#!/bin/bash set +x set -e export GLOG_logtostderr=1 . ./path.sh || exit 1; # ds2 means deepspeech2 (acoutic model type) dir=$PWD/exp/ds2_graph_with_slot data=$PWD/data stage=0 stop_stage=10 mkdir -p $dir model_dir=$PWD/resource/model vocab=$model_dir/vocab.txt cmvn=$data/cmvn.ark text_with_slot=$data/text_with_slot resource=$PWD/resource # download resource if [ ! -f $cmvn ]; then wget -c https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/paddle_asr_online/resource.tar.gz tar xzfv resource.tar.gz ln -s ./resource/data . fi if [ ${stage} -le 1 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 1 ]; then # make dict unit_file=$vocab mkdir -p $dir/local/dict cp $unit_file $dir/local/dict/units.txt cp $text_with_slot $dir/train_text utils/fst/prepare_dict.py --unit_file $unit_file --in_lexicon $data/lexicon.txt \ --out_lexicon $dir/local/dict/lexicon.txt # add slot to lexicon, just in case the lm training script filter the slot. echo "<MONEY_SLOT> 一" >> $dir/local/dict/lexicon.txt echo "<DATE_SLOT> 一" >> $dir/local/dict/lexicon.txt echo "<ADDRESS_SLOT> 一" >> $dir/local/dict/lexicon.txt echo "<YEAR_SLOT> 一" >> $dir/local/dict/lexicon.txt echo "<TIME_SLOT> 一" >> $dir/local/dict/lexicon.txt fi if [ ${stage} -le 2 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 2 ]; then # train lm lm=$dir/local/lm mkdir -p $lm # this script is different with the common lm training script local/train_lm_with_slot.sh fi if [ ${stage} -le 3 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 3 ]; then # make T & L local/compile_lexicon_token_fst.sh $dir/local/dict $dir/local/tmp $dir/local/lang mkdir -p $dir/local/lang_test # make slot graph local/mk_slot_graph.sh $resource/graph $dir/local/lang_test # make TLG local/mk_tlg_with_slot.sh $dir/local/lm $dir/local/lang $dir/local/lang_test || exit 1; mv $dir/local/lang_test/TLG.fst $dir/local/lang/ fi if [ ${stage} -le 4 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 4 ]; then # test TLG model_dir=$PWD/resource/model cmvn=$data/cmvn.ark wav_scp=$data/wav.scp graph=$dir/local/lang recognizer_test_main \ --wav_rspecifier=scp:$wav_scp \ --cmvn_file=$cmvn \ --use_fbank=true \ --model_path=$model_dir/avg_10.jit.pdmodel \ --param_path=$model_dir/avg_10.jit.pdiparams \ --model_cache_shapes="5-1-2048,5-1-2048" \ --model_output_names=softmax_0.tmp_0,tmp_5,concat_0.tmp_0,concat_1.tmp_0 \ --word_symbol_table=$graph/words.txt \ --graph_path=$graph/TLG.fst --max_active=7500 \ --acoustic_scale=12 \ --result_wspecifier=ark,t:./exp/result_run.txt # the data/wav.trans is the label. utils/compute-wer.py --char=1 --v=1 data/wav.trans exp/result_run.txt > exp/wer_run tail -n 7 exp/wer_run fi