# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Contains data helper functions.""" import codecs import json import math import numpy as np from deepspeech.utils.log import Log logger = Log(__name__).getlog() __all__ = [ "load_cmvn", "read_manifest", "rms_to_db", "rms_to_dbfs", "max_dbfs", "mean_dbfs", "gain_db_to_ratio", "normalize_audio", "SOS", "EOS", "UNK", "BLANK" ] IGNORE_ID = -1 SOS = "<sos/eos>" EOS = SOS UNK = "<unk>" BLANK = "<blank>" def read_manifest( manifest_path, max_input_len=float('inf'), min_input_len=0.0, max_output_len=float('inf'), min_output_len=0.0, max_output_input_ratio=float('inf'), min_output_input_ratio=0.0, ): """Load and parse manifest file. Args: manifest_path ([type]): Manifest file to load and parse. max_input_len ([type], optional): maximum output seq length, in seconds for raw wav, in frame numbers for feature data. Defaults to float('inf'). min_input_len (float, optional): minimum input seq length, in seconds for raw wav, in frame numbers for feature data. Defaults to 0.0. max_output_len (float, optional): maximum input seq length, in modeling units. Defaults to 500.0. min_output_len (float, optional): minimum input seq length, in modeling units. Defaults to 0.0. max_output_input_ratio (float, optional): maximum output seq length/output seq length ratio. Defaults to 10.0. min_output_input_ratio (float, optional): minimum output seq length/output seq length ratio. Defaults to 0.05. Raises: IOError: If failed to parse the manifest. Returns: List[dict]: Manifest parsing results. """ manifest = [] for json_line in codecs.open(manifest_path, 'r', 'utf-8'): try: json_data = json.loads(json_line) except Exception as e: raise IOError("Error reading manifest: %s" % str(e)) feat_len = json_data["feat_shape"][ 0] if 'feat_shape' in json_data else 1.0 token_len = json_data["token_shape"][ 0] if 'token_shape' in json_data else 1.0 conditions = [ feat_len >= min_input_len, feat_len <= max_input_len, token_len >= min_output_len, token_len <= max_output_len, token_len / feat_len >= min_output_input_ratio, token_len / feat_len <= max_output_input_ratio, ] if all(conditions): manifest.append(json_data) return manifest def rms_to_db(rms: float): """Root Mean Square to dB. Args: rms ([float]): root mean square Returns: float: dB """ return 20.0 * math.log10(max(1e-16, rms)) def rms_to_dbfs(rms: float): """Root Mean Square to dBFS. https://fireattack.wordpress.com/2017/02/06/replaygain-loudness-normalization-and-applications/ Audio is mix of sine wave, so 1 amp sine wave's Full scale is 0.7071, equal to -3.0103dB. dB = dBFS + 3.0103 dBFS = db - 3.0103 e.g. 0 dB = -3.0103 dBFS Args: rms ([float]): root mean square Returns: float: dBFS """ return rms_to_db(rms) - 3.0103 def max_dbfs(sample_data: np.ndarray): """Peak dBFS based on the maximum energy sample. Args: sample_data ([np.ndarray]): float array, [-1, 1]. Returns: float: dBFS """ # Peak dBFS based on the maximum energy sample. Will prevent overdrive if used for normalization. return rms_to_dbfs(max(abs(np.min(sample_data)), abs(np.max(sample_data)))) def mean_dbfs(sample_data): """Peak dBFS based on the RMS energy. Args: sample_data ([np.ndarray]): float array, [-1, 1]. Returns: float: dBFS """ return rms_to_dbfs( math.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(sample_data, dtype=np.float64)))) def gain_db_to_ratio(gain_db: float): """dB to ratio Args: gain_db (float): gain in dB Returns: float: scale in amp """ return math.pow(10.0, gain_db / 20.0) def normalize_audio(sample_data: np.ndarray, dbfs: float=-3.0103): """Nomalize audio to dBFS. Args: sample_data (np.ndarray): input wave samples, [-1, 1]. dbfs (float, optional): target dBFS. Defaults to -3.0103. Returns: np.ndarray: normalized wave """ return np.maximum( np.minimum(sample_data * gain_db_to_ratio(dbfs - max_dbfs(sample_data)), 1.0), -1.0) def _load_json_cmvn(json_cmvn_file): """ Load the json format cmvn stats file and calculate cmvn Args: json_cmvn_file: cmvn stats file in json format Returns: a numpy array of [means, vars] """ with open(json_cmvn_file) as f: cmvn_stats = json.load(f) means = cmvn_stats['mean_stat'] variance = cmvn_stats['var_stat'] count = cmvn_stats['frame_num'] for i in range(len(means)): means[i] /= count variance[i] = variance[i] / count - means[i] * means[i] if variance[i] < 1.0e-20: variance[i] = 1.0e-20 variance[i] = 1.0 / math.sqrt(variance[i]) cmvn = np.array([means, variance]) return cmvn def _load_kaldi_cmvn(kaldi_cmvn_file): """ Load the kaldi format cmvn stats file and calculate cmvn Args: kaldi_cmvn_file: kaldi text style global cmvn file, which is generated by: compute-cmvn-stats --binary=false scp:feats.scp global_cmvn Returns: a numpy array of [means, vars] """ means = [] variance = [] with open(kaldi_cmvn_file, 'r') as fid: # kaldi binary file start with '\0B' if fid.read(2) == '\0B': logger.error('kaldi cmvn binary file is not supported, please ' 'recompute it by: compute-cmvn-stats --binary=false ' ' scp:feats.scp global_cmvn') sys.exit(1) fid.seek(0) arr = fid.read().split() assert (arr[0] == '[') assert (arr[-2] == '0') assert (arr[-1] == ']') feat_dim = int((len(arr) - 2 - 2) / 2) for i in range(1, feat_dim + 1): means.append(float(arr[i])) count = float(arr[feat_dim + 1]) for i in range(feat_dim + 2, 2 * feat_dim + 2): variance.append(float(arr[i])) for i in range(len(means)): means[i] /= count variance[i] = variance[i] / count - means[i] * means[i] if variance[i] < 1.0e-20: variance[i] = 1.0e-20 variance[i] = 1.0 / math.sqrt(variance[i]) cmvn = np.array([means, variance]) return cmvn def load_cmvn(cmvn_file: str, filetype: str): """load cmvn from file. Args: cmvn_file (str): cmvn path. filetype (str): file type, optional[npz, json, kaldi]. Raises: ValueError: file type not support. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: mean, istd """ assert filetype in ['npz', 'json', 'kaldi'], filetype filetype = filetype.lower() if filetype == "json": cmvn = _load_json_cmvn(cmvn_file) elif filetype == "kaldi": cmvn = _load_kaldi_cmvn(cmvn_file) else: raise ValueError(f"cmvn file type no support: {filetype}") return cmvn[0], cmvn[1]