# Customized ASR ## introduction These scripts are tutorials to show you how build your own decoding graph. eg: * G with slot: 打车到 "address_slot"。 ![](https://ai-studio-static-online.cdn.bcebos.com/28d9ef132a7f47a895a65ae9e5c4f55b8f472c9f3dd24be8a2e66e0b88b173a4) * this is address slot wfst, you can add the address which want to recognize. ![](https://ai-studio-static-online.cdn.bcebos.com/47c89100ef8c465bac733605ffc53d76abefba33d62f4d818d351f8cea3c8fe2) * after replace operation, G = fstreplace(G_with_slot, address_slot), we will get the customized graph. ![](https://ai-studio-static-online.cdn.bcebos.com/60a3095293044f10b73039ab10c7950d139a6717580a44a3ba878c6e74de402b) These operations are in the scripts, please check out. we will lanuch more detail scripts. ## How to run ``` bash run.sh ``` ## Results ### CTC WFST ``` Overall -> 1.23 % N=1134 C=1126 S=6 D=2 I=6 Mandarin -> 1.24 % N=1132 C=1124 S=6 D=2 I=6 English -> 0.00 % N=2 C=2 S=0 D=0 I=0 ```