# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re from typing import Dict from typing import List import paddle from paddlespeech.t2s.frontend import English from paddlespeech.t2s.frontend.zh_frontend import Frontend class MixFrontend(): def __init__(self, g2p_model="pypinyin", phone_vocab_path=None, tone_vocab_path=None): self.zh_frontend = Frontend( phone_vocab_path=phone_vocab_path, tone_vocab_path=tone_vocab_path) self.en_frontend = English(phone_vocab_path=phone_vocab_path) self.SENTENCE_SPLITOR = re.compile(r'([:、,;。?!,;?!][”’]?)') self.sp_id = self.zh_frontend.vocab_phones["sp"] self.sp_id_tensor = paddle.to_tensor([self.sp_id]) def is_chinese(self, char): if char >= '\u4e00' and char <= '\u9fa5': return True else: return False def is_alphabet(self, char): if (char >= '\u0041' and char <= '\u005a') or (char >= '\u0061' and char <= '\u007a'): return True else: return False def is_number(self, char): if char >= '\u0030' and char <= '\u0039': return True else: return False def is_other(self, char): if not (self.is_chinese(char) or self.is_number(char) or self.is_alphabet(char)): return True else: return False def _split(self, text: str) -> List[str]: text = re.sub(r'[《》【】<=>{}()()#&@“”^_|…\\]', '', text) # 替换英文句子的句号 "." --> "。" 用于后续分句 point = "." point_indexs = [] index = -1 for i in range(text.count(point)): index = text.find(".", index + 1, len(text)) point_indexs.append(index) print(point_indexs) for point_index in point_indexs: # 如果点在最开始或者最末尾的位置,不处理 if point_index == 0 or point_index == len(text) - 1: pass else: if ((self.is_alphabet(text[point_index - 1]) or text[point_index - 1] == " ") and (self.is_alphabet(text[point_index + 1]) or text[point_index + 1] == " ")): text = text.replace(text[point_index], "。") text = self.SENTENCE_SPLITOR.sub(r'\1\n', text) text = text.strip() sentences = [sentence.strip() for sentence in re.split(r'\n+', text)] return sentences def _distinguish(self, text: str) -> List[str]: # sentence --> [ch_part, en_part, ch_part, ...] segments = [] types = [] flag = 0 temp_seg = "" temp_lang = "" # Determine the type of each character. type: blank, chinese, alphabet, number, unk and point. for ch in text: if ch == ".": types.append("point") elif self.is_chinese(ch): types.append("zh") elif self.is_alphabet(ch): types.append("en") elif ch == " ": types.append("blank") elif self.is_number(ch): types.append("num") else: types.append("unk") assert len(types) == len(text) for i in range(len(types)): # find the first char of the seg if flag == 0: # 首个字符是中文,英文或者数字 if types[i] == "zh" or types[i] == "en" or types[i] == "num": temp_seg += text[i] temp_lang = types[i] flag = 1 else: # 数字和小数点均与前面的字符合并,类型属于前面一个字符的类型 if types[i] == temp_lang or types[i] == "num" or types[ i] == "point": temp_seg += text[i] # 数字与后面的任意字符都拼接 elif temp_lang == "num": temp_seg += text[i] if types[i] == "zh" or types[i] == "en": temp_lang = types[i] # 如果是空格则与前面字符拼接 elif types[i] == "blank": temp_seg += text[i] elif types[i] == "unk": pass else: segments.append((temp_seg, temp_lang)) if types[i] == "zh" or types[i] == "en": temp_seg = text[i] temp_lang = types[i] flag = 1 else: flag = 0 temp_seg = "" temp_lang = "" segments.append((temp_seg, temp_lang)) return segments def get_input_ids(self, sentence: str, merge_sentences: bool=True, get_tone_ids: bool=False, add_sp: bool=True, to_tensor: bool=True) -> Dict[str, List[paddle.Tensor]]: sentences = self._split(sentence) phones_list = [] result = {} for text in sentences: phones_seg = [] segments = self._distinguish(text) for seg in segments: content = seg[0] lang = seg[1] if lang == "zh": input_ids = self.zh_frontend.get_input_ids( content, merge_sentences=True, get_tone_ids=get_tone_ids, to_tensor=to_tensor) elif lang == "en": input_ids = self.en_frontend.get_input_ids( content, merge_sentences=True, to_tensor=to_tensor) phones_seg.append(input_ids["phone_ids"][0]) if add_sp: phones_seg.append(self.sp_id_tensor) phones = paddle.concat(phones_seg) phones_list.append(phones) if merge_sentences: merge_list = paddle.concat(phones_list) # rm the last 'sp' to avoid the noise at the end # cause in the training data, no 'sp' in the end if merge_list[-1] == self.sp_id_tensor: merge_list = merge_list[:-1] phones_list = [] phones_list.append(merge_list) result["phone_ids"] = phones_list return result