# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Credits This code is modified from https://github.com/GitYCC/g2pW """ import re def wordize_and_map(text): words = [] index_map_from_text_to_word = [] index_map_from_word_to_text = [] while len(text) > 0: match_space = re.match(r'^ +', text) if match_space: space_str = match_space.group(0) index_map_from_text_to_word += [None] * len(space_str) text = text[len(space_str):] continue match_en = re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+', text) if match_en: en_word = match_en.group(0) word_start_pos = len(index_map_from_text_to_word) word_end_pos = word_start_pos + len(en_word) index_map_from_word_to_text.append((word_start_pos, word_end_pos)) index_map_from_text_to_word += [len(words)] * len(en_word) words.append(en_word) text = text[len(en_word):] else: word_start_pos = len(index_map_from_text_to_word) word_end_pos = word_start_pos + 1 index_map_from_word_to_text.append((word_start_pos, word_end_pos)) index_map_from_text_to_word += [len(words)] words.append(text[0]) text = text[1:] return words, index_map_from_text_to_word, index_map_from_word_to_text def tokenize_and_map(tokenizer, text): words, text2word, word2text = wordize_and_map(text) tokens = [] index_map_from_token_to_text = [] for word, (word_start, word_end) in zip(words, word2text): word_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(word) if len(word_tokens) == 0 or word_tokens == ['[UNK]']: index_map_from_token_to_text.append((word_start, word_end)) tokens.append('[UNK]') else: current_word_start = word_start for word_token in word_tokens: word_token_len = len(re.sub(r'^##', '', word_token)) index_map_from_token_to_text.append( (current_word_start, current_word_start + word_token_len)) current_word_start = current_word_start + word_token_len tokens.append(word_token) index_map_from_text_to_token = text2word for i, (token_start, token_end) in enumerate(index_map_from_token_to_text): for token_pos in range(token_start, token_end): index_map_from_text_to_token[token_pos] = i return tokens, index_map_from_text_to_token, index_map_from_token_to_text def _load_config(config_path): import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('__init__', config_path) config = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(config) return config default_config_dict = { 'manual_seed': 1313, 'model_source': 'bert-base-chinese', 'window_size': 32, 'num_workers': 2, 'use_mask': True, 'use_char_phoneme': False, 'use_conditional': True, 'param_conditional': { 'affect_location': 'softmax', 'bias': True, 'char-linear': True, 'pos-linear': False, 'char+pos-second': True, 'char+pos-second_lowrank': False, 'lowrank_size': 0, 'char+pos-second_fm': False, 'fm_size': 0, 'fix_mode': None, 'count_json': 'train.count.json' }, 'lr': 5e-5, 'val_interval': 200, 'num_iter': 10000, 'use_focal': False, 'param_focal': { 'alpha': 0.0, 'gamma': 0.7 }, 'use_pos': True, 'param_pos ': { 'weight': 0.1, 'pos_joint_training': True, 'train_pos_path': 'train.pos', 'valid_pos_path': 'dev.pos', 'test_pos_path': 'test.pos' } } def load_config(config_path, use_default=False): config = _load_config(config_path) if use_default: for attr, val in default_config_dict.items(): if not hasattr(config, attr): setattr(config, attr, val) elif isinstance(val, dict): d = getattr(config, attr) for dict_k, dict_v in val.items(): if dict_k not in d: d[dict_k] = dict_v return config