include(FetchContent) # update eigen to the commit id f612df27 on 03/16/2021 set(EIGEN_PREFIX_DIR ${fc_patch}/eigen3) FetchContent_Declare( Eigen3 GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG master PREFIX ${EIGEN_PREFIX_DIR} GIT_SHALLOW TRUE GIT_PROGRESS TRUE) set(EIGEN_BUILD_DOC OFF) # note: To disable eigen tests, # you should put this code in a add_subdirectory to avoid to change # BUILD_TESTING for your own project too since variables are directory # scoped set(BUILD_TESTING OFF) set(EIGEN_BUILD_PKGCONFIG OFF) set( OFF) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(Eigen3) message(STATUS "eigen src dir: ${Eigen3_SOURCE_DIR}") message(STATUS "eigen bin dir: ${Eigen3_BINARY_DIR}") #include_directories(${Eigen3_SOURCE_DIR}) #link_directories(${Eigen3_BINARY_DIR})