#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; #sed replacement for -w perl parameter # Copyright 2010-2011 Microsoft Corporation # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, # MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. # See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This program splits up any kind of .scp or archive-type file. # If there is no utt2spk option it will work on any text file and # will split it up with an approximately equal number of lines in # each but. # With the --utt2spk option it will work on anything that has the # utterance-id as the first entry on each line; the utt2spk file is # of the form "utterance speaker" (on each line). # It splits it into equal size chunks as far as it can. If you use # the utt2spk option it will make sure these chunks coincide with # speaker boundaries. In this case, if there are more chunks # than speakers (and in some other circumstances), some of the # resulting chunks will be empty and it # will print a warning. # You will normally call this like: # split_scp.pl scp scp.1 scp.2 scp.3 ... # or # split_scp.pl --utt2spk=utt2spk scp scp.1 scp.2 scp.3 ... # Note that you can use this script to split the utt2spk file itself, # e.g. split_scp.pl --utt2spk=utt2spk utt2spk utt2spk.1 utt2spk.2 ... # You can also call the scripts like: # split_scp.pl -j 3 0 scp scp.0 # [note: with this option, it assumes zero-based indexing of the split parts, # i.e. the second number must be 0 <= n < num-jobs.] $num_jobs = 0; $job_id = 0; $utt2spk_file = ""; for ($x = 1; $x <= 2; $x++) { if ($ARGV[0] eq "-j") { shift @ARGV; $num_jobs = shift @ARGV; $job_id = shift @ARGV; if ($num_jobs <= 0 || $job_id < 0 || $job_id >= $num_jobs) { die "Invalid num-jobs and job-id: $num_jobs and $job_id"; } } if ($ARGV[0] =~ "--utt2spk=(.+)") { $utt2spk_file=$1; shift; } } if(($num_jobs == 0 && @ARGV < 2) || ($num_jobs > 0 && (@ARGV < 1 || @ARGV > 2))) { die "Usage: split_scp.pl [--utt2spk=<utt2spk_file>] in.scp out1.scp out2.scp ... \n" . " or: split_scp.pl -j num-jobs job-id [--utt2spk=<utt2spk_file>] in.scp [out.scp]\n" . " ... where 0 <= job-id < num-jobs."; } $inscp = shift @ARGV; if ($num_jobs == 0) { # without -j option @OUTPUTS = @ARGV; } else { for ($j = 0; $j < $num_jobs; $j++) { if ($j == $job_id) { if (@ARGV > 0) { push @OUTPUTS, $ARGV[0]; } else { push @OUTPUTS, "-"; } } else { push @OUTPUTS, "/dev/null"; } } } if ($utt2spk_file ne "") { # We have the --utt2spk option... open(U, "<$utt2spk_file") || die "Failed to open utt2spk file $utt2spk_file"; while(<U>) { @A = split; @A == 2 || die "Bad line $_ in utt2spk file $utt2spk_file"; ($u,$s) = @A; $utt2spk{$u} = $s; } open(I, "<$inscp") || die "Opening input scp file $inscp"; @spkrs = (); while(<I>) { @A = split; if(@A == 0) { die "Empty or space-only line in scp file $inscp"; } $u = $A[0]; $s = $utt2spk{$u}; if(!defined $s) { die "No such utterance $u in utt2spk file $utt2spk_file"; } if(!defined $spk_count{$s}) { push @spkrs, $s; $spk_count{$s} = 0; $spk_data{$s} = ""; } $spk_count{$s}++; $spk_data{$s} = $spk_data{$s} . $_; } # Now split as equally as possible .. # First allocate spks to files by allocating an approximately # equal number of speakers. $numspks = @spkrs; # number of speakers. $numscps = @OUTPUTS; # number of output files. for($scpidx = 0; $scpidx < $numscps; $scpidx++) { $scparray[$scpidx] = []; # [] is array reference. } for ($spkidx = 0; $spkidx < $numspks; $spkidx++) { $scpidx = int(($spkidx*$numscps) / $numspks); $spk = $spkrs[$spkidx]; push @{$scparray[$scpidx]}, $spk; $scpcount[$scpidx] += $spk_count{$spk}; } # Now will try to reassign beginning + ending speakers # to different scp's and see if it gets more balanced. # Suppose objf we're minimizing is sum_i (num utts in scp[i] - average)^2. # We can show that if considering changing just 2 scp's, we minimize # this by minimizing the squared difference in sizes. This is # equivalent to minimizing the absolute difference in sizes. This # shows this method is bound to converge. $changed = 1; while($changed) { $changed = 0; for($scpidx = 0; $scpidx < $numscps; $scpidx++) { # First try to reassign ending spk of this scp. if($scpidx < $numscps-1) { $sz = @{$scparray[$scpidx]}; if($sz > 0) { $spk = $scparray[$scpidx]->[$sz-1]; $count = $spk_count{$spk}; $nutt1 = $scpcount[$scpidx]; $nutt2 = $scpcount[$scpidx+1]; if( abs( ($nutt2+$count) - ($nutt1-$count)) < abs($nutt2 - $nutt1)) { # Would decrease # size-diff by reassigning spk... $scpcount[$scpidx+1] += $count; $scpcount[$scpidx] -= $count; pop @{$scparray[$scpidx]}; unshift @{$scparray[$scpidx+1]}, $spk; $changed = 1; } } } if($scpidx > 0 && @{$scparray[$scpidx]} > 0) { $spk = $scparray[$scpidx]->[0]; $count = $spk_count{$spk}; $nutt1 = $scpcount[$scpidx-1]; $nutt2 = $scpcount[$scpidx]; if( abs( ($nutt2-$count) - ($nutt1+$count)) < abs($nutt2 - $nutt1)) { # Would decrease # size-diff by reassigning spk... $scpcount[$scpidx-1] += $count; $scpcount[$scpidx] -= $count; shift @{$scparray[$scpidx]}; push @{$scparray[$scpidx-1]}, $spk; $changed = 1; } } } } # Now print out the files... for($scpidx = 0; $scpidx < $numscps; $scpidx++) { $scpfn = $OUTPUTS[$scpidx]; open(F, ">$scpfn") || die "Could not open scp file $scpfn for writing."; $count = 0; if(@{$scparray[$scpidx]} == 0) { print STDERR "Warning: split_scp.pl producing empty .scp file $scpfn (too many splits and too few speakers?)\n"; } else { foreach $spk ( @{$scparray[$scpidx]} ) { print F $spk_data{$spk}; $count += $spk_count{$spk}; } if($count != $scpcount[$scpidx]) { die "Count mismatch [code error]"; } } close(F); } } else { # This block is the "normal" case where there is no --utt2spk # option and we just break into equal size chunks. open(I, "<$inscp") || die "Opening input scp file $inscp"; $numscps = @OUTPUTS; # size of array. @F = (); while(<I>) { push @F, $_; } $numlines = @F; if($numlines == 0) { print STDERR "split_scp.pl: warning: empty input scp file $inscp"; } $linesperscp = int( ($numlines+($numscps-1)) / $numscps); # the +$(numscps-1) forces rounding up. # [just doing int() rounds down]. for($scpidx = 0; $scpidx < @OUTPUTS; $scpidx++) { $scpfile = $OUTPUTS[$scpidx]; open(O, ">$scpfile") || die "Opening output scp file $scpfile"; for($n = $linesperscp * $scpidx; $n < $numlines && $n < $linesperscp*($scpidx+1); $n++) { print O $F[$n]; } close(O) || die "Closing scp file $scpfile"; } }