# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ A Simple Chinese Phonology using pinyin symbols. The G2P conversion converts pinyin string to symbols. Also it can handle string in Chinese chracters, but due to the complexity of chinese G2P, we can leave text -> pinyin to other part of a TTS system. Other NLP techniques may be used (e.g. tokenization, tagging, NER...) """ import re from itertools import product from pypinyin.contrib.neutral_tone import NeutralToneWith5Mixin from pypinyin.core import DefaultConverter from pypinyin.core import Pinyin from pypinyin.core import Style from paddlespeech.t2s.frontend.phonectic import Phonetics from paddlespeech.t2s.frontend.vocab import Vocab _punctuations = [',', '。', '?', '!'] _initials = [ 'b', 'p', 'm', 'f', 'd', 't', 'n', 'l', 'g', 'k', 'h', 'j', 'q', 'x', 'zh', 'ch', 'sh', 'r', 'z', 'c', 's' ] _finals = [ 'ii', 'iii', 'a', 'o', 'e', 'ea', 'ai', 'ei', 'ao', 'ou', 'an', 'en', 'ang', 'eng', 'er', 'i', 'ia', 'io', 'ie', 'iai', 'iao', 'iou', 'ian', 'ien', 'iang', 'ieng', 'u', 'ua', 'uo', 'uai', 'uei', 'uan', 'uen', 'uang', 'ueng', 'v', 've', 'van', 'ven', 'veng' ] _ernized_symbol = ['&r'] _phones = _initials + _finals + _ernized_symbol + _punctuations _tones = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] _toned_finals = [final + tone for final, tone in product(_finals, _tones[1:])] _toned_phonems = _initials + _toned_finals + _ernized_symbol + _punctuations class ParakeetConverter(NeutralToneWith5Mixin, DefaultConverter): pass class ParakeetPinyin(Phonetics): def __init__(self): self.vocab_phonemes = Vocab(_phones) self.vocab_tones = Vocab(_tones) self.pinyin_backend = Pinyin(ParakeetConverter()) def convert_pypinyin_tone3(self, syllables, add_start_end=False): phonemes, tones = _convert_to_parakeet_style_pinyin(syllables) if add_start_end: start = self.vocab_phonemes.start_symbol end = self.vocab_phonemes.end_symbol phonemes = [start] + phonemes + [end] start = self.vocab_tones.start_symbol end = self.vocab_tones.end_symbol phonemes = [start] + tones + [end] phonemes = [ item for item in phonemes if item in self.vocab_phonemes.stoi ] tones = [item for item in tones if item in self.vocab_tones.stoi] return phonemes, tones def phoneticize(self, sentence, add_start_end=False): """ Normalize the input text sequence and convert it into pronunciation sequence. Parameters ----------- sentence: str The input text sequence. Returns ---------- List[str] The list of pronunciation sequence. """ syllables = self.pinyin_backend.lazy_pinyin( sentence, style=Style.TONE3, strict=True) phonemes, tones = self.convert_pypinyin_tone3( syllables, add_start_end=add_start_end) return phonemes, tones def numericalize(self, phonemes, tones): """ Convert pronunciation sequence into pronunciation id sequence. Parameters ----------- phonemes: List[str] The list of pronunciation sequence. Returns ---------- List[int] The list of pronunciation id sequence. """ phoneme_ids = [self.vocab_phonemes.lookup(item) for item in phonemes] tone_ids = [self.vocab_tones.lookup(item) for item in tones] return phoneme_ids, tone_ids def __call__(self, sentence, add_start_end=False): """ Convert the input text sequence into pronunciation id sequence. Parameters ----------- sentence: str The input text sequence. Returns ---------- List[str] The list of pronunciation id sequence. """ phonemes, tones = self.phoneticize( sentence, add_start_end=add_start_end) phoneme_ids, tone_ids = self.numericalize(phonemes, tones) return phoneme_ids, tone_ids @property def vocab_size(self): """ Vocab size. """ # 70 = 62 phones + 4 punctuations + 4 special tokens return len(self.vocab_phonemes) @property def tone_vocab_size(self): # 10 = 1 non tone + 5 tone + 4 special tokens return len(self.vocab_tones) class ParakeetPinyinWithTone(Phonetics): def __init__(self): self.vocab = Vocab(_toned_phonems) self.pinyin_backend = Pinyin(ParakeetConverter()) def convert_pypinyin_tone3(self, syllables, add_start_end=False): phonemes = _convert_to_parakeet_style_pinyin_with_tone(syllables) if add_start_end: start = self.vocab_phonemes.start_symbol end = self.vocab_phonemes.end_symbol phonemes = [start] + phonemes + [end] phonemes = [item for item in phonemes if item in self.vocab.stoi] return phonemes def phoneticize(self, sentence, add_start_end=False): """ Normalize the input text sequence and convert it into pronunciation sequence. Parameters ----------- sentence: str The input text sequence. Returns ---------- List[str] The list of pronunciation sequence. """ syllables = self.pinyin_backend.lazy_pinyin( sentence, style=Style.TONE3, strict=True) phonemes = self.convert_pypinyin_tone3( syllables, add_start_end=add_start_end) return phonemes def numericalize(self, phonemes): """ Convert pronunciation sequence into pronunciation id sequence. Parameters ----------- phonemes: List[str] The list of pronunciation sequence. Returns ---------- List[int] The list of pronunciation id sequence. """ phoneme_ids = [self.vocab.lookup(item) for item in phonemes] return phoneme_ids def __call__(self, sentence, add_start_end=False): """ Convert the input text sequence into pronunciation id sequence. Parameters ----------- sentence: str The input text sequence. Returns ---------- List[str] The list of pronunciation id sequence. """ phonemes = self.phoneticize(sentence, add_start_end=add_start_end) phoneme_ids = self.numericalize(phonemes) return phoneme_ids @property def vocab_size(self): """ Vocab size. """ # 230 = 222 phones + 4 punctuations + 4 special tokens return len(self.vocab) def _convert_to_parakeet_convension(syllable): # from pypinyin.Style.TONE3 to parakeet convension tone = syllable[-1] syllable = syllable[:-1] # expansion of o -> uo syllable = re.sub(r"([bpmf])o$", r"\1uo", syllable) # expansion for iong, ong syllable = syllable.replace("iong", "veng").replace("ong", "ueng") # expansion for ing, in syllable = syllable.replace("ing", "ieng").replace("in", "ien") # expansion for un, ui, iu syllable = syllable.replace("un", "uen") \ .replace("ui", "uei") \ .replace("iu", "iou") # rule for variants of i syllable = syllable.replace("zi", "zii") \ .replace("ci", "cii") \ .replace("si", "sii") \ .replace("zhi", "zhiii") \ .replace("chi", "chiii") \ .replace("shi", "shiii") \ .replace("ri", "riii") # rule for y preceding i, u syllable = syllable.replace("yi", "i").replace("yu", "v").replace("y", "i") # rule for w syllable = syllable.replace("wu", "u").replace("w", "u") # rule for v following j, q, x syllable = syllable.replace("ju", "jv") \ .replace("qu", "qv") \ .replace("xu", "xv") return syllable + tone def _split_syllable(syllable: str): global _punctuations if syllable in _punctuations: # syllables, tones return [syllable], ['0'] syllable = _convert_to_parakeet_convension(syllable) tone = syllable[-1] syllable = syllable[:-1] phones = [] tones = [] global _initials if syllable[:2] in _initials: phones.append(syllable[:2]) tones.append('0') phones.append(syllable[2:]) tones.append(tone) elif syllable[0] in _initials: phones.append(syllable[0]) tones.append('0') phones.append(syllable[1:]) tones.append(tone) else: phones.append(syllable) tones.append(tone) return phones, tones def _convert_to_parakeet_style_pinyin(syllables): phones, tones = [], [] for syllable in syllables: p, t = _split_syllable(syllable) phones.extend(p) tones.extend(t) return phones, tones def _split_syllable_with_tone(syllable: str): global _punctuations if syllable in _punctuations: # syllables return [syllable] syllable = _convert_to_parakeet_convension(syllable) phones = [] global _initials if syllable[:2] in _initials: phones.append(syllable[:2]) phones.append(syllable[2:]) elif syllable[0] in _initials: phones.append(syllable[0]) phones.append(syllable[1:]) else: phones.append(syllable) return phones def _convert_to_parakeet_style_pinyin_with_tone(syllables): phones = [] for syllable in syllables: p = _split_syllable_with_tone(syllable) phones.extend(p) return phones