) == 4 ? "FM" : "DM"); char other_token_start = (sizeof(Real) == 4 ? 'D' : 'F'); if (peekval == other_token_start) { // need to instantiate the other // type to read it. typedef typename OtherReal<Real>::Real OtherType; // if Real == // float, // OtherType == // double, and // vice versa. Matrix<OtherType> other(this->num_rows_, this->num_cols_); other.Read(is, binary); // add is false at this point anyway. this->Resize(other.NumRows(), other.NumCols()); this->CopyFromMat(other); return; } std::string token; ReadToken(is, binary, &token); if (token != my_token) { if (token.length() > 20) token = token.substr(0, 17) + "..."; specific_error << ": Expected token " << my_token << ", got " << token; goto bad; } int32 rows, cols; ReadBasicType(is, binary, &rows); // throws on error. ReadBasicType(is, binary, &cols); // throws on error. if ((MatrixIndexT)rows != this->num_rows_ || (MatrixIndexT)cols != this->num_cols_) { this->Resize(rows, cols); } if (this->Stride() == this->NumCols() && rows * cols != 0) { is.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(this->Data()), sizeof(Real) * rows * cols); if (is.fail()) goto bad; } else { for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < (MatrixIndexT)rows; i++) { is.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(this->RowData(i)), sizeof(Real) * cols); if (is.fail()) goto bad; } } if (is.eof()) return; if (is.fail()) goto bad; return; } else { // Text mode. std::string str; is >> str; // get a token if (is.fail()) { specific_error << ": Expected \"[\", got EOF"; goto bad; } // if ((str.compare("DM") == 0) || (str.compare("FM") == 0)) { // Back // compatibility. // is >> str; // get #rows // is >> str; // get #cols // is >> str; // get "[" // } if (str == "[]") { Resize(0, 0); return; } // Be tolerant of variants. else if (str != "[") { if (str.length() > 20) str = str.substr(0, 17) + "..."; specific_error << ": Expected \"[\", got \"" << str << '"'; goto bad; } // At this point, we have read "[". std::vector<std::vector<Real> *> data; std::vector<Real> *cur_row = new std::vector<Real>; while (1) { int i = is.peek(); if (i == -1) { specific_error << "Got EOF while reading matrix data"; goto cleanup; } else if (static_cast<char>(i) == ']') { // Finished reading matrix. is.get(); // eat the "]". i = is.peek(); if (static_cast<char>(i) == '\r') { is.get(); is.get(); // get \r\n (must eat what we wrote) } else if (static_cast<char>(i) == '\n') { is.get(); } // get \n (must eat what we wrote) if (is.fail()) { KALDI_WARN << "After end of matrix data, read error."; // we got the data we needed, so just warn for this error. } // Now process the data. if (!cur_row->empty()) data.push_back(cur_row); else delete (cur_row); cur_row = NULL; if (data.empty()) { this->Resize(0, 0); return; } else { int32 num_rows = data.size(), num_cols = data[0]->size(); this->Resize(num_rows, num_cols); for (int32 i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { if (static_cast<int32>(data[i]->size()) != num_cols) { specific_error << "Matrix has inconsistent #cols: " << num_cols << " vs." << data[i]->size() << " (processing row" << i << ")"; goto cleanup; } for (int32 j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) (*this)(i, j) = (*(data[i]))[j]; delete data[i]; data[i] = NULL; } } return; } else if (static_cast<char>(i) == '\n' || static_cast<char>(i) == ';') { // End of matrix row. is.get(); if (cur_row->size() != 0) { data.push_back(cur_row); cur_row = new std::vector<Real>; cur_row->reserve(data.back()->size()); } } else if ((i >= '0' && i <= '9') || i == '-') { // A number... Real r; is >> r; if (is.fail()) { specific_error << "Stream failure/EOF while reading matrix data."; goto cleanup; } cur_row->push_back(r); } else if (isspace(i)) { is.get(); // eat the space and do nothing. } else { // NaN or inf or error. std::string str; is >> str; if (!KALDI_STRCASECMP(str.c_str(), "inf") || !KALDI_STRCASECMP(str.c_str(), "infinity")) { cur_row->push_back(std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity()); KALDI_WARN << "Reading infinite value into matrix."; } else if (!KALDI_STRCASECMP(str.c_str(), "nan")) { cur_row->push_back(std::numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN()); KALDI_WARN << "Reading NaN value into matrix."; } else { if (str.length() > 20) str = str.substr(0, 17) + "..."; specific_error << "Expecting numeric matrix data, got " << str; goto cleanup; } } } // Note, we never leave the while () loop before this // line (we return from it.) cleanup: // We only reach here in case of error in the while loop above. if (cur_row != NULL) delete cur_row; for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) if (data[i] != NULL) delete data[i]; // and then go on to "bad" below, where we print error. } bad: KALDI_ERR << "Failed to read matrix from stream. " << specific_error.str() << " File position at start is " << pos_at_start << ", currently " << is.tellg(); } // Constructor... note that this is not const-safe as it would // be quite complicated to implement a "const SubMatrix" class that // would not allow its contents to be changed. template <typename Real> SubMatrix<Real>::SubMatrix(const MatrixBase<Real> &M, const MatrixIndexT ro, const MatrixIndexT r, const MatrixIndexT co, const MatrixIndexT c) { if (r == 0 || c == 0) { // we support the empty sub-matrix as a special case. KALDI_ASSERT(c == 0 && r == 0); this->data_ = NULL; this->num_cols_ = 0; this->num_rows_ = 0; this->stride_ = 0; return; } KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(ro) < static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(M.num_rows_) && static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(co) < static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(M.num_cols_) && static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) <= static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(M.num_rows_ - ro) && static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) <= static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(M.num_cols_ - co)); // point to the begining of window MatrixBase<Real>::num_rows_ = r; MatrixBase<Real>::num_cols_ = c; MatrixBase<Real>::stride_ = M.Stride(); MatrixBase<Real>::data_ = M.Data_workaround() + static_cast<size_t>(co) + static_cast<size_t>(ro) * static_cast<size_t>(M.Stride()); } template <typename Real> SubMatrix<Real>::SubMatrix(Real *data, MatrixIndexT num_rows, MatrixIndexT num_cols, MatrixIndexT stride) : MatrixBase<Real>( data, num_cols, num_rows, stride) { // caution: reversed order! if (data == NULL) { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows * num_cols == 0); this->num_rows_ = 0; this->num_cols_ = 0; this->stride_ = 0; } else { KALDI_ASSERT(this->stride_ >= this->num_cols_); } } /* template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Add(const Real alpha) { Real *data = data_; MatrixIndexT stride = stride_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols_; c++) data[c + stride*r] += alpha; } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddToDiag(const Real alpha) { Real *data = data_; MatrixIndexT this_stride = stride_ + 1, num_to_add = std::min(num_rows_, num_cols_); for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_to_add; r++) data[r * this_stride] += alpha; } template<typename Real> Real MatrixBase<Real>::Cond() const { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ > 0&&num_cols_ > 0); Vector<Real> singular_values(std::min(num_rows_, num_cols_)); Svd(&singular_values); // Get singular values... Real min = singular_values(0), max = singular_values(0); // both absolute values... for (MatrixIndexT i = 1;i < singular_values.Dim();i++) { min = std::min((Real)std::abs(singular_values(i)), min); max = std::max((Real)std::abs(singular_values(i)), max); } if (min > 0) return max/min; else return std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity(); } template<typename Real> Real MatrixBase<Real>::Trace(bool check_square) const { KALDI_ASSERT(!check_square || num_rows_ == num_cols_); Real ans = 0.0; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0;r < std::min(num_rows_, num_cols_);r++) ans += data_ [r + stride_*r]; return ans; } template<typename Real> Real MatrixBase<Real>::Max() const { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ > 0 && num_cols_ > 0); Real ans= *data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols_; c++) if (data_[c + stride_*r] > ans) ans = data_[c + stride_*r]; return ans; } template<typename Real> Real MatrixBase<Real>::Min() const { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ > 0 && num_cols_ > 0); Real ans= *data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols_; c++) if (data_[c + stride_*r] < ans) ans = data_[c + stride_*r]; return ans; } template <typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddMatMatMat(Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA, const MatrixBase<Real> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB, const MatrixBase<Real> &C, MatrixTransposeType transC, Real beta) { // Note on time taken with different orders of computation. Assume not transposed in this / // discussion. Firstly, normalize expressions using A.NumCols == B.NumRows and B.NumCols == C.NumRows, prefer // rows where there is a choice. // time taken for (AB) is: A.NumRows*B.NumRows*C.Rows // time taken for (AB)C is A.NumRows*C.NumRows*C.Cols // so this order is A.NumRows*B.NumRows*C.NumRows + A.NumRows*C.NumRows*C.NumCols. // time taken for (BC) is: B.NumRows*C.NumRows*C.Cols // time taken for A(BC) is: A.NumRows*B.NumRows*C.Cols // so this order is B.NumRows*C.NumRows*C.NumCols + A.NumRows*B.NumRows*C.Cols MatrixIndexT ARows = A.num_rows_, ACols = A.num_cols_, BRows = B.num_rows_, BCols = B.num_cols_, CRows = C.num_rows_, CCols = C.num_cols_; if (transA == kTrans) std::swap(ARows, ACols); if (transB == kTrans) std::swap(BRows, BCols); if (transC == kTrans) std::swap(CRows, CCols); MatrixIndexT AB_C_time = ARows*BRows*CRows + ARows*CRows*CCols; MatrixIndexT A_BC_time = BRows*CRows*CCols + ARows*BRows*CCols; if (AB_C_time < A_BC_time) { Matrix<Real> AB(ARows, BCols); AB.AddMatMat(1.0, A, transA, B, transB, 0.0); // AB = A * B. (*this).AddMatMat(alpha, AB, kNoTrans, C, transC, beta); } else { Matrix<Real> BC(BRows, CCols); BC.AddMatMat(1.0, B, transB, C, transC, 0.0); // BC = B * C. (*this).AddMatMat(alpha, A, transA, BC, kNoTrans, beta); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::DestructiveSvd(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *U, MatrixBase<Real> *Vt) { // Svd, *this = U*diag(s)*Vt. // With (*this).num_rows_ == m, (*this).num_cols_ == n, // Support only skinny Svd with m>=n (NumRows>=NumCols), and zero sizes for U and Vt mean // we do not want that output. We expect that s.Dim() == m, // U is either 0 by 0 or m by n, and rv is either 0 by 0 or n by n. // Throws exception on error. KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_>=num_cols_ && "Svd requires that #rows by >= #cols."); // For compatibility with JAMA code. KALDI_ASSERT(s->Dim() == num_cols_); // s should be the smaller dim. KALDI_ASSERT(U == NULL || (U->num_rows_ == num_rows_&&U->num_cols_ == num_cols_)); KALDI_ASSERT(Vt == NULL || (Vt->num_rows_ == num_cols_&&Vt->num_cols_ == num_cols_)); Real prescale = 1.0; if ( std::abs((*this)(0, 0) ) < 1.0e-30) { // Very tiny value... can cause problems in Svd. Real max_elem = LargestAbsElem(); if (max_elem != 0) { prescale = 1.0 / max_elem; if (std::abs(prescale) == std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity()) { prescale = 1.0e+40; } (*this).Scale(prescale); } } #if !defined(HAVE_ATLAS) && !defined(USE_KALDI_SVD) // "S" == skinny Svd (only one we support because of compatibility with Jama one which is only skinny), // "N"== no eigenvectors wanted. LapackGesvd(s, U, Vt); #else /* if (num_rows_ > 1 && num_cols_ > 1 && (*this)(0, 0) == (*this)(1, 1) && Max() == Min() && (*this)(0, 0) != 0.0) { // special case that JamaSvd sometimes crashes on. KALDI_WARN << "Jama SVD crashes on this type of matrix, perturbing it to prevent crash."; for(int32 i = 0; i < NumRows(); i++) (*this)(i, i) *= 1.00001; }*/ // bool ans = JamaSvd(s, U, Vt); // if (Vt != NULL) Vt->Transpose(); // possibly to do: change this and also the // transpose inside the JamaSvd routine. note, Vt is square. // if (!ans) { // KALDI_ERR << "Error doing Svd"; // This one will be caught. //} //#endif // if (prescale != 1.0) s->Scale(1.0/prescale); //} /* template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Svd(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *U, MatrixBase<Real> *Vt) const { try { if (num_rows_ >= num_cols_) { Matrix<Real> tmp(*this); tmp.DestructiveSvd(s, U, Vt); } else { Matrix<Real> tmp(*this, kTrans); // transpose of *this. // rVt will have different dim so cannot transpose in-place --> use a temp matrix. Matrix<Real> Vt_Trans(Vt ? Vt->num_cols_ : 0, Vt ? Vt->num_rows_ : 0); // U will be transpose tmp.DestructiveSvd(s, Vt ? &Vt_Trans : NULL, U); if (U) U->Transpose(); if (Vt) Vt->CopyFromMat(Vt_Trans, kTrans); // copy with transpose. } } catch (...) { KALDI_ERR << "Error doing Svd (did not converge), first part of matrix is\n" << SubMatrix<Real>(*this, 0, std::min((MatrixIndexT)10, num_rows_), 0, std::min((MatrixIndexT)10, num_cols_)) << ", min and max are: " << Min() << ", " << Max(); } } template<typename Real> bool MatrixBase<Real>::IsSymmetric(Real cutoff) const { MatrixIndexT R = num_rows_, C = num_cols_; if (R != C) return false; Real bad_sum = 0.0, good_sum = 0.0; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0;i < R;i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0;j < i;j++) { Real a = (*this)(i, j), b = (*this)(j, i), avg = 0.5*(a+b), diff = 0.5*(a-b); good_sum += std::abs(avg); bad_sum += std::abs(diff); } good_sum += std::abs((*this)(i, i)); } if (bad_sum > cutoff*good_sum) return false; return true; } template<typename Real> bool MatrixBase<Real>::IsDiagonal(Real cutoff) const{ MatrixIndexT R = num_rows_, C = num_cols_; Real bad_sum = 0.0, good_sum = 0.0; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0;i < R;i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0;j < C;j++) { if (i == j) good_sum += std::abs((*this)(i, j)); else bad_sum += std::abs((*this)(i, j)); } } return (!(bad_sum > good_sum * cutoff)); } // This does nothing, it's designed to trigger Valgrind errors // if any memory is uninitialized. template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::TestUninitialized() const { MatrixIndexT R = num_rows_, C = num_cols_, positive = 0; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < R; i++) for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < C; j++) if ((*this)(i, j) > 0.0) positive++; if (positive > R * C) KALDI_ERR << "Error...."; } template<typename Real> bool MatrixBase<Real>::IsUnit(Real cutoff) const { MatrixIndexT R = num_rows_, C = num_cols_; Real bad_max = 0.0; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < R;i++) for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < C;j++) bad_max = std::max(bad_max, static_cast<Real>(std::abs( (*this)(i, j) - (i == j?1.0:0.0)))); return (bad_max <= cutoff); } template<typename Real> bool MatrixBase<Real>::IsZero(Real cutoff)const { MatrixIndexT R = num_rows_, C = num_cols_; Real bad_max = 0.0; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0;i < R;i++) for (MatrixIndexT j = 0;j < C;j++) bad_max = std::max(bad_max, static_cast<Real>(std::abs( (*this)(i, j) ))); return (bad_max <= cutoff); } template<typename Real> Real MatrixBase<Real>::FrobeniusNorm() const{ return std::sqrt(TraceMatMat(*this, *this, kTrans)); } template<typename Real> bool MatrixBase<Real>::ApproxEqual(const MatrixBase<Real> &other, float tol) const { if (num_rows_ != other.num_rows_ || num_cols_ != other.num_cols_) KALDI_ERR << "ApproxEqual: size mismatch."; Matrix<Real> tmp(*this); tmp.AddMat(-1.0, other); return (tmp.FrobeniusNorm() <= static_cast<Real>(tol) * this->FrobeniusNorm()); } template<typename Real> bool MatrixBase<Real>::Equal(const MatrixBase<Real> &other) const { if (num_rows_ != other.num_rows_ || num_cols_ != other.num_cols_) KALDI_ERR << "Equal: size mismatch."; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols_; j++) if ( (*this)(i, j) != other(i, j)) return false; return true; } template<typename Real> Real MatrixBase<Real>::LargestAbsElem() const{ MatrixIndexT R = num_rows_, C = num_cols_; Real largest = 0.0; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0;i < R;i++) for (MatrixIndexT j = 0;j < C;j++) largest = std::max(largest, (Real)std::abs((*this)(i, j))); return largest; } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::OrthogonalizeRows() { KALDI_ASSERT(NumRows() <= NumCols()); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { int32 counter = 0; while (1) { Real start_prod = VecVec(this->Row(i), this->Row(i)); if (start_prod - start_prod != 0.0 || start_prod == 0.0) { KALDI_WARN << "Self-product of row " << i << " of matrix is " << start_prod << ", randomizing."; this->Row(i).SetRandn(); counter++; continue; // loop again. } for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < i; j++) { Real prod = VecVec(this->Row(i), this->Row(j)); this->Row(i).AddVec(-prod, this->Row(j)); } Real end_prod = VecVec(this->Row(i), this->Row(i)); if (end_prod <= 0.01 * start_prod) { // We removed // almost all of the vector during orthogonalization, // so we have reason to doubt (for roundoff reasons) // that it's still orthogonal to the other vectors. // We need to orthogonalize again. if (end_prod == 0.0) { // Row is exactly zero: // generate random direction. this->Row(i).SetRandn(); } counter++; if (counter > 100) KALDI_ERR << "Loop detected while orthogalizing matrix."; } else { this->Row(i).Scale(1.0 / std::sqrt(end_prod)); break; } } } } // Uses Svd to compute the eigenvalue decomposition of a symmetric positive semidefinite // matrix: // (*this) = rU * diag(rs) * rU^T, with rU an orthogonal matrix so rU^{-1} = rU^T. // Does this by computing svd (*this) = U diag(rs) V^T ... answer is just U diag(rs) U^T. // Throws exception if this failed to within supplied precision (typically because *this was not // symmetric positive definite). template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::SymPosSemiDefEig(VectorBase<Real> *rs, MatrixBase<Real> *rU, Real check_thresh) // e.g. check_thresh = 0.001 { const MatrixIndexT D = num_rows_; KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == num_cols_); KALDI_ASSERT(IsSymmetric() && "SymPosSemiDefEig: expecting input to be symmetrical."); KALDI_ASSERT(rU->num_rows_ == D && rU->num_cols_ == D && rs->Dim() == D); Matrix<Real> Vt(D, D); Svd(rs, rU, &Vt); // First just zero any singular values if the column of U and V do not have +ve dot product-- // this may mean we have small negative eigenvalues, and if we zero them the result will be closer to correct. for (MatrixIndexT i = 0;i < D;i++) { Real sum = 0.0; for (MatrixIndexT j = 0;j < D;j++) sum += (*rU)(j, i) * Vt(i, j); if (sum < 0.0) (*rs)(i) = 0.0; } { Matrix<Real> tmpU(*rU); Vector<Real> tmps(*rs); tmps.ApplyPow(0.5); tmpU.MulColsVec(tmps); SpMatrix<Real> tmpThis(D); tmpThis.AddMat2(1.0, tmpU, kNoTrans, 0.0); Matrix<Real> tmpThisFull(tmpThis); float new_norm = tmpThisFull.FrobeniusNorm(); float old_norm = (*this).FrobeniusNorm(); tmpThisFull.AddMat(-1.0, (*this)); if (!(old_norm == 0 && new_norm == 0)) { float diff_norm = tmpThisFull.FrobeniusNorm(); if (std::abs(new_norm-old_norm) > old_norm*check_thresh || diff_norm > old_norm*check_thresh) { KALDI_WARN << "SymPosSemiDefEig seems to have failed " << diff_norm << " !<< " << check_thresh << "*" << old_norm << ", maybe matrix was not " << "positive semi definite. Continuing anyway."; } } } } template<typename Real> Real MatrixBase<Real>::LogDet(Real *det_sign) const { Real log_det; Matrix<Real> tmp(*this); tmp.Invert(&log_det, det_sign, false); // false== output not needed (saves some computation). return log_det; } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::InvertDouble(Real *log_det, Real *det_sign, bool inverse_needed) { double log_det_tmp, det_sign_tmp; Matrix<double> dmat(*this); dmat.Invert(&log_det_tmp, &det_sign_tmp, inverse_needed); if (inverse_needed) (*this).CopyFromMat(dmat); if (log_det) *log_det = log_det_tmp; if (det_sign) *det_sign = det_sign_tmp; } */ // template<class Real> // void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyFromMat(const CompressedMatrix &mat) { // mat.CopyToMat(this); //} // template<class Real> // Matrix<Real>::Matrix(const CompressedMatrix &M): MatrixBase<Real>() { // Resize(M.NumRows(), M.NumCols(), kUndefined); // M.CopyToMat(this); //} template <typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::InvertElements() { for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) { for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols_; c++) { (*this)(r, c) = static_cast<Real>(1.0 / (*this)(r, c)); } } } /* template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Transpose() { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ == num_cols_); MatrixIndexT M = num_rows_; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0;i < M;i++) for (MatrixIndexT j = 0;j < i;j++) { Real &a = (*this)(i, j), &b = (*this)(j, i); std::swap(a, b); } } template<typename Real> void Matrix<Real>::Transpose() { if (this->num_rows_ != this->num_cols_) { Matrix<Real> tmp(*this, kTrans); Resize(this->num_cols_, this->num_rows_); this->CopyFromMat(tmp); } else { (static_cast<MatrixBase<Real>&>(*this)).Transpose(); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Heaviside(const MatrixBase<Real> &src) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; Real *row_data = data_; const Real *src_row_data = src.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows; row++,row_data += stride_, src_row_data += src.stride_) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) row_data[col] = (src_row_data[col] > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Exp(const MatrixBase<Real> &src) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; Real *row_data = data_; const Real *src_row_data = src.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows; row++,row_data += stride_, src_row_data += src.stride_) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) row_data[col] = kaldi::Exp(src_row_data[col]); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Pow(const MatrixBase<Real> &src, Real power) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; Real *row_data = data_; const Real *src_row_data = src.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows; row++,row_data += stride_, src_row_data += src.stride_) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) { row_data[col] = pow(src_row_data[col], power); } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::PowAbs(const MatrixBase<Real> &src, Real power, bool include_sign) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; Real *row_data = data_; const Real *src_row_data = src.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows; row++,row_data += stride_, src_row_data += src.stride_) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols; col ++) { if (include_sign == true && src_row_data[col] < 0) { row_data[col] = -pow(std::abs(src_row_data[col]), power); } else { row_data[col] = pow(std::abs(src_row_data[col]), power); } } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Floor(const MatrixBase<Real> &src, Real floor_val) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; Real *row_data = data_; const Real *src_row_data = src.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows; row++,row_data += stride_, src_row_data += src.stride_) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) row_data[col] = (src_row_data[col] < floor_val ? floor_val : src_row_data[col]); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Ceiling(const MatrixBase<Real> &src, Real ceiling_val) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; Real *row_data = data_; const Real *src_row_data = src.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows; row++,row_data += stride_, src_row_data += src.stride_) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) row_data[col] = (src_row_data[col] > ceiling_val ? ceiling_val : src_row_data[col]); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Log(const MatrixBase<Real> &src) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; Real *row_data = data_; const Real *src_row_data = src.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows; row++,row_data += stride_, src_row_data += src.stride_) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) row_data[col] = kaldi::Log(src_row_data[col]); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::ExpSpecial(const MatrixBase<Real> &src) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; Real *row_data = data_; const Real *src_row_data = src.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows; row++,row_data += stride_, src_row_data += src.stride_) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) row_data[col] = (src_row_data[col] < Real(0) ? kaldi::Exp(src_row_data[col]) : (src_row_data[col] + Real(1))); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::ExpLimited(const MatrixBase<Real> &src, Real lower_limit, Real upper_limit) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; Real *row_data = data_; const Real *src_row_data = src.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0; row < num_rows; row++,row_data += stride_, src_row_data += src.stride_) { for (MatrixIndexT col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) { const Real x = src_row_data[col]; if (!(x >= lower_limit)) row_data[col] = kaldi::Exp(lower_limit); else if (x > upper_limit) row_data[col] = kaldi::Exp(upper_limit); else row_data[col] = kaldi::Exp(x); } } } template<typename Real> bool MatrixBase<Real>::Power(Real power) { KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ > 0 && num_rows_ == num_cols_); MatrixIndexT n = num_rows_; Matrix<Real> P(n, n); Vector<Real> re(n), im(n); this->Eig(&P, &re, &im); // Now attempt to take the complex eigenvalues to this power. for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < n; i++) if (!AttemptComplexPower(&(re(i)), &(im(i)), power)) return false; // e.g. real and negative, or zero, eigenvalues. Matrix<Real> D(n, n); // D to the power. CreateEigenvalueMatrix(re, im, &D); Matrix<Real> tmp(n, n); // P times D tmp.AddMatMat(1.0, P, kNoTrans, D, kNoTrans, 0.0); // tmp := P*D P.Invert(); // next line is: *this = tmp * P^{-1} = P * D * P^{-1} (*this).AddMatMat(1.0, tmp, kNoTrans, P, kNoTrans, 0.0); return true; } */ template <typename Real> void Matrix<Real>::Swap(Matrix<Real> *other) { std::swap(this->data_, other->data_); std::swap(this->num_cols_, other->num_cols_); std::swap(this->num_rows_, other->num_rows_); std::swap(this->stride_, other->stride_); } /* // Repeating this comment that appeared in the header: // Eigenvalue Decomposition of a square NxN matrix into the form (*this) = P D // P^{-1}. Be careful: the relationship of D to the eigenvalues we output is // slightly complicated, due to the need for P to be real. In the symmetric // case D is diagonal and real, but in // the non-symmetric case there may be complex-conjugate pairs of eigenvalues. // In this case, for the equation (*this) = P D P^{-1} to hold, D must actually // be block diagonal, with 2x2 blocks corresponding to any such pairs. If a // pair is lambda +- i*mu, D will have a corresponding 2x2 block // [lambda, mu; -mu, lambda]. // Note that if the input matrix (*this) is non-invertible, P may not be invertible // so in this case instead of the equation (*this) = P D P^{-1} holding, we have // instead (*this) P = P D. // // By making the pointer arguments non-NULL or NULL, the user can choose to take // not to take the eigenvalues directly, and/or the matrix D which is block-diagonal // with 2x2 blocks. template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Eig(MatrixBase<Real> *P, VectorBase<Real> *r, VectorBase<Real> *i) const { EigenvalueDecomposition<Real> eig(*this); if (P) eig.GetV(P); if (r) eig.GetRealEigenvalues(r); if (i) eig.GetImagEigenvalues(i); } // Begin non-member function definitions. // /** // * @brief Extension of the HTK header // */ // struct HtkHeaderExt // { // INT_32 mHeaderSize; // INT_32 mVersion; // INT_32 mSampSize; // }; /* template<typename Real> bool ReadHtk(std::istream &is, Matrix<Real> *M_ptr, HtkHeader *header_ptr) { // check instantiated with double or float. KALDI_ASSERT_IS_FLOATING_TYPE(Real); Matrix<Real> &M = *M_ptr; HtkHeader htk_hdr; // TODO(arnab): this fails if the HTK file has CRC cheksum or is compressed. is.read((char*)&htk_hdr, sizeof(htk_hdr)); // we're being really POSIX here! if (is.fail()) { KALDI_WARN << "Could not read header from HTK feature file "; return false; } KALDI_SWAP4(htk_hdr.mNSamples); KALDI_SWAP4(htk_hdr.mSamplePeriod); KALDI_SWAP2(htk_hdr.mSampleSize); KALDI_SWAP2(htk_hdr.mSampleKind); bool has_checksum = false; { // See HParm.h in HTK code for sources of these things. enum BaseParmKind{ Waveform, Lpc, Lprefc, Lpcepstra, Lpdelcep, Irefc, Mfcc, Fbank, Melspec, User, Discrete, Plp, Anon }; const int32 IsCompressed = 02000, HasChecksum = 010000, HasVq = 040000, Problem = IsCompressed | HasVq; int32 base_parm = htk_hdr.mSampleKind & (077); has_checksum = (base_parm & HasChecksum) != 0; htk_hdr.mSampleKind &= ~HasChecksum; // We don't support writing with // checksum so turn it off. if (htk_hdr.mSampleKind & Problem) KALDI_ERR << "Code to read HTK features does not support compressed " "features, or features with VQ."; if (base_parm == Waveform || base_parm == Irefc || base_parm == Discrete) KALDI_ERR << "Attempting to read HTK features from unsupported type " "(e.g. waveform or discrete features."; } KALDI_VLOG(3) << "HTK header: Num Samples: " << htk_hdr.mNSamples << "; Sample period: " << htk_hdr.mSamplePeriod << "; Sample size: " << htk_hdr.mSampleSize << "; Sample kind: " << htk_hdr.mSampleKind; M.Resize(htk_hdr.mNSamples, htk_hdr.mSampleSize / sizeof(float)); MatrixIndexT i; MatrixIndexT j; if (sizeof(Real) == sizeof(float)) { for (i = 0; i< M.NumRows(); i++) { is.read((char*)M.RowData(i), sizeof(float)*M.NumCols()); if (is.fail()) { KALDI_WARN << "Could not read data from HTK feature file "; return false; } if (MachineIsLittleEndian()) { MatrixIndexT C = M.NumCols(); for (j = 0; j < C; j++) { KALDI_SWAP4((M(i, j))); // The HTK standard is big-endian! } } } } else { float *pmem = new float[M.NumCols()]; for (i = 0; i < M.NumRows(); i++) { is.read((char*)pmem, sizeof(float)*M.NumCols()); if (is.fail()) { KALDI_WARN << "Could not read data from HTK feature file "; delete [] pmem; return false; } MatrixIndexT C = M.NumCols(); for (j = 0; j < C; j++) { if (MachineIsLittleEndian()) // HTK standard is big-endian! KALDI_SWAP4(pmem[j]); M(i, j) = static_cast<Real>(pmem[j]); } } delete [] pmem; } if (header_ptr) *header_ptr = htk_hdr; if (has_checksum) { int16 checksum; is.read((char*)&checksum, sizeof(checksum)); if (is.fail()) KALDI_WARN << "Could not read checksum from HTK feature file "; // We ignore the checksum. } return true; } template bool ReadHtk(std::istream &is, Matrix<float> *M, HtkHeader *header_ptr); template bool ReadHtk(std::istream &is, Matrix<double> *M, HtkHeader *header_ptr); template<typename Real> bool WriteHtk(std::ostream &os, const MatrixBase<Real> &M, HtkHeader htk_hdr) // header may be derived from a previous call to ReadHtk. Must be in binary mode. { KALDI_ASSERT(M.NumRows() == static_cast<MatrixIndexT>(htk_hdr.mNSamples)); KALDI_ASSERT(M.NumCols() == static_cast<MatrixIndexT>(htk_hdr.mSampleSize) / static_cast<MatrixIndexT>(sizeof(float))); KALDI_SWAP4(htk_hdr.mNSamples); KALDI_SWAP4(htk_hdr.mSamplePeriod); KALDI_SWAP2(htk_hdr.mSampleSize); KALDI_SWAP2(htk_hdr.mSampleKind); os.write((char*)&htk_hdr, sizeof(htk_hdr)); if (os.fail()) goto bad; MatrixIndexT i; MatrixIndexT j; if (sizeof(Real) == sizeof(float) && !MachineIsLittleEndian()) { for (i = 0; i< M.NumRows(); i++) { // Unlikely to reach here ever! os.write((char*)M.RowData(i), sizeof(float)*M.NumCols()); if (os.fail()) goto bad; } } else { float *pmem = new float[M.NumCols()]; for (i = 0; i < M.NumRows(); i++) { const Real *rowData = M.RowData(i); for (j = 0;j < M.NumCols();j++) pmem[j] = static_cast<float> ( rowData[j] ); if (MachineIsLittleEndian()) for (j = 0;j < M.NumCols();j++) KALDI_SWAP4(pmem[j]); os.write((char*)pmem, sizeof(float)*M.NumCols()); if (os.fail()) { delete [] pmem; goto bad; } } delete [] pmem; } return true; bad: KALDI_WARN << "Could not write to HTK feature file "; return false; } template bool WriteHtk(std::ostream &os, const MatrixBase<float> &M, HtkHeader htk_hdr); template bool WriteHtk(std::ostream &os, const MatrixBase<double> &M, HtkHeader htk_hdr); template<class Real> bool WriteSphinx(std::ostream &os, const MatrixBase<Real> &M) { // CMUSphinx mfc file header contains count of the floats, followed // by the data in float little endian format. int size = M.NumRows() * M.NumCols(); os.write((char*)&size, sizeof(int)); if (os.fail()) goto bad; MatrixIndexT i; MatrixIndexT j; if (sizeof(Real) == sizeof(float) && MachineIsLittleEndian()) { for (i = 0; i< M.NumRows(); i++) { // Unlikely to reach here ever! os.write((char*)M.RowData(i), sizeof(float)*M.NumCols()); if (os.fail()) goto bad; } } else { float *pmem = new float[M.NumCols()]; for (i = 0; i < M.NumRows(); i++) { const Real *rowData = M.RowData(i); for (j = 0;j < M.NumCols();j++) pmem[j] = static_cast<float> ( rowData[j] ); if (!MachineIsLittleEndian()) for (j = 0;j < M.NumCols();j++) KALDI_SWAP4(pmem[j]); os.write((char*)pmem, sizeof(float)*M.NumCols()); if (os.fail()) { delete [] pmem; goto bad; } } delete [] pmem; } return true; bad: KALDI_WARN << "Could not write to Sphinx feature file"; return false; } template bool WriteSphinx(std::ostream &os, const MatrixBase<float> &M); template bool WriteSphinx(std::ostream &os, const MatrixBase<double> &M); template <typename Real> Real TraceMatMatMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA, const MatrixBase<Real> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB, const MatrixBase<Real> &C, MatrixTransposeType transC) { MatrixIndexT ARows = A.NumRows(), ACols = A.NumCols(), BRows = B.NumRows(), BCols = B.NumCols(), CRows = C.NumRows(), CCols = C.NumCols(); if (transA == kTrans) std::swap(ARows, ACols); if (transB == kTrans) std::swap(BRows, BCols); if (transC == kTrans) std::swap(CRows, CCols); KALDI_ASSERT( CCols == ARows && ACols == BRows && BCols == CRows && "TraceMatMatMat: args have mismatched dimensions."); if (ARows*BCols < std::min(BRows*CCols, CRows*ACols)) { Matrix<Real> AB(ARows, BCols); AB.AddMatMat(1.0, A, transA, B, transB, 0.0); // AB = A * B. return TraceMatMat(AB, C, transC); } else if ( BRows*CCols < CRows*ACols) { Matrix<Real> BC(BRows, CCols); BC.AddMatMat(1.0, B, transB, C, transC, 0.0); // BC = B * C. return TraceMatMat(BC, A, transA); } else { Matrix<Real> CA(CRows, ACols); CA.AddMatMat(1.0, C, transC, A, transA, 0.0); // CA = C * A return TraceMatMat(CA, B, transB); } } template float TraceMatMatMat(const MatrixBase<float> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA, const MatrixBase<float> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB, const MatrixBase<float> &C, MatrixTransposeType transC); template double TraceMatMatMat(const MatrixBase<double> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA, const MatrixBase<double> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB, const MatrixBase<double> &C, MatrixTransposeType transC); template <typename Real> Real TraceMatMatMatMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA, const MatrixBase<Real> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB, const MatrixBase<Real> &C, MatrixTransposeType transC, const MatrixBase<Real> &D, MatrixTransposeType transD) { MatrixIndexT ARows = A.NumRows(), ACols = A.NumCols(), BRows = B.NumRows(), BCols = B.NumCols(), CRows = C.NumRows(), CCols = C.NumCols(), DRows = D.NumRows(), DCols = D.NumCols(); if (transA == kTrans) std::swap(ARows, ACols); if (transB == kTrans) std::swap(BRows, BCols); if (transC == kTrans) std::swap(CRows, CCols); if (transD == kTrans) std::swap(DRows, DCols); KALDI_ASSERT( DCols == ARows && ACols == BRows && BCols == CRows && CCols == DRows && "TraceMatMatMat: args have mismatched dimensions."); if (ARows*BCols < std::min(BRows*CCols, std::min(CRows*DCols, DRows*ACols))) { Matrix<Real> AB(ARows, BCols); AB.AddMatMat(1.0, A, transA, B, transB, 0.0); // AB = A * B. return TraceMatMatMat(AB, kNoTrans, C, transC, D, transD); } else if ((BRows*CCols) < std::min(CRows*DCols, DRows*ACols)) { Matrix<Real> BC(BRows, CCols); BC.AddMatMat(1.0, B, transB, C, transC, 0.0); // BC = B * C. return TraceMatMatMat(BC, kNoTrans, D, transD, A, transA); } else if (CRows*DCols < DRows*ACols) { Matrix<Real> CD(CRows, DCols); CD.AddMatMat(1.0, C, transC, D, transD, 0.0); // CD = C * D return TraceMatMatMat(CD, kNoTrans, A, transA, B, transB); } else { Matrix<Real> DA(DRows, ACols); DA.AddMatMat(1.0, D, transD, A, transA, 0.0); // DA = D * A return TraceMatMatMat(DA, kNoTrans, B, transB, C, transC); } } template float TraceMatMatMatMat(const MatrixBase<float> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA, const MatrixBase<float> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB, const MatrixBase<float> &C, MatrixTransposeType transC, const MatrixBase<float> &D, MatrixTransposeType transD); template double TraceMatMatMatMat(const MatrixBase<double> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA, const MatrixBase<double> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB, const MatrixBase<double> &C, MatrixTransposeType transC, const MatrixBase<double> &D, MatrixTransposeType transD); template<typename Real> void SortSvd(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *U, MatrixBase<Real> *Vt, bool sort_on_absolute_value) { /// Makes sure the Svd is sorted (from greatest to least absolute value). MatrixIndexT num_singval = s->Dim(); KALDI_ASSERT(U == NULL || U->NumCols() == num_singval); KALDI_ASSERT(Vt == NULL || Vt->NumRows() == num_singval); std::vector<std::pair<Real, MatrixIndexT> > vec(num_singval); // negative because we want revese order. for (MatrixIndexT d = 0; d < num_singval; d++) { Real val = (*s)(d), sort_val = -(sort_on_absolute_value ? std::abs(val) : val); vec[d] = std::pair<Real, MatrixIndexT>(sort_val, d); } std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end()); Vector<Real> s_copy(*s); for (MatrixIndexT d = 0; d < num_singval; d++) (*s)(d) = s_copy(vec[d].second); if (U != NULL) { Matrix<Real> Utmp(*U); MatrixIndexT dim = Utmp.NumRows(); for (MatrixIndexT d = 0; d < num_singval; d++) { MatrixIndexT oldidx = vec[d].second; for (MatrixIndexT e = 0; e < dim; e++) (*U)(e, d) = Utmp(e, oldidx); } } if (Vt != NULL) { Matrix<Real> Vttmp(*Vt); for (MatrixIndexT d = 0; d < num_singval; d++) (*Vt).Row(d).CopyFromVec(Vttmp.Row(vec[d].second)); } } template void SortSvd(VectorBase<float> *s, MatrixBase<float> *U, MatrixBase<float> *Vt, bool); template void SortSvd(VectorBase<double> *s, MatrixBase<double> *U, MatrixBase<double> *Vt, bool); template<typename Real> void CreateEigenvalueMatrix(const VectorBase<Real> &re, const VectorBase<Real> &im, MatrixBase<Real> *D) { MatrixIndexT n = re.Dim(); KALDI_ASSERT(im.Dim() == n && D->NumRows() == n && D->NumCols() == n); MatrixIndexT j = 0; D->SetZero(); while (j < n) { if (im(j) == 0) { // Real eigenvalue (*D)(j, j) = re(j); j++; } else { // First of a complex pair KALDI_ASSERT(j+1 < n && ApproxEqual(im(j+1), -im(j)) && ApproxEqual(re(j+1), re(j))); /// if (im(j) < 0.0) KALDI_WARN << "Negative first im part of pair"; // TEMP Real lambda = re(j), mu = im(j); // create 2x2 block [lambda, mu; -mu, lambda] (*D)(j, j) = lambda; (*D)(j, j+1) = mu; (*D)(j+1, j) = -mu; (*D)(j+1, j+1) = lambda; j += 2; } } } template void CreateEigenvalueMatrix(const VectorBase<float> &re, const VectorBase<float> &im, MatrixBase<float> *D); template void CreateEigenvalueMatrix(const VectorBase<double> &re, const VectorBase<double> &im, MatrixBase<double> *D); template<typename Real> bool AttemptComplexPower(Real *x_re, Real *x_im, Real power) { // Used in Matrix<Real>::Power(). // Attempts to take the complex value x to the power "power", // assuming that power is fractional (i.e. we don't treat integers as a // special case). Returns false if this is not possible, either // because x is negative and real (hence there is no obvious answer // that is "closest to 1", and anyway this case does not make sense // in the Matrix<Real>::Power() routine); // or because power is negative, and x is zero. // First solve for r and theta in // x_re = r*cos(theta), x_im = r*sin(theta) if (*x_re < 0.0 && *x_im == 0.0) return false; // can't do // it for negative real values. Real r = std::sqrt((*x_re * *x_re) + (*x_im * *x_im)); // r == radius. if (power < 0.0 && r == 0.0) return false; Real theta = std::atan2(*x_im, *x_re); // Take the power. r = std::pow(r, power); theta *= power; *x_re = r * std::cos(theta); *x_im = r * std::sin(theta); return true; } template bool AttemptComplexPower(float *x_re, float *x_im, float power); template bool AttemptComplexPower(double *x_re, double *x_im, double power); template <typename Real> Real TraceMatMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &A, const MatrixBase<Real> &B, MatrixTransposeType trans) { // tr(A B), equivalent to sum of each element of A times same element in B' MatrixIndexT aStride = A.stride_, bStride = B.stride_; if (trans == kNoTrans) { KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumRows() == B.NumCols() && A.NumCols() == B.NumRows()); Real ans = 0.0; Real *adata = A.data_, *bdata = B.data_; MatrixIndexT arows = A.NumRows(), acols = A.NumCols(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0;row < arows;row++, adata+=aStride, bdata++) ans += cblas_Xdot(acols, adata, 1, bdata, bStride); return ans; } else { KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumRows() == B.NumRows() && A.NumCols() == B.NumCols()); Real ans = 0.0; Real *adata = A.data_, *bdata = B.data_; MatrixIndexT arows = A.NumRows(), acols = A.NumCols(); for (MatrixIndexT row = 0;row < arows;row++, adata+=aStride, bdata+=bStride) ans += cblas_Xdot(acols, adata, 1, bdata, 1); return ans; } } // Instantiate the template above for float and double. template float TraceMatMat(const MatrixBase<float> &A, const MatrixBase<float> &B, MatrixTransposeType trans); template double TraceMatMat(const MatrixBase<double> &A, const MatrixBase<double> &B, MatrixTransposeType trans); template<typename Real> Real MatrixBase<Real>::LogSumExp(Real prune) const { Real sum; if (sizeof(sum) == 8) sum = kLogZeroDouble; else sum = kLogZeroFloat; Real max_elem = Max(), cutoff; if (sizeof(Real) == 4) cutoff = max_elem + kMinLogDiffFloat; else cutoff = max_elem + kMinLogDiffDouble; if (prune > 0.0 && max_elem - prune > cutoff) // explicit pruning... cutoff = max_elem - prune; double sum_relto_max_elem = 0.0; for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols_; j++) { BaseFloat f = (*this)(i, j); if (f >= cutoff) sum_relto_max_elem += kaldi::Exp(f - max_elem); } } return max_elem + kaldi::Log(sum_relto_max_elem); } template<typename Real> Real MatrixBase<Real>::ApplySoftMax() { Real max = this->Max(), sum = 0.0; // the 'max' helps to get in good numeric range. for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows_; i++) for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols_; j++) sum += ((*this)(i, j) = kaldi::Exp((*this)(i, j) - max)); this->Scale(1.0 / sum); return max + kaldi::Log(sum); } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Tanh(const MatrixBase<Real> &src) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); if (num_cols_ == stride_ && src.num_cols_ == src.stride_) { SubVector<Real> src_vec(src.data_, num_rows_ * num_cols_), dst_vec(this->data_, num_rows_ * num_cols_); dst_vec.Tanh(src_vec); } else { for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) { SubVector<Real> src_vec(src, r), dest_vec(*this, r); dest_vec.Tanh(src_vec); } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::SoftHinge(const MatrixBase<Real> &src) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); int32 num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++) { Real *row_data = this->RowData(r); const Real *src_row_data = src.RowData(r); for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols; c++) { Real x = src_row_data[c], y; if (x > 10.0) y = x; // avoid exponentiating large numbers; function // approaches y=x. else y = Log1p(kaldi::Exp(x)); // these defined in kaldi-math.h row_data[c] = y; } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::GroupPnorm(const MatrixBase<Real> &src, Real power) { KALDI_ASSERT(src.NumCols() % this->NumCols() == 0 && src.NumRows() == this->NumRows()); int group_size = src.NumCols() / this->NumCols(), num_rows = this->NumRows(), num_cols = this->NumCols(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) (*this)(i, j) = src.Row(i).Range(j * group_size, group_size).Norm(power); } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::GroupMax(const MatrixBase<Real> &src) { KALDI_ASSERT(src.NumCols() % this->NumCols() == 0 && src.NumRows() == this->NumRows()); int group_size = src.NumCols() / this->NumCols(), num_rows = this->NumRows(), num_cols = this->NumCols(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { const Real *src_row_data = src.RowData(i); for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) { Real max_val = -1e20; for (MatrixIndexT k = 0; k < group_size; k++) { Real src_data = src_row_data[j * group_size + k]; if (src_data > max_val) max_val = src_data; } (*this)(i, j) = max_val; } } } */ template <typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyCols(const MatrixBase<Real> &src, const MatrixIndexT *indices) { KALDI_ASSERT(NumRows() == src.NumRows()); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, this_stride = stride_, src_stride = src.stride_; Real *this_data = this->data_; const Real *src_data = src.data_; #ifdef KALDI_PARANOID MatrixIndexT src_cols = src.NumCols(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_cols; i++) KALDI_ASSERT(indices[i] >= -1 && indices[i] < src_cols); #endif // For the sake of memory locality we do this row by row, rather // than doing it column-wise using cublas_Xcopy for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++, this_data += this_stride, src_data += src_stride) { const MatrixIndexT *index_ptr = &(indices[0]); for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols; c++, index_ptr++) { if (*index_ptr < 0) this_data[c] = 0; else this_data[c] = src_data[*index_ptr]; } } } /* template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddCols(const MatrixBase<Real> &src, const MatrixIndexT *indices) { KALDI_ASSERT(NumRows() == src.NumRows()); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, this_stride = stride_, src_stride = src.stride_; Real *this_data = this->data_; const Real *src_data = src.data_; #ifdef KALDI_PARANOID MatrixIndexT src_cols = src.NumCols(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_cols; i++) KALDI_ASSERT(indices[i] >= -1 && indices[i] < src_cols); #endif // For the sake of memory locality we do this row by row, rather // than doing it column-wise using cublas_Xcopy for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++, this_data += this_stride, src_data += src_stride) { const MatrixIndexT *index_ptr = &(indices[0]); for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols; c++, index_ptr++) { if (*index_ptr >= 0) this_data[c] += src_data[*index_ptr]; } } }*/ /* template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyRows(const MatrixBase<Real> &src, const MatrixIndexT *indices) { KALDI_ASSERT(NumCols() == src.NumCols()); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, this_stride = stride_; Real *this_data = this->data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++, this_data += this_stride) { MatrixIndexT index = indices[r]; if (index < 0) memset(this_data, 0, sizeof(Real) * num_cols_); else cblas_Xcopy(num_cols, src.RowData(index), 1, this_data, 1); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyRows(const Real *const *src) { MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, this_stride = stride_; Real *this_data = this->data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++, this_data += this_stride) { const Real *const src_data = src[r]; if (src_data == NULL) memset(this_data, 0, sizeof(Real) * num_cols); else cblas_Xcopy(num_cols, src_data, 1, this_data, 1); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::CopyToRows(Real *const *dst) const { MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, this_stride = stride_; const Real *this_data = this->data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++, this_data += this_stride) { Real *const dst_data = dst[r]; if (dst_data != NULL) cblas_Xcopy(num_cols, this_data, 1, dst_data, 1); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddRows(Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &src, const MatrixIndexT *indexes) { KALDI_ASSERT(NumCols() == src.NumCols()); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, this_stride = stride_; Real *this_data = this->data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++, this_data += this_stride) { MatrixIndexT index = indexes[r]; KALDI_ASSERT(index >= -1 && index < src.NumRows()); if (index != -1) cblas_Xaxpy(num_cols, alpha, src.RowData(index), 1, this_data, 1); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddRows(Real alpha, const Real *const *src) { MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, this_stride = stride_; Real *this_data = this->data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++, this_data += this_stride) { const Real *const src_data = src[r]; if (src_data != NULL) cblas_Xaxpy(num_cols, alpha, src_data, 1, this_data, 1); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddToRows(Real alpha, const MatrixIndexT *indexes, MatrixBase<Real> *dst) const { KALDI_ASSERT(NumCols() == dst->NumCols()); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, this_stride = stride_; Real *this_data = this->data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++, this_data += this_stride) { MatrixIndexT index = indexes[r]; KALDI_ASSERT(index >= -1 && index < dst->NumRows()); if (index != -1) cblas_Xaxpy(num_cols, alpha, this_data, 1, dst->RowData(index), 1); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddToRows(Real alpha, Real *const *dst) const { MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, this_stride = stride_; const Real *this_data = this->data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++, this_data += this_stride) { Real *const dst_data = dst[r]; if (dst_data != NULL) cblas_Xaxpy(num_cols, alpha, this_data, 1, dst_data, 1); } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::Sigmoid(const MatrixBase<Real> &src) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, src)); if (num_cols_ == stride_ && src.num_cols_ == src.stride_) { SubVector<Real> src_vec(src.data_, num_rows_ * num_cols_), dst_vec(this->data_, num_rows_ * num_cols_); dst_vec.Sigmoid(src_vec); } else { for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows_; r++) { SubVector<Real> src_vec(src, r), dest_vec(*this, r); dest_vec.Sigmoid(src_vec); } } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::DiffSigmoid(const MatrixBase<Real> &value, const MatrixBase<Real> &diff) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, value) && SameDim(*this, diff)); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, stride = stride_, value_stride = value.stride_, diff_stride = diff.stride_; Real *data = data_; const Real *value_data = value.data_, *diff_data = diff.data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++) { for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols; c++) data[c] = diff_data[c] * value_data[c] * (1.0 - value_data[c]); data += stride; value_data += value_stride; diff_data += diff_stride; } } template<typename Real> void MatrixBase<Real>::DiffTanh(const MatrixBase<Real> &value, const MatrixBase<Real> &diff) { KALDI_ASSERT(SameDim(*this, value) && SameDim(*this, diff)); MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, stride = stride_, value_stride = value.stride_, diff_stride = diff.stride_; Real *data = data_; const Real *value_data = value.data_, *diff_data = diff.data_; for (MatrixIndexT r = 0; r < num_rows; r++) { for (MatrixIndexT c = 0; c < num_cols; c++) data[c] = diff_data[c] * (1.0 - (value_data[c] * value_data[c])); data += stride; value_data += value_stride; diff_data += diff_stride; } }*/ /* template<typename Real> template<typename OtherReal> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddVecToRows(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v) { const MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, stride = stride_; KALDI_ASSERT(v.Dim() == num_cols); if(num_cols <= 64) { Real *data = data_; const OtherReal *vdata = v.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++, data += stride) { for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) data[j] += alpha * vdata[j]; } } else { Vector<OtherReal> ones(num_rows); ones.Set(1.0); this->AddVecVec(alpha, ones, v); } } template void MatrixBase<float>::AddVecToRows(const float alpha, const VectorBase<float> &v); template void MatrixBase<float>::AddVecToRows(const float alpha, const VectorBase<double> &v); template void MatrixBase<double>::AddVecToRows(const double alpha, const VectorBase<float> &v); template void MatrixBase<double>::AddVecToRows(const double alpha, const VectorBase<double> &v); template<typename Real> template<typename OtherReal> void MatrixBase<Real>::AddVecToCols(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v) { const MatrixIndexT num_rows = num_rows_, num_cols = num_cols_, stride = stride_; KALDI_ASSERT(v.Dim() == num_rows); if (num_rows <= 64) { Real *data = data_; const OtherReal *vdata = v.Data(); for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++, data += stride) { Real to_add = alpha * vdata[i]; for (MatrixIndexT j = 0; j < num_cols; j++) data[j] += to_add; } } else { Vector<OtherReal> ones(num_cols); ones.Set(1.0); this->AddVecVec(alpha, v, ones); } } template void MatrixBase<float>::AddVecToCols(const float alpha, const VectorBase<float> &v); template void MatrixBase<float>::AddVecToCols(const float alpha, const VectorBase<double> &v); template void MatrixBase<double>::AddVecToCols(const double alpha, const VectorBase<float> &v); template void MatrixBase<double>::AddVecToCols(const double alpha, const VectorBase<double> &v); */ // Explicit instantiation of the classes // Apparently, it seems to be necessary that the instantiation // happens at the end of the file. Otherwise, not all the member // functions will get instantiated. template class Matrix<float>; template class Matrix<double>; template class MatrixBase<float>; template class MatrixBase<double>; template class SubMatrix<float>; template class SubMatrix<double>; } // namespace kaldi