#!/bin/bash stage=-1 stop_stage=100 nj=32 debugmode=1 dumpdir=dump # directory to dump full features N=0 # number of minibatches to be used (mainly for debugging). "0" uses all minibatches. verbose=0 # verbose option resume= # Resume the training from snapshot # feature configuration do_delta=false # Set this to somewhere where you want to put your data, or where # someone else has already put it. You'll want to change this # if you're not on the CLSP grid. datadir=${MAIN_ROOT}/dataset/ # bpemode (unigram or bpe) nbpe=5000 bpemode=unigram source ${MAIN_ROOT}/utils/parse_options.sh # Set bash to 'debug' mode, it will exit on : # -e 'error', -u 'undefined variable', -o ... 'error in pipeline', -x 'print commands', set -e set -u set -o pipefail train_set=train_960 train_sp=train_sp train_dev=dev recog_set="test_clean test_other dev_clean dev_other" mkdir -p data TARGET_DIR=${MAIN_ROOT}/dataset mkdir -p ${TARGET_DIR} if [ ${stage} -le -1 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge -1 ]; then # download data, generate manifests python3 ${TARGET_DIR}/librispeech/librispeech.py \ --manifest_prefix="data/manifest" \ --target_dir="${TARGET_DIR}/librispeech" \ --full_download="True" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Prepare LibriSpeech failed. Terminated." exit 1 fi for set in train-clean-100 train-clean-360 train-other-500 dev-clean dev-other test-clean test-other; do mv data/manifest.${set} data/manifest.${set}.raw done rm -rf data/manifest.train.raw data/manifest.dev.raw data/manifest.test.raw for set in train-clean-100 train-clean-360 train-other-500; do cat data/manifest.${set}.raw >> data/manifest.train.raw done for set in dev-clean dev-other; do cat data/manifest.${set}.raw >> data/manifest.dev.raw done for set in test-clean test-other; do cat data/manifest.${set}.raw >> data/manifest.test.raw done fi if [ ${stage} -le 0 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 0 ]; then ### Task dependent. You have to make data the following preparation part by yourself. ### But you can utilize Kaldi recipes in most cases echo "stage 0: Data preparation" for part in dev-clean test-clean dev-other test-other train-clean-100 train-clean-360 train-other-500; do # use underscore-separated names in data directories. local/data_prep.sh ${datadir}/librispeech/${part}/LibriSpeech/${part} data/${part//-/_} done fi feat_tr_dir=${dumpdir}/${train_set}/delta${do_delta}; mkdir -p ${feat_tr_dir} feat_sp_dir=${dumpdir}/${train_sp}/delta${do_delta}; mkdir -p ${feat_sp_dir} feat_dt_dir=${dumpdir}/${train_dev}/delta${do_delta}; mkdir -p ${feat_dt_dir} if [ ${stage} -le 1 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 1 ]; then ### Task dependent. You have to design training and dev sets by yourself. ### But you can utilize Kaldi recipes in most cases echo "stage 1: Feature Generation" fbankdir=fbank # Generate the fbank features; by default 80-dimensional fbanks with pitch on each frame for x in dev_clean test_clean dev_other test_other train_clean_100 train_clean_360 train_other_500; do steps/make_fbank_pitch.sh --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj ${nj} --write_utt2num_frames true \ data/${x} exp/make_fbank/${x} ${fbankdir} utils/fix_data_dir.sh data/${x} done utils/combine_data.sh --extra_files utt2num_frames data/${train_set}_org data/train_clean_100 data/train_clean_360 data/train_other_500 utils/combine_data.sh --extra_files utt2num_frames data/${train_dev}_org data/dev_clean data/dev_other utils/perturb_data_dir_speed.sh 0.9 data/${train_set}_org data/temp1 utils/perturb_data_dir_speed.sh 1.0 data/${train_set}_org data/temp2 utils/perturb_data_dir_speed.sh 1.1 data/${train_set}_org data/temp3 utils/combine_data.sh --extra-files utt2uniq data/${train_sp}_org data/temp1 data/temp2 data/temp3 # remove utt having more than 3000 frames # remove utt having more than 400 characters remove_longshortdata.sh --maxframes 3000 --maxchars 400 data/${train_set}_org data/${train_set} remove_longshortdata.sh --maxframes 3000 --maxchars 400 data/${train_sp}_org data/${train_sp} remove_longshortdata.sh --maxframes 3000 --maxchars 400 data/${train_dev}_org data/${train_dev} steps/make_fbank_pitch.sh --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj $nj --write_utt2num_frames true \ data/train_sp exp/make_fbank/train_sp ${fbankdir} utils/fix_data_dir.sh data/train_sp # compute global CMVN compute-cmvn-stats scp:data/${train_sp}/feats.scp data/${train_sp}/cmvn.ark # dump features for training dump.sh --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj ${nj} --do_delta ${do_delta} \ data/${train_sp}/feats.scp data/${train_sp}/cmvn.ark exp/dump_feats/train ${feat_sp_dir} dump.sh --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj ${nj} --do_delta ${do_delta} \ data/${train_dev}/feats.scp data/${train_sp}/cmvn.ark exp/dump_feats/dev ${feat_dt_dir} for rtask in ${recog_set}; do feat_recog_dir=${dumpdir}/${rtask}/delta${do_delta}; mkdir -p ${feat_recog_dir} dump.sh --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj ${nj} --do_delta ${do_delta} \ data/${rtask}/feats.scp data/${train_sp}/cmvn.ark exp/dump_feats/recog/${rtask} \ ${feat_recog_dir} done fi dict=data/lang_char/${train_set}_${bpemode}${nbpe}_units.txt bpemodel=data/lang_char/${train_set}_${bpemode}${nbpe} echo "dictionary: ${dict}" if [ ${stage} -le 2 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 2 ]; then ### Task dependent. You have to check non-linguistic symbols used in the corpus. echo "stage 2: Dictionary and Json Data Preparation" mkdir -p data/lang_char/ echo "<unk> 1" > ${dict} # <unk> must be 1, 0 will be used for "blank" in CTC cut -f 2- -d" " data/${train_set}/text > data/lang_char/input.txt spm_train --input=data/lang_char/input.txt --vocab_size=${nbpe} --model_type=${bpemode} --model_prefix=${bpemodel} --input_sentence_size=100000000 spm_encode --model=${bpemodel}.model --output_format=piece < data/lang_char/input.txt | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq | awk '{print $0 " " NR+1}' >> ${dict} wc -l ${dict} # make json labels data2json.sh --nj ${nj} --feat ${feat_sp_dir}/feats.scp --bpecode ${bpemodel}.model \ data/${train_sp} ${dict} > ${feat_sp_dir}/data_${bpemode}${nbpe}.json data2json.sh --nj ${nj} --feat ${feat_dt_dir}/feats.scp --bpecode ${bpemodel}.model \ data/${train_dev} ${dict} > ${feat_dt_dir}/data_${bpemode}${nbpe}.json for rtask in ${recog_set}; do feat_recog_dir=${dumpdir}/${rtask}/delta${do_delta} data2json.sh --nj ${nj} --feat ${feat_recog_dir}/feats.scp --bpecode ${bpemodel}.model \ data/${rtask} ${dict} > ${feat_recog_dir}/data_${bpemode}${nbpe}.json done fi if [ ${stage} -le 3 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 3 ]; then # make json labels python3 local/espnet_json_to_manifest.py --json-file ${feat_sp_dir}/data_${bpemode}${nbpe}.json --manifest-file data/manifest.train python3 local/espnet_json_to_manifest.py --json-file ${feat_dt_dir}/data_${bpemode}${nbpe}.json --manifest-file data/manifest.dev for rtask in ${recog_set}; do feat_recog_dir=${dumpdir}/${rtask}/delta${do_delta} python3 local/espnet_json_to_manifest.py --json-file ${feat_recog_dir}/data_${bpemode}${nbpe}.json --manifest-file data/manifest.${rtask//_/-} done fi echo "LibriSpeech Data preparation done." exit 0