# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re # speaker|utt_id|phn dur phn dur ... def get_phn_dur(file_name): ''' read MFA duration.txt Parameters ---------- file_name : str or Path path of gen_duration_from_textgrid.py's result Returns ---------- Dict sentence: {'utt': ([char], [int])} ''' f = open(file_name, 'r') sentence = {} speaker_set = set() for line in f: line_list = line.strip().split('|') utt = line_list[0] speaker = line_list[1] p_d = line_list[-1] speaker_set.add(speaker) phn_dur = p_d.split() phn = phn_dur[::2] dur = phn_dur[1::2] assert len(phn) == len(dur) sentence[utt] = (phn, [int(i) for i in dur], speaker) f.close() return sentence, speaker_set def merge_silence(sentence): ''' merge silences Parameters ---------- sentence : Dict sentence: {'utt': (([char], [int]), str)} ''' for utt in sentence: cur_phn, cur_dur, speaker = sentence[utt] new_phn = [] new_dur = [] # merge sp and sil for i, p in enumerate(cur_phn): if i > 0 and 'sil' == p and cur_phn[i - 1] in {"sil", "sp"}: new_dur[-1] += cur_dur[i] new_phn[-1] = 'sil' else: new_phn.append(p) new_dur.append(cur_dur[i]) for i, (p, d) in enumerate(zip(new_phn, new_dur)): if p in {"sp"}: if d < 14: new_phn[i] = 'sp' else: new_phn[i] = 'spl' assert len(new_phn) == len(new_dur) sentence[utt] = [new_phn, new_dur, speaker] def get_input_token(sentence, output_path, dataset="baker"): ''' get phone set from training data and save it Parameters ---------- sentence : Dict sentence: {'utt': ([char], [int])} output_path : str or path path to save phone_id_map ''' phn_token = set() for utt in sentence: for phn in sentence[utt][0]: phn_token.add(phn) phn_token = list(phn_token) phn_token.sort() phn_token = ["", ""] + phn_token if dataset in {"baker", "aishell3"}: phn_token += [",", "。", "?", "!"] else: phn_token += [",", ".", "?", "!"] phn_token += [""] with open(output_path, 'w') as f: for i, phn in enumerate(phn_token): f.write(phn + ' ' + str(i) + '\n') def get_phones_tones(sentence, phones_output_path, tones_output_path, dataset="baker"): ''' get phone set and tone set from training data and save it Parameters ---------- sentence : Dict sentence: {'utt': ([char], [int])} phones_output_path : str or path path to save phone_id_map tones_output_path : str or path path to save tone_id_map ''' phn_token = set() tone_token = set() for utt in sentence: for label in sentence[utt][0]: # split tone from finals match = re.match(r'^(\w+)([012345])$', label) if match: phn_token.add(match.group(1)) tone_token.add(match.group(2)) else: phn_token.add(label) tone_token.add('0') phn_token = list(phn_token) tone_token = list(tone_token) phn_token.sort() tone_token.sort() phn_token = ["", ""] + phn_token if dataset in {"baker", "aishell3"}: phn_token += [",", "。", "?", "!"] else: phn_token += [",", ".", "?", "!"] phn_token += [""] with open(phones_output_path, 'w') as f: for i, phn in enumerate(phn_token): f.write(phn + ' ' + str(i) + '\n') with open(tones_output_path, 'w') as f: for i, tone in enumerate(tone_token): f.write(tone + ' ' + str(i) + '\n') def get_spk_id_map(speaker_set, output_path): speakers = sorted(list(speaker_set)) with open(output_path, 'w') as f: for i, spk in enumerate(speakers): f.write(spk + ' ' + str(i) + '\n') def compare_duration_and_mel_length(sentences, utt, mel): ''' check duration error, correct sentences[utt] if possible, else pop sentences[utt] Parameters ---------- sentences : Dict sentences[utt] = [phones_list ,durations_list] utt : str utt_id mel : np.ndarry features (num_frames, n_mels) ''' if utt in sentences: len_diff = mel.shape[0] - sum(sentences[utt][1]) if len_diff != 0: if len_diff > 0: sentences[utt][1][-1] += len_diff elif sentences[utt][1][-1] + len_diff > 0: sentences[utt][1][-1] += len_diff elif sentences[utt][1][0] + len_diff > 0: sentences[utt][1][0] += len_diff else: print("the len_diff is unable to correct:", len_diff) sentences.pop(utt)