# ECAPA-TDNN with VoxCeleb This example contains code used to train a ECAPA-TDNN model with [VoxCeleb dataset](https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/voxceleb/index.html#about) ## Overview All the scripts you need are in the `run.sh`. There are several stages in the `run.sh`, and each stage has its function. | Stage | Function | |:---- |:----------------------------------------------------------- | | 0 | Process data. It includes:
(1) Download the VoxCeleb1 dataset
(2) Download the VoxCeleb2 dataset
(3) Convert the VoxCeleb2 m4a to wav format
(4) Get the manifest files of the train, development and test dataset
(5) Download the RIR Noise dataset and Get the noise manifest files for augmentation | | 1 | Train the model | | 2 | Test the speaker verification with VoxCeleb trial| You can choose to run a range of stages by setting the `stage` and `stop_stage `. For example, if you want to execute the code in stage 1 and stage 2, you can run this script: ```bash bash run.sh --stage 1 --stop_stage 2 ``` Or you can set `stage` equal to `stop-stage` to only run one stage. For example, if you only want to run `stage 0`, you can use the script below: ```bash bash run.sh --stage 1 --stop_stage 1 ``` The document below will describe the scripts in the `run.sh` in detail. ## The environment variables The path.sh contains the environment variable. ```bash source path.sh ``` This script needs to be run first. And another script is also needed: ```bash source ${MAIN_ROOT}/utils/parse_options.sh ``` It will support the way of using `--variable value` in the shell scripts. ## The local variables Some local variables are set in the `run.sh`. `gpus` denotes the GPU number you want to use. If you set `gpus=`, it means you only use CPU. `stage` denotes the number of the stage you want to start from in the experiments. `stop stage` denotes the number of the stage you want to end at in the experiments. `conf_path` denotes the config path of the model. `exp_dir` denotes the experiment directory, e.g. "exp/ecapa-tdnn-vox12-big/" You can set the local variables when you use the `run.sh` For example, you can set the `gpus` when you use the command line.: ```bash bash run.sh --gpus 0,1 ``` ## Stage 0: Data processing To use this example, you need to process data firstly and you can use stage 0 in the `run.sh` to do this. The code is shown below: ```bash if [ ${stage} -le 0 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 0 ]; then # prepare data bash ./local/data.sh || exit -1 fi ``` Stage 0 is for processing the data. If you only want to process the data. You can run ```bash bash run.sh --stage 0 --stop_stage 0 ``` You can also just run these scripts in your command line. ```bash source path.sh bash ./local/data.sh ``` After processing the data, the `data` directory will look like this: ```bash data/ ├── rir_noise │   ├── csv │   │   ├── noise.csv │   │   └── rir.csv │   ├── manifest.pointsource_noises │   ├── manifest.real_rirs_isotropic_noises │   └── manifest.simulated_rirs ├── vox │   ├── csv │   │   ├── dev.csv │   │   ├── enroll.csv │   │   ├── test.csv │   │   └── train.csv │   └── meta │   └── label2id.txt └── vox1 ├── list_test_all2.txt ├── list_test_all.txt ├── list_test_hard2.txt ├── list_test_hard.txt ├── manifest.dev ├── manifest.test ├── veri_test2.txt ├── veri_test.txt ├── voxceleb1.dev.meta └── voxceleb1.test.meta ``` ## Stage 1: Model training If you want to train the model. you can use stage 1 in the `run.sh`. The code is shown below. ```bash if [ ${stage} -le 1 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 1 ]; then # train model, all `ckpt` under `exp` dir CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${gpus} ./local/train.sh ${conf_path} ${ckpt} fi ``` If you want to train the model, you can use the script below to execute stage 0 and stage 1: ```bash bash run.sh --stage 0 --stop_stage 1 ``` or you can run these scripts in the command line (only use CPU). ```bash source path.sh bash ./local/data.sh ./data/ conf/ecapa_tdnn.yaml CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= ./local/train.sh ./data/ exp/ecapa-tdnn-vox12-big/ conf/ecapa_tdnn.yaml ``` ## Stage 2: Model Testing The test stage is to evaluate the model performance. The code of the test stage is shown below: ```bash if [ ${stage} -le 2 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 2 ]; then # test ckpt avg_n CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 ./local/test.sh ${dir} ${exp_dir} ${conf_path} || exit -1 fi ``` If you want to train a model and test it, you can use the script below to execute stage 0, stage 1 and stage 2: ```bash bash run.sh --stage 0 --stop_stage 2 ``` or you can run these scripts in the command line (only use CPU). ```bash source path.sh bash ./local/data.sh ./data/ conf/ecapa_tdnn.yaml CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= ./local/train.sh ./data/ exp/ecapa-tdnn-vox12-big/ conf/ecapa_tdnn.yaml CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= ./local/test.sh ./data/ exp/ecapa-tdnn-vox12-big/ conf/ecapa_tdnn.yaml ``` ## 3: Pretrained Model You can get the pretrained models from [this](../../../docs/source/released_model.md). using the `tar` scripts to unpack the model and then you can use the script to test the model. For example: ``` wget https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/vector/voxceleb/sv0_ecapa_tdnn_voxceleb12_ckpt_0_2_0.tar.gz tar -xvf sv0_ecapa_tdnn_voxceleb12_ckpt_0_2_0.tar.gz source path.sh # If you have processed the data and get the manifest file, you can skip the following 2 steps CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= ./local/test.sh ./data sv0_ecapa_tdnn_voxceleb12_ckpt_0_1_2 conf/ecapa_tdnn.yaml ``` The performance of the released models are shown in [this](./RESULTS.md)