#!/bin/bash stage=-1 stop_stage=100 dict_dir=data/lang_char unit_type=word TIMIT_path= . ${MAIN_ROOT}/utils/parse_options.sh || exit -1; mkdir -p data mkdir -p ${dict_dir} TARGET_DIR=${MAIN_ROOT}/examples/dataset mkdir -p ${TARGET_DIR} if [ ${stage} -le -1 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge -1 ]; then # download data, generate manifests python3 ${TARGET_DIR}/timit/timit_kaldi_standard_split.py \ --manifest_prefix="data/manifest" \ --src="data/local" \ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Prepare TIMIT failed. Terminated." exit 1 fi fi if [ ${stage} -le 0 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 0 ]; then # compute mean and stddev for normalizer num_workers=$(nproc) python3 ${MAIN_ROOT}/utils/compute_mean_std.py \ --manifest_path="data/manifest.train.raw" \ --num_samples=-1 \ --spectrum_type="fbank" \ --feat_dim=80 \ --delta_delta=false \ --sample_rate=16000 \ --stride_ms=10 \ --window_ms=25 \ --use_dB_normalization=False \ --num_workers=${num_workers} \ --output_path="data/mean_std.json" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Compute mean and stddev failed. Terminated." exit 1 fi fi if [ ${stage} -le 1 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 1 ]; then # build vocabulary python3 ${MAIN_ROOT}/utils/build_vocab.py \ --unit_type ${unit_type} \ --count_threshold=0 \ --vocab_path="${dict_dir}/vocab.txt" \ --manifest_paths="data/manifest.train.raw" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Build vocabulary failed. Terminated." exit 1 fi fi if [ ${stage} -le 2 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 2 ]; then # format manifest with tokenids, vocab size for set in train dev test; do { python3 ${MAIN_ROOT}/utils/format_data.py \ --cmvn_path "data/mean_std.json" \ --unit_type ${unit_type} \ --vocab_path="${dict_dir}/vocab.txt" \ --manifest_path="data/manifest.${set}.raw" \ --output_path="data/manifest.${set}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Formt mnaifest.${set} failed. Terminated." exit 1 fi }& done wait fi echo "TIMIT Data preparation done." exit 0